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What music do you NOT like? May we suggest you try______?

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Are there any particular genres you just don't like...or THINK you don't like?

Tell is about it, and one of the friendly folks at Canterlot will post something that just might change your mind!

I for example am not a huge fan of Electroclash. Care to change my perception?

[colour=#ff0000]Note: this it to broaden your horizons, not trash other people's taste in music. Keep it civil, folks! I'll have one of the mods lock it the second it gets out of hand :) Don't make me pull this car over![/colour]

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Are there any particular genres you just don't like...or THINK you don't like?

Tell is about it, and one of the friendly folks at Canterlot will post something that just might change your mind!

I for example am not a huge fan of Electroclash. Care to change my perception?

[colour=#FF0000]Note: this it to broaden your horizons, not trash other people's taste in music. Keep it civil, folks! I'll have one of the mods lock it the second it gets out of hand :) Don't make me pull this car over![/colour]

whats electro clash?

is it like, a subgenre of electro?

oh and i dislike rap

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I feel like a complete advertisement saying this, but this is the sort of thing Pandora could be useful for.

For those that don't know, Pandora takes an artist, finds artists like the one you said, and plays that kind music. For example: Put in Rush, and get back Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and other things like Rush.

I've never heard of Electroclash, but if you know an artist in that genre, you could probably plug that into Pandora, hit skip a few times until you get to one that you do like. I think you might be able to just simply put in a genre, but I'm not sure.

Same thing goes with Rap: put in, say, Notorious B.I.G, and it'll pop out other artists like him and around the same time as him.

... now that I'm done with my advertisement for Pandora:

flutterscotch: I've never heard of Electroclash. Sorry mate, can't help you.

Browneh: Have you ever tried listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers? I think they classify as "funk," but a lot of their songs have a rap-style lyric, and I personally enjoy them. Right now,

is the only one that comes to mind that could come close to being considered "rap."
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I feel like a complete advertisement saying this, but this is the sort of thing Pandora could be useful for.

For those that don't know, Pandora takes an artist, finds artists like the one you said, and plays that kind music. For example: Put in Rush, and get back Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and other things like Rush.

I've never heard of Electroclash, but if you know an artist in that genre, you could probably plug that into Pandora, hit skip a few times until you get to one that you do like. I think you might be able to just simply put in a genre, but I'm not sure.

The problem with Pandora is that it might occasionally focus on a band you have not heard of, but it is not personal and community building. I want the opinions of people, not algorithms.

The PURPOSE of this thread is to open a dialogue to discuss things we personally like or dislike and not rely on computer programs to do our discussion for us. This is a social site after all

Also, if I wanted that I wouldn't even use Pandora. I'd go straight to AllMusic.com and use their "related" feature, because it is more precise and reliable and doesn't just play the one song by one band that kind sounds like the one you put in originally, it focuses on the band's output as a whole. :)

Electroclash covers bands like Peaches and Fischerspooner, It's in the middle of a lot of electronic and dance genres. Like second generation new wave mixed with Techno.

Browneh, you should check out Arrested Development, which is not quite rap, or De La Soul.

Particularly these songs. They are older songs, but I consider them a gateway to rap and other hiphop as they were fairly crossover, and a lot of fun. It might steer you towards that kind of sound.

If you want a good laugh, check out MC Chris.

I only listen to rock, metal, emo. Nothing else.

You should take this to its very roots and branch out from there into other genres and artists inspired by the very same bands you already enjoy. Hopefully you also listen to a lot of Motley Crue and/or Iron Maiden, because a lot of the bands you have listed not only have their roots there, but Sixx AM is, well, Nikki Sixx. For those two bands, the older the album the less commercial and glam it'll be, later the more well-produced and smoothed out. But some links below the spoiler.

This is an early breakthrough hit of the Emo genre, closer to its hardcore roots.

