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Everything posted by Manestream

  1. Hello everypony! Interested in seeing how far along the Winter Wrap up is coming along in Ponyville? You should be! Hop on board an air balloon with me, Manestream, and take a peek! I'll just drop these sandbags here once everypony is inside- and one- two- three, and there- off we go! Allright! Everypony should know that Winter-Wrap Up's progress is based on user contribution to the each thread- now I've arranged a series of complicated mathematical factors and other contributing elements that allows me to gauge how much of ponyville's tasks have been completed, and how far along everypony is communally in the wrap-up effort. In short- I am able to deduce using Twilight-mathematical powers that winter wrap up is about.... 19% complete! Only 19%?! and we've already used up 1/4th of our time- the morning hours of winter-wrap-up day have flown away and mid-morning/afternoon will be upon us! We only have 3 weeks left, lets rally our efforts and get everypony involved! Ponyville needs us! Be sure to get everypony involved- spread the word! Help us wrap up on time!!!
  2. Manestream


    Many years ago, a close friend of mine was struck by a car when she was leaving the supermarket, and hospitalized in critical condition. We were young, and had been fighting over a crush- I wasn't honestly interested outside of being friends with said crush, but was jealous that I was becoming a third wheel. When I'd heard the news that she'd been in an accident, I didn't know how serious it was, and blurted out something in spite about her "just dying". It was a terrible thing to say, and I've always regretted it since the moment it came out of my mouth. I'm still shocked that I ever said it, and terribly disappointed every time I remember it came from me. She passed away the next morning, and I've never been able to shake the feeling that her passing was because of my heartlessness. I understand what it feels like to face that feeling of responsibility, that somehow you could have done something different to stop it from happening; but the truth is, you simply cant know what will make a difference, and what choices to make- and because of that you will never be responsible for what happened entirely out of your control. I miss my friend dearly- my heart goes out to you in your time of grieving, I can only imagine you feel the way I did, and its heartbreaking. However, even after she left my life, she continued to influence me, and still does. What I said was mortifying and horrifying to me; and because of that it taught me the value of a wiser, more cautious temperament. To value the things I have, even when angry or upset, or in pain; it taught me about appreciation and compassion. In this way, I feel like even though her life ended, there was a place in me that she continued to live on, and I grew into a much better, and wiser person, for having her and the lessons the experience taught me, in my heart. My heart goes out to you during such a difficult time; but even in loss, there is room for new growth. I hope your memories and experiences of your friend grow and fill that space in your heart with something beautiful- and that they remain a part of your life as a strength; or as you put it "a guardian angel".
  3. whew! Classes are all done and Winter Wrap Up is off on its way! Time to finish up so many projects, and tie up some loose ends!

