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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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(yeah sure.)


Puzzlebeat took off when he heard the bell ring. '[colour=#008080]crude I go get my bag to not be late and that is what I become.' [/colour]He flew across the campus. He made to class and burst in. [colour=#008080]"sorry i'm late. I was comforting someone who was depressed."[/colour] he took the closest seat that was open the, one next to Pinkie and Cloud. [colour=#008080]"Hey what i miss"[/colour] he asked him.


[colour=#daa520]"it's been cool. I'm glad that all my friends are here and how kind every one else is."[/colour] Applejack said. the door burst open and Puzzle beat cam in. [colour=#daa520]'so strange.'[/colour] she thought

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"Shade" Britches

As a senior, Shade knew the school well. "Fun as always I guess!" She spoke aloud at first, then mumbled quietly just to her friends "which isn't very.. Its way cool meeting you guys though, so.. I guess its not that bad or whatever, really"

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Once again, Colette was late… And here, she thought she'd at least make it to her second class on time! Alas, it was not meant to be… She opened the door to the classroom and plopped down in an empty seat next to Shade. Only the first day, and already she got into a huge mess! Literally this time! "Sorry I'm late, Miss Sunshine, been caught in a huge explosion last class."

((Sorry for being away so long!))

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(i fixed it to where Pinkie isn't sitting with just silver)


[colour=#008080]"Who? oh the rainbow haired girl? she was upset about something But some one else came to comfort her so she's fine."[/colour] Puzzlebeat said to his Pink haired friend

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Just as Pinkie mentions her name, Rainbow Dash enters the classroom with Nova right at her side, both of them had the others hand in their grip as they moved back to where they had been sitting before. Just before they sit down however, Rainbow gives Nova a playful poke in the stomach.

Her eyes were still slightly red from her crying, but had fully dried up. She didn't even look in the direction of Morning, completely ignoring him.

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"look at her," she said to him and nudged over at Dashie, "I mean how come she I so lucky?" she asked as she looked around and got up, "Please excuse mrs teacher I must use the restroom!" pinkie announced and ran out and down the hall a bit before sitting against some lockers, "Stupid Pinkie!" she said as she hit her head against the lockers and sighed

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Broken looked up from his books to see a pink haired girl run out of class

"mother of celestia?!? What is going on with this school??"

he said to himself as he heard banging on the lockers along with some mumbling.

(is somepony already goin after pinkie? cuz this this would be a perfect oppertunity if you are, if not, ill happily do so ^_^)

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Just as Pinkie mentions her name, Rainbow Dash enters the classroom with Nova right at her side, both of them had the others hand in their grip as they moved back to where they had been sitting before. Just before they sit down however, Rainbow gives Nova a playful poke in the stomach.

Her eyes were still slightly red from her crying, but had fully dried up. She didn't even look in the direction of Morning, completely ignoring him.

Nova smirked and sat next to Rainbow Dash where along the way he spotted her notebook on the floor, he crouched down and picked it up examining it for a name and found Dash's signature on the front and handed it over to her, "Hey Dash I think this is yours, I found it by the front." he said as he put his bag down next to his desk, he giggled a little smiling as she poked his stomach playfully and relaxed a little as he sat down in his chair.

He looked around the class room waiting until he saw Pinkie pie ran out of the class and into the hall, "Dash...I think you should go speak to Pinkie and see what's wrong with her, I'll watch your seat and your stuff you better hurry she looked in a bad way she is your friend after all." Nova urged Dash to go after Pinkie to talk to her promising to watch her stuff while she's gone as concern was rising in his mind about the Pink-haired girl's state.

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Rainbow nodded at Nova's suggestion, Pinkie didn't look in the best of shapes.

"Cheers Novy"

She gets up and leaves the classroom, looking around and quickly spotting Pinkie on the ground.

"H-hey...Pinkie? What's wrong?"

Rainbow sat down next to her pink haired friend

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"I..I'm not wanted," she said simply, "I mean I haven't seen anyone look at me in any manner of attraction," she blatantly stated, "I mean you have Nova now and it seems as it everyone else is kind of hooking up anyway," se closed her eyes and hugged her legs, "Am I that unattractive?" she asks RD, "I mean not a single person has made any recognition of me,"

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~Miss Autumn Sunshine~

She listened as the students answered her question one by one, nodding, and before she knew it one of the 'tardy' students arrived. Autumn eyed Colette a moment before giving an odd smile as the student sat down. "Oh, it's fine, dear. It's your first day...but a light reminder; I don't approve of tardiness. It's one of my...pet peeves, if you will." Letting the warning go, her smile reverted back to it's normal self. "...since this is the first time I'm meeting you all, I should tell a bit about myself, yes? Oh, where to start...any suggestions?"

~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

Garnet looked over at Puzzle a moment, then realized her hand was still in Cloud's. Flushing a bit, she withdrew it and leaned away. Ruby had simply retreated into her own private world, going back to her sketches and ignoring Cousin Autumn pointedly. Just because she was teacher didn't mean she was the boss of her...and she'll learn that soon enough! Suddenly, Ruby noticed Puzzle eyeing her, and she put her pencil down and looked back at him. "...er, is there a fly on my nose or something?"

Garnet reached over and flicked her sister across the nose, drawing a scowl from Ruby. "He just wants to know our names." Despite Garnet's friendly-sounding tone, Ruby still had the frown on her face. Garnet sighed and turned back to Cloud and Puzzle. "I'm Garnet...and the grouch over here is Ruby."

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Rainbow ran her hand through her hair "Ohh, yeah..it's that obvioius? Well, we're not actually going out, i don't think...Anyway, look Pinkie, there is someone in that class who likes you, you've just got to be patient"

'Wow, i sound like a fool, asking Pinkie to wait for something, its like asking me to wait, there are only a few people i'll ever do that do'

"What i'm trying to say Pinkie is he's in there..somewhere, maybe that kid you were hanging out with before, he looked really concerned when you just ran out like you did....Or..." Rainbow shook her head

"Just go back in there and do what you do best Pinkie, you'll see someone will be looking at you, i promise"

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[colour=#008080]"Hey. I'm Puzzlebeat. I'm throwing a party after school if you three want to come." [/colour]He said to Cloud, Ruby and Garnet. then turned his attention to the door worried about his friend.


Applejack stood and went out the door. [colour=#DAA520]"Whats wrong with her Dashie?"[/colour] she asked Rainbow Dash

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Rainbow glanced at AppleJack, partly for getting her attention and partly for calling her 'Dashie'

"She's..umm, how to put this...She's upset that a large number of us are...getting close, and that noone's taken an obvious interest in her. I'm no good on subjects like this AJ, can you, like...explain this?"

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[colour=#DAA520]"I'll try."[/colour] Applejack said. she knelt next to Pinke.[colour=#DAA520] "look sugar cube there has to be some one who likes you you probably havn't noticed it yet."[/colour]

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