Replaced with a link to SubPop records' Copy: http://assets3.subpo.../video/5924.mov

The entire album Diary is beautiful, one of my favorites and I am not even a huge fan of the genre. You can also check out the entire hardcore genre. It's not as melodic as this, but there are some good things to be found the if you like the sound. That would be a good way to branch out :)

For metal I am going to take it back further to one of the first popular proto-metal songs, Blue Cheer (check their cover of Summertime Blues) and Black Sabbath is kind of the genesis of the entire metal genre. For the stuff that influenced the stuff you like it was this sound, + 70s glam rock like T-Rex, Slade and the New York Dolls, so you can check there too. You'll eventually find something that clicks with you.

and maybe see if you've heard Dream Theater.

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For myself, I am not aware of any modern country songs that I like. They are either lame or painful. I only have 13 radio stations in my city, one is country, and it never plays songs that are enjoyable to listen to. It wouldn't be bad to be able to say, "I hate country, but 'X' is amazing" and have 'X' be something from the last 3 years.

I wish I could participate in the discussion more, but I've also never heard of Electroclash, and I am not terribly familiar with rap. Certainly there are classics by

, but recently? I am out of the loop. I know
has a lame reputation, but it is hard to beat some of his rhyming. I remember listening to some of his songs and just being awed by the flow and internal rhyme.
I only listen to rock, metal, emo. Nothing else.

Is that an invitation to send you ideas in other genres? It sounds like you are not even interested in trying our suggestions.

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For myself, I am not aware of any modern country songs that I like. They are either lame or painful. I only have 13 radio stations in my city, one is country, and it never plays songs that are enjoyable to listen to. It wouldn't be bad to be able to say, "I hate country, but 'X' is amazing" and have 'X' be something from the last 3 years.

I am not sure if you will find them too depressing or not, but I really like The Handsome Family. They're Alt-Country, beautiful and sad. A little too dark to post on the board though. Influenced by the old greats like Johnny Cash (who actually, I recommend for ANYONE who doesn't think they like country to listen to the album where he covers other artists, but I think you might have heard it already :))

There is a LOT more going on in the alt-country sphere than the modern pop-top 40 country, and has been for awhile, and they tend to be directly influenced by the classic country than Garth Brooks. Garth Brooks is fine, not my thing but I can see why people like him, but some people who decided to become musicians with him as their biggest influence just seem a little stale. (Sorry Brad Paisley, I know I should be in full support of an Ohio Valley boy, and I adore your actress wife, but I reach for the dial when one of your songs comes on)

Also, it's a bit old now, but as much as I want to hate the Robert Plant/Alison Krauss mash up on just the principle of it, I just can't. It's fantastic, and just makes it into the country genre.

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I can barely stand most rap, especially our german rap here is partially really stupid and only focused on sounding dirty, while stealing melodies from metal bands who actually write their music. Bushido is the best example (its already an insult to everyone that he named himself like that...). But some rap can be really good and I don't mind that.

Unlike pop music. That maybe was quite good when it came out, but todays pop music is just simple chords, combined with a oh-so-sad text about love plus random electronical sounds (sometimes). Every music slowly suffers from the problem that there aren't infinite amounts of notes and chords you can put together without it sounding terrible (I simplified that), but pop music doesn't even really try. Its just about making money. I don't want to say other genre bands don't want to make money, but they at least want to express them selves with their music.

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I am not sure if you will find them too depressing or not, but I really like The Handsome Family. They're Alt-Country, beautiful and sad. A little too dark to post on the board though. Influenced by the old greats like Johnny Cash (who actually, I recommend for ANYONE who doesn't think they like country to listen to the album where he covers other artists, but I have a feeling you're probably OK with Johnny Cash :))

Adding on to a list of awesome old country artists: Gordon Lightfoot, and Bobby Mackey.

In all srsness, there's very little I won't listen to. I don't like a lot of modern pop, just because I dislike the singers (most of the "popular" bands like Bieber, One Direction, Lady GaGa, and a number of Katy Perry to name a few), I don't like modern hip-hop, nor do I like modern rap. I will listen to slightly older rap, or so-called West Coast rap, however...the latter from lots of Midnight Club LA XD

I highly recommend folks that don't like rap straight up to check out the Gorillaz. They usually combine rap with electronic and other kind of music, and get some decent rappers too.

