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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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Nova was surprised at the sudden enthusiasm from Rainbow as she wanted to race him after his claims "Dammit...Me and my big frakking mouth..." He cynically thought after regretting mentioning that part about the Academy, "Very well, after school because I don't need to be late for anymore lessons today..." he accepted her challenge on one condition that it happened after school. "Oh and speed isn't everything, you need the endurance too so you'll last longer too..." Nova added as he smirked jokingly at the eager Pegasus chuckling a little leaving that last remark to dwell in her mind for a while. "So, next lesson then?" he asked Rainbow as he made his way to the next class with everyone else.

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[colour=#008080]"Cool see you there Pinkie, Later Applejack."[/colour] Puzzlebeat said and he took off down the hall again.


[colour=#daa520]"He's a strange one isn't he, Pinkie?"[/colour] Apple jack said as he took off down the hall.

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Rainbow nodds and walks with Nova, mentally thinking the race over to herself

'Ok, the biggest problem will be endurance, so...i'll have to have a huge start, maybe even try pull a sonic rainboow if things get too close...But that's dangerious, but so is my middle name..Still, he is kinda cute...'

Rainbow blushes as she glances at Nova, trying to control her breathing

"Don't worry about me Nov's, worry about yourself when i smash you and finish the race ahead of you"

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Puzzlebeat reached the room and grabbed his bag then rushed out to get to math. [colour=#008080]"Crud got to hurry"[/colour] he told himself.


Applejack sighed [colour=#daa520]"sometime I think you got ADHD, you know that Sugar cubes?" [/colour]

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Puzzlebeat reached the door to the math class right as pinkie did this time he slowed down before colliding with her[colour=#008080] "Whoa we really need to time are meeting to where we don't crash into each other."[/colour] He said opening the door [colour=#008080]"After you." [/colour]holding the door open for her.


[colour=#daa520]"Yeah she's mental."[/colour] Applejack said to her self suddenly realizing that she was single yet she was giving boy advice to Pinkie[colour=#daa520] "I Need to hook up with some one." [/colour]

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((My characters thoughts are in parentheses))

Miss Black

(Sleep therapy..?) She repeated back in her head, thinking that it sounded strange. "Whenever you want to! Lunch, afterschool, if you have any home periods or if your homeroom teacher lets you come over here for tutoring I don't have a homeroom class this year, so that would be fine too. Im paid to be here till four, so whenever works for you words for me!" She gave Lightning a warm smile. When the bell rang, Miss Black said her goodbyes to the class, then proceeded to hastily try and clean up the chemical explosion for the next class.

"Shade" Britches

Shade quietly picked up her bag and walked over with Lightning near the teacher. She grinned at,the surprise pinch, blushing a bit. "Sure," was all she replied in response of asking Colette to lunch. Shade caught up with her on her way out. "Hey Colette! Some first day so far, huh?"

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MorningDawn got up to the sound of the bell, he grabbed his books and homework. He slowly walked to math class thinking more about school. When he reached the classroom, he was already late. He walked up to the teacher and apologized. Very sadly, he walked back to his desk. He looks at Rainbow that doesn't sit to far from him. Nobody really knows it, but Morning and her were childhood best friends. Always competing, always finding new ways to get into trouble. He missed those childhood days, but now he has to get ready for school. He doesn't have time to play around. He couldn't help but admit that he had a small crush on her.

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Dash walks into the maths class and sits at the seat at the very back next to the door, throwing her bag on her table and starts looking throught it, waiting for the rest of the class, and of course, Nova.

Rainbow pulls out a notebook and starts drawing up some flight routines, mostly out of bordem

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~Miss Autumn Sunshine~

She waited patiently as the students began to trickle into the class one by one, her eyes studying each one carefully. Every student learned best a different way...so she would need to pick out important attributes. Seeing Rainbow Dash enter the classroom, she was sort of surprised. If she's here, the other five must be here too...very, very interesting. Next came a pair of red-haired twins, their stylish clothing identical and their appearance the same in every way except for a pair of hairpins. Oh no...not them.

Of course those two would be here...her two younger cousins, always getting into mischief and making nuisances of themselves. Still, though, she liked them, if not necessarily wanted them, because they reminded her of herself when she was in High School. She knew they recognized her, but they made nno move for each other. Introductions will be given once everyone arrives.

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"Yeah, keep thinking that AFTER the race because overconfidence will OBVIOUSLY get you somewhere. Namely second place." he sarcastically retorted as Rainbow bragged about winning the race. Nova smiled as he noticed Rainbow blush and chuckled a little as he found it adorable as she blushed, they both walked into math class together sitting next to each other, he placed his bag next to his chair and gets his equipment and a notebook for the lesson, he looked over to Rainbow's notebook and saw her draw flight routines and smirked, "You got her now Nova, she perfect everything you wanted...Best not lose that..." he thought cautiously as he began doodling in his notepad glancing at her occasionally hiding the fact he was blushing because of her.