  4. Im certain there are many duties that a foal could help out with- one of the biggest is probably helping keep everypony energized, fed, and carrying messages. If not that, there are things that must be fetched, and probably a lot of tasks that only a smaller pony could accomplish. Applebloom helps out on her farm all the time- i'm sure there are some creative ideas that could be developed :3
  5. The time has come to welcome Spring! Ponyville is once again ready to clean up all the wintry white weather so that Spring can be welcomed on-time! However, its no easy task to clean up an entire season, and because of that, Ponyville is going to need all the help it can get! This year, ponies from all over are coming to help out with the tradition! The team leaders have been selected and everypony is up before the sun to lend a helping hoof! Will this year be a success? Will Winter be wrapped up in time? We will have to see! Help Ponyville pull together by joining one of the three teams, and helping wrap up winter before its late! How you can make a difference: To get involved, choose a team to participate in with any of your OC or cast characters, and get RPing!. Every year new team leaders get selected to organize the wrap-up, and this year's team leaders can use your help in getting basic tasks done! Each team leader will be delegating tasks for ponies to volunteer to complete- RP completing these tasks to help your team wrap up their responsibilities! The more ponies involved and RPing wrapping up tasks, the more will get done- so encourage your fellow ponies to come and lend a hoof! Be aware that not everything goes to plan, and be ready to help your Team Leader out when they discover a problem- Ponyville can only succeed if everypony works together! Event Information: -The event will last for four weeks! There will be two intervals where ponies will be informed how far along Ponyville is in its efforts. -Each team will have its own thread to post in to tackle the tasks associated with that team. The teams are as following: Weather, Plant, and Animal. You dont need to be a pegasus to be a weather pony, Pinkie Pie afterall is an earth pony in the weather group! -Whether or not Ponyville will be late in wrapping up winter depends entirely on you, the users! -The more ponies involved helping each team will obviously increase the chances of all the work getting done! Be involved regularily, and get others involved! -Please follow the Ponyville traditions! No magic! It would be frowned upon by other ponies. Rules: - One team per OC. This means, please do not change what team your OC is on. You are welcome to RP more than one OC however, and have them on different teams. - Listen to your Team Leader. They are there to guide the RP and give direction; when they say a task needs to be done, volunteer and get crackin' at it! - Involve others- Nopony can do this alone, and none of these tasks can be done immediately or right away. Be sure to help and interact with others on your team! - All forum Mane RP rules apply. Please be curteous to others, and keep the RP appropriate. This is not the place for crossover characters. - Post order is not rigid for this event- post often and enjoy the RP, but please do not double-post. - Use the 'REPORT' button to bring any posts to Moderator's attention. Make sure you describe the problem accurately in the report.
  6. I might be behind in whats going on, but is there any chance you'll be making stickers or prints out of this and the celestia shine? :3
  7. That still works- a thread in perspective of all the RP threads on the board is very small- I wouldnt worry about making it 'cannon' unless there are several RP's revolving around that location and other users are picking it up too. Your school can exist just fine as long as it isnt something that would fall outside the general RP guidelines of not being marysue- for example, there arent multiple schools for celestia's gifted unicorns, but there probably are some snooty high-brow ones (which is a little of what i think your aiming for?), and then there may be the occasional teacher or school member who recommends a filly or colt go to an advanced magic school. Schools are diverse- big small, homey or big-brow; as long as your school isnt all CIA ponies in disguise, or sitting ontop of a secret magical weapon the size of canterlot, it should be fine. In that case, its okay to go into detail about your school and give it character- just keep it within the scope of the show :3 All in all, I think its fine to make up a school as long as its RP appropriate (meaning, if it fits in with the MLP universe, doesnt break any boundaries of reality or marysue, and is believable).
  8. I answered a similar question about setting earlier, I think it applies to your question. Instead of schools though, your asking about cemeteries. Here you go: --------------------------------- When RPing, its okay for you to make locations out of a whim for the importance of storyline or setting- what should be understood is that these places arent typically cannon, and may or may not ever be cannon; they are 'in the moment filler' if you would. If a place becomes popular enough to be used in multiple RP's, then it starts to become a type of community landmark, and then might make it into actual board-cannon when we draw up maps of each city. The trick when creating locations like this is to be more descriptive about the setting, or what your pony notices; its not about building the school and staff up from the ground to every detail- you dont even have to give it a name; or if you do initials would work just fine. Leaving the reader wondering is sometimes what keeps the reader reading. If your pony is having a brief interaction with a teacher, you may not even have to describe the teacher- or even disclose what the teacher is saying, for example: Buttercup opened her mouth to ask the question she'd been waiting all day for- this was it! "Hey teach, I was wondering if-" she quickly stopped herself and changed her tactics as the mare behind the desk gave a loud sigh at the nickname. "aw, well i mean, i didnt mean to, i mean..." Buttercups heart sank as her teacher told her yet again how much she didnt like being called 'teach'. "Yes ma'am, but-" Buttercup