Gorillaz - Stylo [Just one or two bits of rap in it, but gives you an idea of the kind of style they use for their songs. WARNING: Most times rap is used, there is minor cursing. This song is safe but you have been warned.]

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Sturmmann, ^^^Sundown is an EXCELLENT song. And to the entire spectrum of country/bluegrass/blues I am going to add Skip James. There is a reason why this song is in Ghost World, depicting a cynical teenage punk girl branching out her interests.

Google: Ghostworld: Devil Got My Woman, it'll be the first clip.

I can barely stand most rap, especially our german rap here is partially really stupid and only focused on sounding dirty, while stealing melodies from metal bands who actually write their music. Bushido is the best example (its already an insult to everyone that he named himself like that...). But some rap can be really good and I don't mind that.

Unlike pop music. That maybe was quite good when it came out, but todays pop music is just simple chords, combined with a oh-so-sad text about love plus random electronical sounds (sometimes). Every music slowly suffers from the problem that there aren't infinite amounts of notes and chords you can put together without it sounding terrible (I simplified that), but pop music doesn't even really try. Its just about making money. I don't want to say other genre bands don't want to make money, but they at least want to express them selves with their music.

Is there a genre you would like someone to find you a song you may like within it?

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I can barely stand most rap, especially our german rap here is partially really stupid and only focused on sounding dirty, while stealing melodies from metal bands who actually write their music. Bushido is the best example (its already an insult to everyone that he named himself like that...). But some rap can be really good and I don't mind that.

Unlike pop music. That maybe was quite good when it came out, but todays pop music is just simple chords, combined with a oh-so-sad text about love plus random electronical sounds (sometimes). Every music slowly suffers from the problem that there aren't infinite amounts of notes and chords you can put together without it sounding terrible (I simplified that), but pop music doesn't even really try. Its just about making money. I don't want to say other genre bands don't want to make money, but they at least want to express them selves with their music.

Don't worry... I feel the same way as you... But I got three pop songs that I really think you'll enjoy.

I think country music is rubbish...

Prove me wrong.

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I think country music is rubbish...

Prove me wrong.

Look first at my response to Weesh above

then I will specifically point out Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nails' Hurt:

Also, I know it's super lame that among all the great country songs in the world that I am suggesting this, but this song from a John C. Reilly movie is fantastic, even if it is a parody. Slightly NSFW, due to a guy in his underpants.


And one last thing that's by a Grateful Dead-esque band, but this song is decidedly country, and beautiful Last Lonely Eagle by New Riders of the Purple Sage.

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I for example am not a huge fan of Electroclash. Care to change my perception?

no, no i cant, because i totally agree with you, the waves were everywhere, there was little bass-kick(whitch is supposed to be abundent with club/techno) and.....idk, i strongly dislike it, which is wierd, considering i LOVE techno and electro

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I cannot stand most pop, rap and country.

I love folk music though and the occasional country song for me is tolerable.

I think country music is rubbish...

Prove me wrong.

How about country songs that aren't all about girlfriends leaving, trucks breaking down, and dogs running away?

Gordon Lightfoot, full stop.

Sundown, in my last post, is one of my favourite Lightfoot songs of all time. There's also Carefree Highway, an almost cheery, lethargic song about someone trying to get over a bad relationship.

Lynyrd Skynyrd's The Ballad of Curtis Loew is such an awesome it inspired an entire chapter and character for my Fallout Equestria fic. Just one song. That's how much I love it.

And while Flutterscotch mentioned Johnny Cash, I have to as well. Want to feel like the baddest seed around? Play God's Gunna Cut You Down any time.

This is sliding more into Rockabilly/Southern blues rock kinda deal, but Allman Brothers Band. Whippin' Post's a good one.

And finally, in much the same kind of country-rock than straight up country, The Eagles. Seven Bridges Road is awesome, as is Tequila Sunrise.

