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Status Replies posted by SongHeart

  1. Oh joy. Russian Spammers snatched my Twitter account..Now I got it back and I have so much to clean up...ugh.

  2. Earth ponies are seriously underated >:-(

  3. Earth ponies are seriously underated >:-(

  4. Crazy? I pride myself in crazy. Man, I'm crazier then oatmeal!

  5. (Sighs)....it finally happened. Got the phone call last night from Caboolture hospital. My grandma has passed away after a brave fight. RIP

  6. I am so infuriated! I got a new PC after christmas but it didn't work so we got it replaced. That didn't work, and we found out we needed and aerial. So we got an Acer... Which has no power cable and it's password protected! I have no idea what the password is, and I want to kick someone's teeth in at PC world...

  7. It's a beautiful day in SoCal!

  8. 98% of all stair accidents happen on the stairs.

  9. I'm pondering... should I? *looks at CC App page*

  10. I'm pondering... should I? *looks at CC App page*

  11. i'm so bored and want to hang out with one of my friends but i dont wanna get out of my pagamas

  12. the latest episode totally killed applejack pinkie shipping

  13. waiting for replies sucks

  14. waiting for replies sucks

  15. Maybach Black: "Civil rights are pretty worthless if you can't buy anything with them."

  16. only still here since i've recorded the new episode

  17. Season 3 is coming out on DVD on Feb 4.

  18. Season 3 is coming out on DVD on Feb 4.

  19. Season 3 is coming out on DVD on Feb 4.

  20. INACTIVE. I'll see you guys when the next break comes around. Bye.

  21. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  22. I concede, a new fanatic has taken my place... T_T I shall sadly settle for second-best now...


  24. Something big and long-awaited is coming. The fact that this will be buried and ignored in pointless banter will be all the sweeter.

  25. Am I the only brony who doesn't like anime?

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