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Everything posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Ummm, sorry I didnt know it was my turn. Riverhippo just told me to follow this topic. what is supposed to happen when I do?
  2. (I'm going to ask all the "ask" threads this... ) I read a strange, ancient book in Twilight's library, "The Legend of Megan"... Are there any such thing as humans? What would you do if you met one?
  3. (I'm going to ask all the "ask" threads this... ) I read a strange, ancient book in Twilight's library, "The Legend of Megan"... Are there any such thing as humans? What would you do if you met one?
  4. (I'm going to ask all the "ask" threads this... ) I read a strange, ancient book in Twilight's library, "The Legend of Megan"... Are there any such thing as humans? What would you do if you met one?
  5. (I'm going to ask all the "ask" threads this... ) I read a strange, ancient book in Twilight's library, "The Legend of Megan"... Are there any such thing as humans? What would you do if you met one?
  6. (I'm going to ask all the "ask" threads this... ) I read a strange, ancient book in Twilight's library, "The Legend of Megan"... Are there any such thing as humans? What would you do if you met one?
  7. (OOC: sorry delays today, my head wasnt' clear enough for a long and well-thought out post untill the allergy medicine kicked in) Shanna smiled and waited to respond after the interruption by her brother and Jubilee. "Thank you, my lord. our mother will be most pleased with the news of your generosity! -And Thunderstar is indeed our father. Rest assured, the news of her pregnancy is no secret. Mother wanted us to pass the word along in the usual court manner, and we would be honored if you would spread it in your inimitable manner." Shanna then smiled brightly "As for how long, the doctor has just confirmed it this week. The foal-to-be is at the two month mark. Nine months to go until the blessed event." (*note; equine gestation IRL is 11 months, whether a draft horse or a miniature horse. I figure it would be the same in Equestria...) Hoss made a mental note about his gaffe with "Your Grace" as well, since he wasnt' familiar with the Duke himself. He was glad Duke Polaris had politely not called him on it. "Thank you, your grace. We have been excited at the prospect of a sibling after so long. Neither of us have a preference whether it will be a colt or filly as long as we have a sib to teach and play with." He slipped a wing around Jubilee's wing in the courtly manner, yet still very romantic. He winked at Duke Polaris "As for a second addition, only if this filly will have me when I find the right day to ask.." Shanna elbowed her brother teasingly, making him blush "Chicken!" Hoss nuzzled Jubilee and smiled "I cant wait to meet your parents, Jubilee. Mom has seen you during the block parties in Cloudsdale so she knows of you..." Shanna giggled and stuck her tongue out "...And Hoss wont' stop talking about you either. She knows what he knows of you..." Hoss snorted and blushed. "Silly filly..."
  8. Things were just not going well today for the Flim Flam Brothers, neither for him or for his now drenched and rump-sore brother surely slogging out of the lake by this point. To underscore this, the elegant mare, Starburst wanged an empty bottle off his horn, poking from the cowpony hat on his head, and gave him a look that she knows who he is too, then flew off. The blue pegasus accosting him suddenly ordered him to leave or else, and picked him up to underscore the point, and set him back down. Unfortunately, leaving the line at this point might get him caught by the Apples as surely as staying put. How many tall, slender male unicorns were there, after all? Flim looked around to see in anypony was paying attention to them. He noticed the mare ahead of him was finally face to face with Applejack after the heroine took time to compose herself and whewed, just a few moments more. He suddenly noticed Starburst was back, lounging off to the side and eating an apple with a smirk. Flim sighed, backed into a corner where something rare was about to happen; the truth. The unicorn whispered to the angry stallion. "If I leave now, I'm just as sure to get a hoofkicking either way. Also we, the Amazing Flim Flam Brothers, have discovered we actually need a vital ingredient for our new specialty perfumes; Sweet Apple Acres Apples. I'll give you 10 bits if you keep quiet a couple more minutes, huh?" It did nothing for Flim's peace of mind awaiting an answer, that one of AJs friends who would likely want a piece of him too just joined the line. That ..Rarity?... was a stunning beauty. Too bad they burned that possible bridge trying to run her friend out of business... He gulped as the sun gleamed charmingly off of Rarity's exquisite horn and elegant mane. ...Yes, Incredible misfortune neither brother would have a chance at her it would seem...
  9. Candy shakes her head "That's too bad about the Weather Team not coming in like they should. Hopefully things wont stay slow today.." She gasped as a green blur rolled in through the door and came to a stop. "Oh wow! Good morning, Professor. I'm having a nice, big breakfast! That Mantacore I told you about is going to be released today, out in the Everfree forest." She giggles "He's a big sweetie once you get to know him. I am still making sure he's sedated for the trip though, he doesnt' like tight spaces." Candy gestures with a wing "Care to sit with me Professor?"
