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Status Updates posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. If you have an iPhone or Android, download Derby Days and send me your username! Free game to play, and it's about horses.

  2. Inbox down for maintenance. Leave a message.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      If you CAN send me a PM, feel free to. For those who can't, that's why.

    1. shyshy


      but it was abvious

    2. abc


      oh. so thats how everypony knows, and completely made me feel stoopid

    3. shyshy


      no i just happen to be able to tell. it's a talent of mine.

  3. Maybe it's just time to travel away from Canterlot...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. StarStorm


      You will be missed, Tales. While you are loved by many, if you feel your time has come, it's been quite the journey! At least, the parts that I've been around for have been rocking ^^

    3. Ciraxis


      ....What? WHAT?! Oh nonononono...Tell me you joking....

    4. Crescent


      I will not stand to watch my beloved writer hesitate. It is hard enough watch and wait. If it is really your desire... who else will there be to admire?

  4. Miss your beautiful work!

  5. Mom: *Notices the spoon in the frosting jar on the counter.* "What are you going to put that on?" Me: "My tongue..." >_>

  6. Moon powers activate!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aFlatmajor


      I just so happened to be derping around Canterlot to find this status.....*facehoof*

    3. TempoMix


      Commence the Moon Cakes!

    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  7. Now time to go through a week's worth of content. Wait... more than a week. :|

  8. PM box out of commission. Add me as a friend and use the chat feature!

  9. Popcorn sounds like an excellent breakfast.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Don't be Buttershy ya'll!

    3. Hippo


      Popcorn for breakfast? Isn't just Pops?

    4. MyLittlePonyTales



  10. Pretty sure you've never changed your avatar since joining this site.

  11. Recording some things as Trixie while wearing a Duck Tales shirt.

  12. Roleplaying should only happen in designated RP forums. Not all over the board... For example, not in your Introduction and your Profile. We are real people here dear, it's not all RP all the time. :)

    1. PrincessCadenceGal
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Right then. Maybe want to edit your profile. Could give the wrong impression. :)

  13. Rolling! Rolling! Rolling over Applications!

  14. Seems like I've been messing up a lot lately...

  15. So I noticed you might like to read fanfics. I have a few on the site, if you care for a gander: http://www.canterlot.com/tags/forums/Author:+Tales/

    1. FermataTheBasse


      Ah, sorry I didn't catch this earlier. I still have no idea how half of this site works! I'll take a look, and comment if anything catches my eye.

    2. FermataTheBasse


      Actually, I'll be going through your FiMFic Account, not through the site. No need to necro old posts, right? I'm Bassetete on FiMFiction.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
  16. So sleeping. I just kinda did that for 12 hours.

  17. Someday I'll fix my signature.

    1. Appliance


      Someday, it will be in FRENCH.

    2. Zeal


      Make it HEROIC.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Fixed it once, now it's not fixed anymore. :/

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