sighed as her teacher rolled over her again- not having any word for disagreement. "but I jus' wanna ask you if-!" Her teacher's hard glare sent Buttercup's questions packing. Defeated, and deflated, she moseyed out into the hall with the rest of her classmates. The halls of the school passed by without notice, and before long she found herself on the familiar trail home. The teacher is a minor character, as is the school a minor setting- to get the point of the scene across (but leaving out whatever the focus of Buttercup's question is for ambiguity), and as so i dont need to set up a whole bunch of information about the school, or the teacher, or what Buttercup thinks about the school and teacher. If its really important to the core of the story, then its okay to embellish. If its not, then you can focus on the details that make the experience important, and not have to worry about cannonizing every building or location your pony visits. Hope this helps ----------------------------------- In this way you can create a cemetery however you like- just dont try to cannonize it as the 'way things are'. Make it a unique location. Maybe its just one grave, atop a hill. Maybe they THINK its a catacombs, but it turns out to be something else. The thought about having graves in the sky is both cute and mortifying depending on how i envision it- but thats part of your discretion as an RPer in an RP. As long as you dont claim it to be cannon, you can get away with creating whatever immediate setting you might need, as long as its presented as believable, and in good taste.
  9. To distinguish whether or not its possible in the show doesnt directly equate to whether or not it should be an RPable talent/ability- its one of those things that is very close to marysue type of power. Granted, Twilight sparkle is possibly the most gifted pony outside of luna and celestia that we've seen so far- at the very least even if there are others, she is a rarity amongst a very large region of land- in that way Twi herself is a bit marysue; so average ponies that people are apping shouldn't be able to achieve the type of results that twilight can- meaning even if twilight during her most powerful moments can turn her parents into plants, and during her best efforts under control, make creepy mice-horses, transformation is likely something outside of typical unicorn grasp. Not to mention, both of these items in the show are used as gag moments, or an homage to something else. Its cute, clever, but once again not necessarily appropriate. Transformation magic as a specialty for a pony is completely applicable. What the apper needs to understand is that they will need to provide a rationale, and slightly underpowered spectrum of ability to do so- perhaps they can change objects for a short window of time. Perhaps they can modify another pony in some small way (adding flawed butterfly wings that barely work to get their job done); and at great cost- its obviously very difficult for twi who can levitate an ursa minor AND a giant milk tank, milk cows, and send it all packing. Long story short- if someone is going to app this type of pony, they need to be ready to understand their pony will be severely limited in that ability, or it becomes marysue. Let me remind everypony of something: Abilities dont make the pony- their flaws and how they overcome them do. I would suggest only an experienced RP'er app a pony that has some special talent in transformation magic- and transforming whole ponies is right out. Little modifications that last for a moderate lenght of time, or medium modifications (wings) for a very limited amount of time. I would stick around the concept of a pony with that ability only being able to change things along their base material- the shape of metal or ore into something similar; but jail bars shouldnt become water, for example- or at least this would be VERY VERY VERY taxing on the pony; as changing something's entire composition is downright world-breaking.
  10. When RPing, its okay for you to make locations out of a whim for the importance of storyline or setting- what should be understood is that these places arent typically cannon, and may or may not ever be cannon; they are 'in the moment filler' if you would. If a place becomes popular enough to be used in multiple RP's, then it starts to become a type of community landmark, and then might make it into actual board-cannon when we draw up maps of each city. The trick when creating locations like this is to be more descriptive about the setting, or what your pony notices; its not about building the school and staff up from the ground to every detail- you dont even have to give it a name; or if you do initials would work just fine. Leaving the reader wondering is sometimes what keeps the reader reading. If your pony is having a brief interaction with a teacher, you may not even have to describe the teacher- or even disclose what the teacher is saying, for example: Buttercup opened her mouth to ask the question she'd been waiting all day for- this was it! "Hey teach, I was wondering if-" she quickly stopped herself and changed her tactics as the mare behind the desk gave a loud sigh at the nickname. "aw, well i mean, i didnt mean to, i mean..." Buttercups heart sank as her teacher told her yet again how much she didnt like being called 'teach'. "Yes ma'am, but-" Buttercup sighed as her teacher rolled over her again- not having any word for disagreement. "but I jus' wanna ask you if-!" Her teacher's hard glare sent Buttercup's questions packing. Defeated, and deflated, she moseyed out into the hall with the rest of her classmates. The halls of the school passed by without notice, and before long she found herself on the familiar trail home. The teacher is a minor character, as is the school a minor setting- to get the point of the scene across (but leaving out whatever the focus of Buttercup's question is for ambiguity), and as so i dont need to set up a whole bunch of information about the school, or the teacher, or what Buttercup thinks about the school and teacher. If its really important to the core of the story, then its okay to embellish. If its not, then you can focus on the details that make the experience important, and not have to worry about cannonizing every building or location your pony visits. Hope this helps
