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Status Replies posted by stormchaser1991


  2. Exams are finally over! So excited for summer!

  3. Woohoo! Get your hooves together for the 100th episode! I wonder which background pony will get the spotlight?

  4. Woohoo! Get your hooves together for the 100th episode! I wonder which background pony will get the spotlight?

  5. Arrrgghhh!!! I can't pick up my copy of Splatoon until Monday afternoon! This is what I get for living in a rural area with no public transport on a weekend...

  6. Woohoo! Get your hooves together for the 100th episode! I wonder which background pony will get the spotlight?

  7. Math exams will be the death of me.

  8. "Sometimes to do some good you have to BE THE BAD GUY!!"

  9. "Sometimes to do some good you have to BE THE BAD GUY!!"

  10. I still remember.

  11. There are no strings on me.

  12. anyone interested in a 1x1 rp?

  13. I plan on making a character who's mute. I wonder how that would work. Any ideas?

  14. I apologize once again as my schedule ensues. School... Chores... Unexpected events... Expected events... And now the divisional track meet! I apologize deeply, but I hope y'all can still wish me luck! xP

  15. I plan on making a character who's mute. I wonder how that would work. Any ideas?

  16. The ultimate movie is coming out during july!

  17. I need to come back here... and do more things other than putting drawings! Hmpf... Anyone would be down for a RP, maybeh?

  18. I need to come back here... and do more things other than putting drawings! Hmpf... Anyone would be down for a RP, maybeh?

  19. just finished watching this ep or mlp and found out celestia have a weird sense of whats run

  20. Will Twilight get as tall as Luna or Celestia now that she is an alicorn? I mean she already seems to be getting a bit taller now in season 5

  21. My partner is in labor. Much excitement!

  22. C'mon, what's the worst that could happen?

  23. Hey you! Yeah, you! You know what you did.

  24. So... Who wants to Play Smash for 3DS? I'm trying to look for people to play with and talk with at the same time, and so far... no luck. So... Who wants to SETTLE IT, IN SMASH?!

  25. That's it. I'm going on an epic journey to find my cutie mark! Wish me luck xP

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