  10. Flim chuckled, his eyes shining greedily as his brother spelled out the prospects with the buffalo " Exactly, my Dear Brother Flam, especially if we can get out there without any of the local ponies following, and get there before those buffalo they just warned make it ahead of us." Thorn kept his face impassive, but his long ears were picking up much of what Flim said... Outside, Lightning Horn chuckled "No offense taken. Our Chief is legendary for his stubbornness, even in the face of his favorite daughter." Lightning climbed up into the cart eagerly, where Hoss buckled him down. The stallion looked at the room left and the state of the cart's springs "Hmm the cart isnt' sagging so I guess having the both of you at once wont be a problem."
  11. (OOC: Sorry Delay, just recently found out Thrylos is experincing technical difficulties, so I'll go ahead and post to bump this thread.) The bay unicorn blinked as one of the newly-minted ponies mentioned he had ADHD and checked his bag, to find what the medicine would be in Equestria. This was even stranger than the threat of a wayward bear, lessening by every moment a momma bear does not appear. "Wait a hoof pickin' minute, some of our problems arent' corrected by the change? Wierd.. I dont' need reading glasses.." Just to be sure, he makes a quick check of his saddlebag, finding only pencil, quill and paper.. and a bag of coins. No glasses. Suddenly, before Hoss could breath a sigh of relief, Codex flew into a panic, mentioning Insulin. Tyler ran after as well. "Oh, Luna! We should not be splitting up, even this close to Canterlot!" He looked toward the others "Rainy, Silverbolt, I think we'd better catch up. I'm afraid the cub will have to stay behind IF it has a mom out here... If you arent' along by the time I catch Codex, I'll come back to find you. I promise." Hoss hoped Rainy questioning the cub would work and they would not have to leave the cub behind, it seemed rather underfed after all. Not a good sign in a world were even mice were sentient... Without another word, Hoss wheeled about and galloped after the horrified Codex. "Wait! Stop! There's things even in Whitetail Wood that can hurt us! We'll find a doctor and see if you actually need insulin here! Codex! Stooooop!" A raven in a nearby tree looked thoughtful, and moved closer to observe the ponies, its eyes flashing an odd red for a moment..
  12. When Haywire suddenly kissed him, Snails turned as red as the filly from horn to tail. "Aww geee I uhhhh..." He sneaked a look at Snips, who had a look that meant he would be teased for sure later. Numbly, he listened to Apple Bumpkin tell about how to feed the chicks and levitated a cup to his muzzle as well. Whatever got hit by the riccochet would probably want a bribe in being dealt with, right? Just then, that shy foal, Timid spooked at somepony getting on his back and promptly got covered in chick feed. All the chicks stampeded past them chasing the feed on the foal who was running around the place. He nudged Snips and Haywire, whispering "All right, Lets find out what's in there! Ah'm sure Apple Bumpkin will want ta know what it was, eh?" The blush covering Snails had lightened, but was still there as he snuck off toward the bush...
  13. Candy nickered happily as her hot chocolate was refilled. "Thank you Joe!" She ate her donuts as she watched Joe look out the window forlornly "Dont' worry Joe. If nothing else, the weather team bringing this rain should want breakfast too when they are done, and where better for them to go eh? you make some fantastic donuts! I havent been up to Cloudsdale often, but I dont' think they have a donut shop to compare."
  14. Candy Catch-em nommed on a donut as she listened to the news about Donutopia. The mare perked her ears as he asked about the mantacore. "Oh, he's been cooped up on the family veterinary barn on the far side of the Northern Solstice Heights for a few months. The poor thing seems to have come out on the bad side of an encounter with an Ursa and, well... He was caught trying to attack a herd of sheep over near Hoofington, only to collapse from his injuries. It took a team of six pegasi and a cloud raft to get him to our practice." She rubbed her hooftips together "He's finally ready to return to the wild, with a promise not to attack ponies. I've managed to sweet-talk one of my customers in the Canterlot Court to let me use their sky yacht to deliver him to the Everfree forest today."
  15. The pegasus mare swished her tail happily as the donuts were set before her "Thanks Joe! I might like some more filled donuts than the other kinds. -And that will be mainly for here. Go ahead and leave the to-go box please, I'll take what I have left over with me." She munched a donut and sipped the hot chocolate. "Mmmm, as good as ever! How did your Donutopia project do last week?" As she listened, she was mentally going over the sedative dosages she would need for the Mantacore later that morning, for the flight to his new home...
  16. Candy smiled brightly "Ohhh this will be a relief. Since you dont' do this often, I would not think your chair would be set up for it then. I guess I'd better sit on one of your floor cushions..." She got out of the chair and moved to one of the waiting cushion seats, moving it where Dapper Dan could best have access to her. She sat down and leaned forward onto her forehooves. Candy then extended her right wing, the brighter bands of orange from a healed injury showing. "Take your softest brush and give it a good going over from wingroot to wing tip. the loosest will come off then. After that, a good tug on each large feather, starting from the wingtip and working back. the old ones that are ready will come loose, then a good brushing all over again to smooth the good feathers back in place, then we repeat on my left wing. Easy as pie." The pegasus mare looked at Sherrif Silverstar "I can sing very well. Good enough in fact to help me calm animals, but I dont' know if I will be in the area long enough to be worth including in your group. Sorry..."
