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Everything posted by Bluelight

  1. we heard you want to get together

  2. friday night, gonna party til dawn.... dont worry dad, I got my favorite dress on! -mabel! this is stupid!

  3. nice way of defeating zombies, people who created gravity falls.... defeating them with karaoke...... wish I could try that xD

  4. why cant I ever get a horse from auctions on howrse? i bid, then someone else does, and then, by the time. check it, the auction is over ;_;

  5. Bluelight

    Warm hug

    Is nutella addict dead? XD....
  6. I really like the mane...
  7. can anyone guess who my avatar is *Note: She is from a show on t.v., and I ponyfied her. The top part of her mane is clouddancers...*

  8. Last I checked.... drew much worse ponies than this.... but im still improving!
  9. who else has seen kids react to smosh?

  10. stuck in a really bad storm..... might not post for rest of night....

  11. because we will forever be...... her children of the night :)!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. QuickLime


      Its still kidnapping even if you kidnap kids with no parents =I

    3. Bluelight


      Nightmare doesnt eat ponies. Luna felt sorry for the orphans, so when tia refused to let her start a new colony, she did it anyways in secret...

    4. QuickLime


      Yes because a company devastated by war and poverty doesn't need UNITY! It needs one to be selfish, abduct children and segregate =I

  12. Luna is best alicorn princess <3

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. RarityDash


      Celestia is hotter. She wins.

    3. tacobob


      Bah! Celestia is too skinny!

    4. QuickLime


      Her and Luna are the exact same waist wise =I

  13. who else has seen fall of the crystal empire, by silly filly studios on youtube?

  14. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  15. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  16. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  17. coming back from camping... ethier today or tommorow

  18. From the album: Cannon charracters

    So this is my first time drawing a flying pony. Eh.... I dont care much for the wings. The part I had the most fun with was the hair.... plese, no haters....
  19. Bluelight

    Romantic Luna

    Hmm... you could try and level the eyes alittle, not trying to sound mean but its noticeable enough. maybe try to work on the grin alittle to? Im not the best artist and make fairly bad ponies as well....
  20. Bluelight

    Romantic Luna

    Takes a look...*whimpers abd hides in corner* shes scary!
  21. Thinkbabynames definition of my name: as a girl's name has the meaning "who is like God?" Urban dictionary definition:A girl that is extremely fine!!! She has gorgeous hair and is smart as shiznit!!! All the guys want her Since when was I a fine girl that everyonelikes and stuff? XD
  22. yesterday I listened to firework by katey perry just to set the mood....

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