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Status Replies posted by RarityDash

  1. The pic on your profile is adorable! :)

  2. So I just heard the new Slipknot song. I'd tell you guys how terrible it is, but I forget that it's almost common knowledge that Slipknot sucks.

  3. Rarity is great...But Pinkie Pie is best pony! :DD

  4. I don't know why I bother anymore. I mean, we all know Applejack is best pony, so I don't think yet another status about it is needed. Actually, it is. Applejack is best pony.

  5. Hey guys, my birthday is tomorrow, so I'll be inactive for a few more days. I promise this will be the last inactive streak for a good while. Peace, friends!

  6. I always wanted my own brother, and then he showed up at my door. I didn't question where he came from, I wasn't lonely anymore. Soon we did everything together, he taught me how to fly a kite. I watched him grow into a stallion, I watched him sleep in bed at night. IT'S NOT. CREEPY.

  7. Phew, almost ready to submit by Chamrosh OC...well, thats one out of 17 nearly done

  8. New season of 'Gravity Falls' starts August 4. Wooh.

  9. Good Job Weird Al! For the first time in his 30 years of making music, he scored a #1 album! http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/24/arts/music/weird-al-yankovic-scores-with-mandatory-fun.html?_r=0

  10. This day is going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small.....

  11. This day is going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small.....

  12. Can i have an OC that has a talent in swimming?

  13. All hail the the the most loved Princess that is Princess Luna

  14. Does anybody feel like they can think clearer and focus better at night? Idk it's wierd.

  15. I think I'm going to buy a lyre, move to rural Sweden and play folk music for the rest of my life.

  16. Wow. Looks like Hasbro ended up hiring those guys that were making the 3D printer figures that they C&D'ed awhile back. Love the Spike figure.. http://www.superfanart.com/

  17. I have a pretty terrible sore throat, so I'm really living up to being Sweetie Belle with all the squeaking I'm doing when I try to talk.

  18. After a really hard bout of extreme sadness and no energy, I will be coming back.

  19. I just noticed the Kyubey gif in my profile. Curse you, Rose!

  20. Am I cool enough to drown Robi yet?

  21. I honestly cant stop thinking about DashCon. SO MUCH HILARIOUS FAIL.

  22. I honestly cant stop thinking about DashCon. SO MUCH HILARIOUS FAIL.

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