  17. A light orange pegasus, with a red mane striped in yellow trotted in in through the front door, the bells jingling on the door, a tan bush hat pushed back down on her neck and hanging by the string used to strap it down for flight. her cutie mark of animal catching bolas clean and shiny. Candy Catch-em came up to the counter with a bright smile and an excited trot and took a seat, nearly spinning the seat on its post in a full circle in her excitement. The pegasus mare waved a hoof as she ordered her breakfast "I'll have a dozen assorted donuts and a hot chocolate, Joe. It's going to be a fun day today! One of the Mantcores I've been tending is finally fully healed up!"
  18. "Charleyhorse Daniels" went wide eyed and was visibly sweating as what seemed to be a big fan was busy trying to shoot holes in his story. Said cobalt blue pony was actually getting in his face and interrupting the song, daring him to prove the fan wrong. Much to his relief, Granny Smith was called away before she could pick up on the statement "he" was actually supposed to be in Appleoosa at that very moment. Flim gave a sheepish grin "Um, well, you see..." His thought raced for a good explanation, then he had it "...I-I am part of the.. "Charlyhorse Daniels Experience". I did not want to break that poor old mare's heart with the news that I am part of a tribute band on his way to Fillydelphia, who just happened to find a flyer at the train station during my layover... You know how it is right, those sweet little old ladies thinking I'm the real thing and all..." He peered over the stallion as Starburst did an act asking for water that the average con pony would consider pathetic, but was effective on a normal pony, namely Applejack. Flim looked a little dizzy for a moment, when Starburst pointed out the exposed cutie mark on his brother's flank. In a stunning leap of logic that nearly made Flim faint on the spot, Applejack hustled "Fancy Pants" up to the booth, thinking Flam was lost Apple Kin and promptly dumped water on him to wash off the disguise. It was all Flam could do to keep his composure as the entire line watched in stunned awe as the red mustached Flam revealed himself and kissed Applejack on the lips. The Flim Flam Brothers Revenge, non pariel was cut short as Granny Smith applebucked Flam out of sight, in the direction of the lake. Flam gulped as he used his magic to track Flam and be sure he landed in the water okay "...Um, yeah...that there old filly has a mighty kick, dont' she...?"
  19. Madam Bistro nickered sweetly to Geary "Oh not long at all. I just got here a minute ago, along with this fine blacksmith here." She turned and waved as Louise and Doc Holly Day arrived "Good morning you two. Glad to see you both attending the opening." Bistro turned back to Geary "I am expanding my business into a full hotel, and I was wondering if you could create a cold room I could cool or freeze food items in the basement I will be constructing. -for cheaper than what a unicorn can do with magic-tech. I was also wondering what labour saving devices you can come up with for a kitchen since the number of customers is expected to skyrocket."
  20. Snails ulped and turned to look at Haywire as the Wonderbolts began. Since he had nothing to say that could possibly stop Haywire from finding a way to try, he shrugged "Ah kin try, that's all ah can promise, Haywire." Snails gritted his teeth and concentrated on lifting Haywire, the sound of a starter motor cranking like crazy roared as sparks sprayed from the tip of his tiny horn. Haywire rose slowly, nearing a branch, when suddenly a bee landed on his flank. His tail automatically swatted the offending bug before he could see what it was, and the bee responded in kind. Snails yelped in pain and jumped up into the air, while his horn flashed and sent Haywire further up into the tree than she wanted... Snails moaned as he saw the red bump on his flank, then watched as the Wonderbolts finished their routine He rubbed the bump and groaned "Not again! owwww! that huuurt! Ummm hay! Where's Haywire?!" He looked up... and up, finally seeing her way up in the tree. "Umm, Hay Haywire! you okay up there?"
  21. (OOC: oops, I guess it's my turn now) The pink unicorn giggled as Tilly shoved an apple into the rotund pony's mouth. "I dont' care who you are, that was funny!... Good job Tilly!" She trotted over to the strange pegasus with insect-like wings "Oh my! Are you sure you are all right?" She was wondering if this filly was related to the legendary flutter ponys, or... a changeling? She smiled and nodded to Jim "Thank you, I would be glad of your help if I need the boost."
  22. Thorn grinned and raised a hoof "If you need a tenor singer, I may be your donkey! When would try-outs be? I need something to do with my spare time besides read." Meanwhile Candy peered over her shoulder at her tail "Wow! Great job! It does not look like it's been snagged all to Tartarus on every mesquite thorn in sight of camp!" She smiled and felt her wings twitch. "So what pose would I need to be in for a preening?"
  23. Madam Bistro snorts and shakes her head "Sorry boys, I'm from Manehattan. Your wily ways are nothing new to me..." She stuck her tongue out and sang "The shivers you put down my spine are hardly the joyful kind. If I'm in the market for a date. -Dont call on me because you dont' rate." With that, she flounced toward the kitchen, a hooftap to the floor telling Thorn to surrupticiously keep an eye on them. Meanwhile the twins flew down with Louise, following her lead to land in the middl of thestreet, nice and slow with the cart hovering to a stop, then gently touching down. Shanna looked back and smiled "All right, how was that, Granny smith and Uncle Strudel?"
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