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Everything posted by Talex

  1. Hi, welcome to Canterlot! You say you like dinky? FreefraQ just did a sketch of her and it's in the gallery here. Also, there are friends aplenty here ^3^ I hope you enjoy your stay
  2. I honestly wouldn't have noticed that unless you pointed it out xD Deadmau5 is also said to be a brony :3 He's worn t-shirts from the fandom at concerts.
  3. Celestia is doing fine now with her sister at her side. As much as I love Luna, and her beautiful night, I must cast my vote with my dear sun princess.
  4. Hi, welcome to Canterlot! You say you enjoy chocolate milk? Here is a picture of chocolate milk ^u^ I hope you enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  5. Talex


    How could i not recognize dinky ><" I am ashamed.
  6. >n< Ninja'd I just went to go get the link. Anyway, welcome to Canterlot! I know that feeling of no-one caring to read something you posted. 3 lines is apparently TL:DR for some people But those people are not here. Have a great time. ^^
  7. Hi, welcome to Canterlot! your age is "about over 9000 years?" anyway, enjoy your stay here at Canterlot!
  8. Is this question really necessary? I think everyone is excited for it ^^ And hi, welcome to Canterlot! why did you choose applejack and twilight as your fav ponys? I'm curious :3
  9. Talex


    Is this one of your OCs? It looks amazing! i really like your style of art
  10. I want to be in the next round ^^ I'll be using my OC Skyglare because I'll have him done by then, and, hopefully accepted. If not then all you would have to do is scratch me off the list at that point. But I'm just throwing out that i want to part take in this. ^^
  11. You have no idea the amount of jealousy I have for you right now.......... ........no idea........... (but couldn't she just fly? 0.o)
  12. Training mysef to lucid dream! whoo!

    1. StarStorm


      Good luck! I've only had one in my entire life, but it was pretty awesome :D

  13. Iron pony competition with DJ Vinyl Scratch. I was like 4 days away from going up against Rainbowdash, I feel so relieved I was also pretty close to any of the Wonderbolts too. :!: You may have your turn tables, your wubs, and your and eye of the Tiger, but I will defeat you! Edit: haha, look at Christmas! It's so fitting xD haha, april fools day C: (oh you thought you were going back to the moon? lol jk)
  14. Go to edit your profile in the top right after viewing your page. Then in the top left will be profile customizations. Then it should be right there ^^ I'm doing this off of memory so it might be a wee bit off :P

  15. Hi, welcome to Canterlot! I'm loving that avatar And you actually came to the right place for a dating sim. We just got a speed dating RP thread going around here somewhere xD So google did not lead you astray ^^ Have a great time here! Edit: Found it! here is the speed dating thing. Apparently it is closed to any new participants but at least it's here. I'm sure the next round will be coming soon (It better, I wanted to try that.)
  16. Hi, welcome to Canterlot! You're avatar looks like Octavia as a unicorn 0.o Was this planned or am I just paranoid Oh, and insanity makes everything more fun and interesting, not annoying
  17. Agreed. I think the second video jumps around a lot and doesn't make sense in some parts as far as image to audio relation.
  18. Would it be bad if I said Angle? xD I'm sorry but that bunny is ungrateful for fluttershy and I can't stand to see it. Yes, he is a bunny and he is awesome but sometimes, man just sometimes...... Edit: wait.... worst PONY ever.... hmmm.... It appears my post is a bit off topic....
  19. Talex


    Daaawwww! Why is it so cute! It really is a good mare mac. Keep it up! ^^
  20. @SteelEagle You're right about the foster parents. What I had written did seem unnecessarily dark. Fixed this, but I still want him to have a sense of distance between them. @MyLittlePonyTales Slowly.... every so slowly.... the creative wheels in my mind are turning...... I'm trying to come back here regularly but I just can't seem to finish what I've started. However, I have an amazing amount of determination to do this and soon, It will be done. :soon: actually, I probably will have a lot more added in later tonight
  21. Hmmm.... best moral presentation or best moral that was presented? I can't remember them all at once right now, but the first one that comes to mind is "Sisterhooves Social" for HOW they presented it. But I think one of the more important, or, more significant morals was from the episode where they vanquished Discord. The lesson that "friendship isn't always easy, but it's worth it" is a lesson that I think a lot of teenagers have forgotten. Just my opinion
  22. Hi, welcome to Canterlot! It's cool that you can make dolls and plushies like that
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