  11. ~Lampwick "Flicker" Jane~ Dawn was just coating the frame of the mountains nearby, slowly covering and warming them like a warm blanket sweeping over the land. They glowed with the early attention, letting the warmth trickle over them, pour through the valleys and trails that wound between them, and fill the land with glinting morning dew. Through trees it wound, and eventually, it found the rustic building it had searched for. Sunlight painted the wall, bled into the window sills, overtaking the lone building in a warm flash, leaving it at the bottom of a river of morning sunshine as day continued to crash onward. Inside the top room of the wayward inn, dust motes danced around a lazy hoof hanging in the air- lazily floating and falling in the glow of morning as it beamed through the window. The lone hoof stretched out like a branch for the nearby bed, collecting the morning motes as they settled until finally, seemingly carrying one mote too many, the leg kicked- the motion sending the motes into a flurry of motion amidst the morning rays again. The motion had also shifted the haphazard layers of blankets that swathed, draped, hung, and covered the form beneath them. Bits of tan colored fur, hooves, and milk chocolatey-brown mane stuck out in seemingly impossibly array, making it difficult for anypony entering the room to believe another living pony resided within the tangled mass. The muffled sounds of snoring and sleep made it even harder to believe. The body shifted and snorted; and for a long moment that threatened to break the fragile morning peace the room held its breath. Even the rays of light held their place, shimmering, but afraid to move and risk waking the blanket-beast. An ear flicker here. Movement of a hoof there. The snuffle of a muzzle against pillows somewhere lost inside- then finally the rhythmic breathing of sleep filled the room again- the gentle rise and fall of the blankets found their pace, and the sifting through the window began to crawl along the floor again. It made its way across the small room taking over small inch by inch of the room as it stretched itself towards the wall. Finally dawn had reached the cusp of the wall, it had succeeded so far in making its way across the entire room without stirring the life within- and today, maybe today, was the day it would climb the wall before she woke up- just perhaps today would be the day that Lampwick slept in! Taking a moment to gather its strength, the dawn light seemed to take a cautioned breath of a pause- then it began to reach- just another fraction of an inch and it would climb the wall! It reached its tendrils upward toward the wall- and just as it began to shimmy up it a large shadow filled the room, completely obliterating its progress. With a mighty buck the tangled knot of blankets were expelled from the bed to fall unceremoniously against the far wall. Two hind-hooves stretched out into the middle of the room, one at a time, from elevated perch of the bed. Stretching turned into a few bounced kicks as Lampwick threw off the covers of sleep like they were but thin blankets. Letting out one telling yawn, the only suggestion she had slept at all, she shook her coat, mane and tail out, snapping the rest of her sleepy body into shape quicker than a Pegasus could stomp out a lightning bolt. Her ears perked and she did a few quick excited circles of chasing her tail while searching the room- finding her satchel tucked under a few stray blankets from the night she quickly nipped it up into her grasp and made her way to the door. Hoofing it open she almost bolted right through- but instead she gave a momentary pause to look back at the room that had been hers since she was a filly. There were many rooms in the inn- but this one would always be hers. The room was mostly plain- no different than the other rooms in the inn. Yet here and there was something ordinary, brought from some distant land. A remnant of a piece of fabric. A carving that hung on the wall. Most of these would mean nothing to most anypony; but here was where the few treasures Lampwick kept stayed. Home was always in her heart- she was always on the move and never settled for long; but here a few pieces of her heart stayed. Lampwicks eyes moved to a small box, that had lain open, exposing a small lock of mane tied together with a white ribbon. She gave the briefest of smiles- the kind that betrayed the emotion in her heart, before turning away from the room and hoofing her way down the stairs. Nopony else was awake yet, but her hooves thundered all the same down the short staircase. All she could think of was her plans for the day. She smiled again, this time a brave smile as thought to herself: “Day Three! Move Along Day!”
  12. so cute x3 you go get the AJ bri xD
  13. Updated vacancies- closed the global mod positions and opened up two new RP helpstaff positions. App away!
  14. The treaty itself isnt so worrisome at this point, rather its in how each government decides to implement laws that uphold the treaty. It means that if you care about your internet and privacy, pay attention to what your government is making legislation for it over- thats the level at which stopping it becomes important. It is not wrong to have fair legislature that prevents mass abuse of copyrighted material- its unfair for governmentsto pass laws that punish everyone's individual rights to privacy in order to do so. Just subscribe to the best internet news you have on legislative matters, and educate yourself so you know where and when your voice is needed. Think of this treaty as...an organized way our competitor is planning on limiting our rights. Because it is clear in its intention, and defines specific routes, we can also see where our rights are most at risk, and pay attention accordingly. No need to freak out or fret- just educate yourself and resist being apethetic. No one should say "this isnt important", but no one needs lose sleep either. Time spent fretting or being apathetic is time wasted for action.
  15. I am at FC! Internet is spotty, we dont have it in the room. I am enjoying a few actual days off! hooray!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manestream