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Is it weird to say that I don't dislike any music explicitly? There are just genres that there is a low concentration of songs and bands that I like (aside from genres that I have not heard like Electroclash). Those genres would primarily be Rap, Hip-hop, and Dubstep. And pop too, but honestly I don't consider "pop" to be a full fledged genre either as the definition of it is constantly changing, because the genre itself equates itself with mass appeal (which is always in flux). (I was brainwashed by music theory)

This is a great thread though, and I'll keep an eye on it for suggestions. I'm always down for finding new music.

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Let's see... okay, I think I've got a genre of music I've never cared for. Well, less a genre, more a theme within a genre. Which is too say, pop music. Well, within pop music. Those songs that have a simple, catchy beat with borderline cliche lyrics, which is a surprising amount. Really though, its the simple beat that gets me, especially if its just a few techno notes, or something that just sounds like it takes next to no effort to produce. I like a little complexity or a measure of instrumental talent in my songs, and the lack thereof just irks me.

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Of all the country songs posted, I liked the Johnny Cash song, but I already knew that I liked him, and that song, which is a Nirvana cover. So not really country.

Anything recent?

Let's see... okay, I think I've got a genre of music I've never cared for. Well, less a genre, more a theme within a genre. Which is too say, pop music. Well, within pop music. Those songs that have a simple, catchy beat with borderline cliche lyrics, which is a surprising amount. Really though, its the simple beat that gets me, especially if its just a few techno notes, or something that just sounds like it takes next to no effort to produce. I like a little complexity or a measure of instrumental talent in my songs, and the lack thereof just irks me.

Heh. So the challenge is to find a cliche beat with chiche lyrics that you like somehow?

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Of all the country songs posted, I liked the Johnny Cash song, but I already knew that I liked him, and that song, which is a Nirvana cover. So not really country.


Nine inch nails, and that was for Templar, not you. I know you like Johnny Cash already so I suggested some alt-county for you. :)

Yours is here:

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Can you suggest a specific "handsome family" song? The sound is ok, but the first two songs that came up had some weird lyrics.

They might be a little too dark and odd for you then. I am guessing that Weightless Again was one of the songs that you found, I'll have to go through their catalog a bit.

I rather like this Bonnie Prince Billy song:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-xSxWX7_-4 (official video from Drag City)

And there's always Wilco. Although how country any given album is depends on the album.

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They might be a little too dark and odd for you then. I am guessing that Weightless Again was one of the songs that you found, I'll have to go through their catalog a bit.

I rather like this Bonnie Prince Billy song:


And there's always Wilco. Although how country any given album is depends on the album.

Actually, no, "weightless again" was further down than that.

(listening now)

Ok, I kinda liked the chorus. Not really impressed in general.

(listening to Bonnie Prince Billy song)

Nothing wrong with that song. I like mellow songs, but wow is that mellow. Is this really country?

Maybe I can give you an narrower target:

I liked "country roads" by John Denver

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Hmm... let me think. I listen to lots of different stuff: all sorts of rock, lots of folk, a good amount of country, some pop and even a little rap on occasion among other things; there are things and artists in every genre I hate, but there's also a lot I see to like, so it balances out. That said, there are a couple genres I just generally don't much care for...

For one, I have an aversion to a lot of metal, especially the more recent stuff I've heard. Anything where the vocals are screeched or growled or just buried under so much noise to the point its just painful and loud... I guess I've been pointed to some stuff that was okay, and I do like classic hard rock and some of the earlier metal bands, but just somewhere along the way most of it became just kinda hard for me to listen to.

I also don't really resonate with most types of dance music. Most of it is just repetitive, frequently annoying and just not very interesting to listen to. There are exceptions of course, but just generally speaking, most of it puts me off. This is especially true of all the electronically driven types of it today; I don't get this dubstep thing like at all. It's probably actually the often vapid dance-pop of the genre I find the most listenable.

Also, Flutterscotch has great taste in alt-country songs and acts. ;)

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