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Rainnow glances over at Nova, and giggles slightly "Umm..Nov's? You're kinda, umm, drolling on your book"

She continues drawing up advanced, hightly dangerious routes in the school area. She glances at Nova again, and couldn't help but blush slightly as she quickly checked his entire body out, before nodding to herself

'Nova could be worse i guess, he's athletic and appreantly a good flier, very confident. I'll have to just wait and see'

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Nova snapped out of his absent state and looked up at Rainbow dazed, "Hmm?, Oh right apologies sometimes I just drift off in a absent state and draw." Nova nervously smiled and looked away blushing, he looks over and catches her glancing over checking him out, smirking confidently he watches as she continued drawing out dangerous routes around the school "you know most of those routes are almost impossible to pull off because most of them run along the principal's office, and she catches everything never missing a detail if she catches you..." he warned Rainbow before he stopped noticing a dangerous glance in her eyes and looked away but secretly not wanting to get her in trouble over a matter of honour or pride.

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Rainbow simply looks down at her book

'He is right, if Luna catches me, or us. Pulling any of these off, we'll be toast...He is right, but that would mean all my stuff is wrong, and i hate being wrong...Well, i guess he did save me from Luna, so i owe him that much'

"T-thank Nov's...I-i owe you one...."

Rainbow turns a very bright shade of crimson during her thanks, and quickly turns away after doing so

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Nova nodded and smiled back at Dash happy to hear she took his warning seriously, " Not a problem Dash I'd hate to get either of us expelled over something so simple as a race of pride." he added as he drew pictures in his notebook not realising that she was blushing as she thanked him, he looked back up and noticed that someone was giving Dash a certain look and realised the person's intentions. Competition?, well this just got complicated... he thought as he sighed reservedly leaning back on his seat and was ponderously thinking of plans for the race since he'd need any advantage over Rainbow Dash who was well known for her speed and agility.

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Quiet Sapphire made it to the Classroom before the Bell Rang and he took a seat in the back. He had finished scribbling in his notebook so he decided to take a nap until the bell rang so he laid his head on the desk.

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Rainbow notices the Unicorn from before taking a powernap, and her mind started plotting

'No Rainbow, stop. First things first, you need to think about how you'll show Novy here, who's the best. Then you can worry about pulling pranks on the other classmates'

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Fluttershy put on the cheerleader uniform, the top was tight and the skirt was much shorter than she'd have liked, she was grateful for the outfit but she didn't like to have attention drawn to her, she left the locker room and embarrassedly walked through the halls as all the boys were staring at her, she constantly held her arms low trying to block anyone from seeing her in her newfound outfit and pulling the skirt down the best she could, until finally arriving at her next class, she looked around to see where her friends were and finally took a seat by pinkie "so pinkie..." she tried to fix her skirt "are you enjoying school so far?" She tried once more to fix her skirt, but much to her dismay it was still the same length


Pepper put her books away and walked into class fairly early and pulled her stuff out once more attempting to draw once more, before long she glanced over and saw sapphire asleep (Aww... He's asleep... He's asleep! nows my chance!) She quickly scribbled a note to him "Dear sapphire, I kind of... Well... Sort of like you! Do you... maybe wanna hang out later?" She snuck over and dropped the note off on his desk and ran back to her seat and looked at her slumbering crush (he's so cute sleeping... I hope he says yes...) She tried drawing but her attention seemed to be on something else, constantly checking to see if the note had been read (come on pepper... Calm down... He'll check it when class starts...) She looked at her drawing and glanced at her signature in the corner (Mother of celestia! I forgot to put who the notes from!)

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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

They watched the other students pour into the classroom quietly, not saying a word. They didn't associate with many others...they only needed each other. It was how it always was, and always will be. Some had assumed that they were...'together', but that wasn't the case, although they sometimes made it appear so as to tease the boys. Ruby took a pencil out of her bag and a sheet of paper, beginning to sketch the buildings outside the window, while her sister Garnet simply hummed to herself.

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(sorry for takin so long)

Broken looked up and blushed,"sorry everypony, wont happen again"

he started fixing desks and whatnot and sat next to silver

"so looks like im already making a fool of myself, huh silver?)

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Sapphire woke up after a bit feeling refreshed when he saw what appeared to be a note from someone. He opened it up and read it and instantly blushed. [colour=#000080]"... so-someone likes me?"[/colour] He said blushing and that made him happy, but there was one little problem, he had no idea who the note was from! He wanted to say yes but without knowing who it was that wanted to hang out he couldn't say yes and he looked around to see who it could be from.

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Morning looked at Nova, he would ruin. His plans to actually ask her out. He actually was trying to during his childhood, but he was to late. Some lovers came and went, but this one seems to have her attention. David gets up moves his books to the desk next to Nova, " Hello there. The name's Morning." Morning looked him over, not very tall. Well not as tall as Morning. Not really built either. Morning had an excuse for that, since he worked shifts at the coal mine. He looked at Nova. He leaned in close and whispered, " I don't think so man, she's mine. I've been working at it for years. I actually race her more often than any pony in Equestria. Always get second, but i get cut slack."

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Silver sighed as he sat down, placing his things to the side and looking over to Broken who had begun repositioning the chairs. [colour=#696969]"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that...Only a few people know anyway, so you should be in the clear. Unless of course someone were to tell everyone..."[/colour] , he trailed off, beginning to laugh mischievously but silently.

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