      XD its really meeeee but i'm sleeping now <3

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Mane doesn't take days off... >:S

    4. Hippo


      Herro stranger! :P

  16. I am at FC! Internet is spotty, we dont have it in the room. I am enjoying a few actual days off! hooray!

  17. Hey there! This thread was recently brought to my attention, and its really cool and I admire how much work has gone into it! However, there are a few concerns that I have to ask you must be clearly addressed asap! 1.) This minecraft server is a great idea, but it is a fan-based project by users of the board, and is in no way officially affiliated with canterlot.com, or its staff. We have not been asked to endorse, nor given any permission for the use of our name and likeness, affiliation or reference to the site Canterlot.com. We are in no way involved in the project, and cannot be expected to resolve issues, inquiries, or held liable in any way towards this fan-based project. I certainly dont mind fans of the site getting together to build and create something fun on minecraft, but its very important that it be clear to everyone on every front that the minecraft server is not an official part of our website, nor are its members staff of our site. A disclaimer to this nature needs to be clearly present in the first post of this thread, and anywhere else this appears, as to eliminate any chance of misunderstanding. 2.) The other concern is a global board policy about donations and soliciting- it is not acceptable for any group to advertise, solicit, or directly link to requests for donations or trafficking tools (Add us, Join us, Facebook us, Twitter us, etc). This implies endorsement from our site for unrelated 3rd party activities, and I am not comfortable hosting links on the forum asking for monetary support for causes I will not be able to research, follow, or take responsibility for. I fully encourage you to advertise and provide links to your donation pages from your landing site or the server itself, but please do not advertise or link directly to them from our forum. Once again, when asking for donations, if you are making reference to our site or using our name in any way, you must make it clear that your project is not officially affiliated with our site. I am going to go ahead and remove the problematic donation information in the original post now- I will save the information I am deleting temporarily incase it is information you need and have not saved elsewhere. I will only save this information for 72 hours- so please PM me if you need it before then. sorry if I'm being a party pooper- but it is very important that we at canterlot not be held liable for things we are not involved in- and that our name or our board not be used in any manner to solicit and advertise for funds to a cause separate of ours. I trust completely that you will recognize the reasons I ask for these conditions and respect our efforts here at Canterlot by helping to clear any confusion that might lead to liability. I hope that your minecraft server does well, and that I will be able to come in and enjoy it with you all at some point! I think its a great idea, the thread just needs a little make-over to better protect us and educate users. Once again, I greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in fixing this!
  18. I joined the forum at it's inception because i was looking for a writing activity, and somewhat because I wanted to believe that the brony community could be a place different than the typical Channing I'd become used to. For a while it was okay for anybody to like pastelly cute ponies- but they offered more than that, there is a lot of good message to the show as well. I just found it hopeful to feel youthful again, I suppose. I imagine many people feel the same, and we try very very hard to make that type of environment on our board the norm. I guess- I hold everyone to a very high standard of maturity and integrity- I hope as a community we can encourage that in one another, and become the place we can all really enjoy.
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