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Status Updates posted by Ciraxis

  1. Sometimes, you just have to live up to your title.

  2. Soooo...now that show unveiled their own Kirin, will there be distinction between them and our on-site version?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dubstep


      I can confirm that we'll be having both versions, and that we're discussing internally the distinctions and whatnot 😄

    3. Bellosh


      Ah geez, we have to get to work on new lore now because of you tattletales. :P

    4. Ciraxis


      Well seeing that the show one's have a more...Ehem...violent side, why not give them some 'western' dragons down the family line?

  3. Sooooo....are we getting Nightmare Night event this year?

    1. Corsair


      Maybe not Nightmare Night, but there is something in the works.  Stay tuned!

  4. Sorry about missing it. Happy birthday Lux, and million hugs to you!<glomp>

  5. Spring sales are really slaying my possible RP time. Thank Harmony for Easter and off-days that come with it.

    1. SteelEagle


      We'll be here for ya when you can visit us

    2. Ciraxis


      Make no mistake Steel, I am here everyday. It's just that after work my brain is totally zombiefied after work these days.

  6. Stumbled upon Duck Tales remake. And I ended up listening the theme song for hours. Send help.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewind


      Yah it's awesome, I fully intend to keep watching it when more eps come out this month!


    3. starswirlthebearded


      I hear that life is like a hurricane.... with race cars lasers and aeroplanes

    4. tacobob


      Yes, life is really like a hurricane.



  7. That's what happens when you enter...well...ENTER way too early Chief. Don't worry, full version ready soon.

  8. This Saturday, lot's of posts coming from moi. Stay tuned.

  9. Today was....subarashii!

  10. Took a look-back at my introduction topic. Dayum, am I feeling old.

  11. Very disappointed with today's episode. It was brewing for 6 SEASONS! We should get something on par with Crusaders of the Lost Mark....and instead <heavy sigh> .....

    1. QuickLime


      I liked it, save for the wonderbutts...

  12. We ain't having a lot of Glim players ain't we? Hmmmm....

    1. Bellosh


      No Hou, you can't eat Glim's soul for dinner. :|

  13. Well, I guess I should start gathering material for 'dad jokes', to use in Squall's future RP's.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tacobob


      Yeah, that's where Fire is right now...in a sense..With AJ. Poor horse, she'll probably have a minor freak out in the next post. If she believes the Siren that is.

    3. Ciraxis


      Well, Squall was pretty clear what he thinks about the idea....


    4. IceStorm


      Raven and Ice are pretty close to that point, and may or may not be dealing with an unexpected surprise soon. Not the only OC lovebirds on the site. 😉

  14. Whelp, guess it's as good time as any to start using my other OC....

  15. Whelp...I guess I should move on to the next song in the Ball, huh?

  16. When companies ship styrofoam...what do they pack it it?

    1. PyroBlaze


      Fragile materials, obviously.

    2. Tenkan


      Asking the real questions

  17. When you realize that you spent most of your 'After Work' time on your favorite anime openings.....


  18. Who let the dogs out?

    1. tacobob


      What the HECK is Paw Patrol? But dwaaah. The little brown girl pup looks like my dog...same fur color...White feet that made her look like she had socks on. Dwaah.

  19. Why Blue?! Why not 'Sphynxinator'?

  20. Why, yes. Squall DOES sound like Xemnas.

  21. Will Ciraxis will manage to write his last event post on time, nine hours from now? Stay tuned for next episode of Canterlot Z!

  22. With dedication to Aisede!




    That greatest fun I have RP'ing since...well, Black Sands.!

  23. Wow, Final Fantasy XV soundtrack is epic!

  24. You got the Touch, you got the POOOOOOWER! Yeah!

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