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Everything posted by hinata2000100

  1. "Ooooh! That's interesting!" Twilight said happily. She then looked at her flank, and looked down solemnly.
  2. "Ah don't care how much of an 'acquired taste' it is! It tastes awful!" Apple Fritter fumed. Then she remembered who these to stallions were. Applejack had told her about them. She couldn't remember what their names were, but she knew they were con-stallions who tried to run Applejack out of Sweet Apple Acres! She decided to get revenge on them for Applejack, and got an idea. "Ah got an idea. If'n it's such an 'acquired taste', why don't ya'll 'acquire' it for us?" Apple Fritter said, taking two bottles of energy drink, opening them, and splashing them in both of the twins' faces.
  3. Name: Fantasia Tempo Gender: Ah'm a girl, last time ah checked. Race: Ah got wings. *shows off wings* Brief History: (Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssss.... ((In other words, unless this is absolutely, 100% required, I refuse to do this.))) Looks: Mah hair's black with white stripes (ah think), curled at the end. Mah eyes are green, and mah wings an' coat are light blue. Cutie Mark: Piano keys, 3 black, 5 white. Ah got it after discoverin' how good ah am at piano. Personality: Ah try ta be as friendly as possible, but ah've heard from some people that ah can be a bit TOO friendly. Likes and dislikes: Ah like ta play piano, obviously, ah like bein' with mah friends, and what ah don't like is not bein' able ta fly. Random fact: Ummm... Well... There's not a whole lot interestin' about me.
  4. "Sounds like a deal, ah guess." Apple Fritter said, placing one bit on the table and taking her energy drink, she took one quick swig of it, and promptly spit it out. She wiped at her tongue with her hooves, and threw the remaining bottle of energy drink flat on the ground. "That drink tastes like dirt!" She bellowed. In reality, it tasted more like sandpaper mixed with applesauce with just a hint of dirt, but she didn't want to be long-winded. "Ah wouldn't drink this if ah was dyin' ah thirst in th' desert!" She yelled, snatching back up her bit.
  5. It is a rather interesting show, I have to admit. When I saw the previews and such, I thought all the supernatural stuff they saw was all just some hoax. But no, the show itself proved me very wrong.
  6. Fluttershy, Twilight Shine. DO THEM SLAVE! Just kidding, but can you do them, please?
  7. "Hmm... Ah'm not fully convinced, but it seems ta work.... Cuz ah me not bein' able ta decide... ah'll give ya 1 bit." Apple Fritter said. She wanted to have more energy, but that stallion seemed to be in a bit of pain as he drank the elixir. But, whether that was due to old age, she couldn't tell.
  8. Apple Fritter trotted down the streets of Ponyville, and saw something unnatural parked in Ponyville Park. She walked over to it, and saw two ponies she had swore she'd seen before, but she couldn't place her hoof on when and where. She heard them say a bunch of gobbledygook, and then something about an energy drink. She thought about picking up some to help her with late night farm tending. She raised her hoof, and trotted up to the front of the crowd. "All right, yer little energy drink... Can ya'll prove it works? If ya can do that, ah'll consider coughin' up th' two bits ya'll er askin' fer for that." Apple Fritter bargained. She wanted to make sure she was getting her money's worth.
  9. ~ Unicorns ~ Twilight Shine Foal / Female / Unicorn App Threads: Second Chance Romance Quest of the Cutie! ~ FiM Cast ~ Apple Fritter Mare / Female / Earth Pony App Threads: The Apple Family Reunion Cotton Cloudy Filly / Female / Pegasus App Threads: Head in the Clouds A Trip to Canterlot RP Color Code: Open Closed Private
  10. Apple Fritter hastily ran into the area for the reunion, and looked around, and saw that nopony seemed to care that she was late. EXTREMELY late, no less. She couldn't decide whether this was a blessing, or she should be insulted. Either way, she was just happy to finally be here. She looked around and saw most of her family having a good time, and smiled. She looked over her shoulder and saw Applejack talking to Caramel, and decided that AJ should be the first pony she should talk to. Apple Fritter trotted up to Applejack, and smiled at her. "Hay there, AJ! Sorry ah'm late, but my apple orchard needed tendin' to, and ah couldn't just leave it alone." Apple Fritter laughed. "E-Even if ah only got a couple trees..." She finished nervously. "Anyway, is there sumthin' ah can help with?" She asked. "Cuz if not, ah'll just look around, ya know, see what ya got here." She said happily.
  11. I didn't know there was a gender called [self Explanatory]! XD
  12. Wooooooo! Or in a more appropriate manner of cheering... *deep breath* Yay~
  13. Ex-CUSE me? >_> I want to be Fluttershy in this RP, and I might bring in an OC later.
  14. Fluttershy heard Twilight speaking rather hurriedly, and heard something about orientation and all counselors have to go to the center campfire. She hurriedly obliges, making her way to the center campfire. When she finally makes it there, she sits down in her spot, and waits for her friends to make their way over here.
  15. "No, I don't think I've ever heard this story." Twilight said, sitting down on the grass, watching Light with expectant eyes.
  16. Me and you are gonna get along fine. Welcome to Canterlot, fellow Fluttershy lover!
  17. "Hmm..... Hmmm.... HRMMMMMMM...." Twilight muttered, banging on her head. "I have no idea." Twilight finally responded.
  18. "That... is a good question." Twilight mumbled to herself, thinking over it. "Um.... Well.... Let's see here...." Twilight said, tapping on her head with her hoof.
  19. Oh, but of course, we can't forget Apple Bloom's cutie mark!
  20. "Pick... my magic?" Twilight asked, tilting her head in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"
  21. Twilight couldn't help but to giggle at that. "Heh, I guess you're right." She said happily.
  22. "Oh my Celestia! Light, are you OK?!" Twilight yelled, running over to Light. "A-Are you hurt?!" She asked quickly and nervously.
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