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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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Pinkie quickly appeared by Razors side. "Sorry about that... It's just my pinkie sense... Lets just get back to work." Pinki fumbles trying to change topics. "Where to next?"

Razor rolled his eyes, "Right Pinkie Sense."

He chuckled, "Whats gonna happen next? I still have yet to see any proof of it."

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Crystal Empire


Princess Cadence approached Shining Armor.

"What are you doing with that other guard?" asked Shining Armor.

"I need you Shining Armor. This is or urgent matter. Lovinity is dead, and Princess Celestia needs us there to try and revive her," replied the princess.

"Lovinty is the harmony of love, is she?" Asked Shining Armor.

"Yes... and Celestia informed me that if we do not revive her, Hearts and Hooves Day is in great danger. We need to go Shining! One of Celestia's guards here will take over for you while we're gone."


Just as they were ready to leave the palace, they ran into Lovinity.

(Gasp) "Lovinity! Lovinity you're alive!" Princess Cadence shouted in joy.

"Yes silly otherwise I wouldn't be here (giggle)," replied Lovinity. Shining Armor and Cadence gave Lovinity a big hug.

Back at the Royal Palace


Lovinity comes into the door. Celestia was pacing up and down frantically because she saw her spell protecting Lovinity's body being broken and Lovinity being missing.

"Princess Celestia?" Asked Lovinity.

"(Gasp) Lovinity! You're okay!" Princess Celestia scrambled to Lovinity. "What happened... how did you get revived?"

"Oh silly Celestia, my heart automatically revives me when I die. I can't die, remember?" Replied Lovinity.

"Well I suppose not. But where are Princess Cadence and Shining Armor?"

"I told them to go ahead and stay at the Crystal Empire."

"Huh? But you were here!"

"I know. I was. But as you and Cadence were leaving the palace I overheard since at that moment my heart was just beginning to regenerate me."

"But what about my royal guard?"

"Your royal what? ...oh your royal guard. I thought he was in the Crystal Empire."

"But if Shining Armor is still there, why didn't my guard come back here?"

"He was with me... well for some time and then he suddenly disappeared."

"mmhmm..." Princess Celestia replied.

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Royal Palace


"Celestia, I think I should go now. My friends are probably worried sick," said Lovinity.

"Yes, do go Lovinity. I'm sure they'll be very happy to see you!" replied Princess Celestia.

"Take care... Princess Celestia." Lovinity replied.

Lovinity walked out of the palace and headed towards Ponyville to welcome the news to her friends.

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Razor rolled his eyes, "Right Pinkie Sense."

He chuckled, "Whats gonna happen next? I still have yet to see any proof of it."

Pinkie shakes her head. "I cant predict things that are going to happen in the far future. It only happens when something is about to happen." She shrugs her shoulders and grins. "So what do you think is happening hmmm?" She says as she begins bouncing around him. "Thats three times!"

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Pinkie shakes her head. "I cant predict things that are going to happen in the far future. It only happens when something is about to happen." She shrugs her shoulders and grins. "So what do you think is happening hmmm?" She says as she begins bouncing around him. "Thats three times!"

"Personally, I think you ponies are just accident prone. I'm already sure you are all crazy as well." Razor said simply, "Not long ago I was passing through this town, flying of course, and I saw a whole herd of mares chasing after this one stallion. They all ganged up around him in a big pile."

Razor could still remember that, and it had been a wierd scene.

"At frist I thought all the girls in town had just gone crazy over him or something, then I saw them all fighting each other over some doll I think. I didn't get a good look at it, since I didn't stay long."

"I still say that if this Pinkie Sense thing of yours is real, let me be hit by a run away cart." Razor said.

Not far off a ditzy little pegasus accidently walked into a cart near a hill, and set it rolling down a path that Razor stood in.

Pinkie and Razor


Lovinity approaches Pinkie and Razor.

"Hi Pinkie!" Lovinity said to her.

Razor looked from Pinkie and saw Lovinity, "Hey your alive. Figured you would, though for a holiday of love and affection this town just seems to make this whole Hearts and Hooves garbage look like a steel cage claw fight match."

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(Sorry ShadowWalking if my one post influenced it)

Razor and Pinkie Pie


"Hmm..." Lovinity thought. "Maybe I could try some sort of love spell that will ease the 'fighting'. Do you want to come help me out?" Lovinity asked Razor and Pinkie Pie.

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"Hehe, I'm Lovinity", Lovinity said to Pitch.

"Say what do you say, the four of us, making Hearts and Hooves day from crappy to happy."

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"Personally, I think you ponies are just accident prone. I'm already sure you are all crazy as well." Razor said simply, "Not long ago I was passing through this town, flying of course, and I saw a whole herd of mares chasing after this one stallion. They all ganged up around him in a big pile."

Razor could still remember that, and it had been a wierd scene.

"At frist I thought all the girls in town had just gone crazy over him or something, then I saw them all fighting each other over some doll I think. I didn't get a good look at it, since I didn't stay long."

"I still say that if this Pinkie Sense thing of yours is real, let me be hit by a run away cart." Razor said.

Not far off a ditzy little pegasus accidently walked into a cart near a hill, and set it rolling down a path that Razor stood in.

Razor looked from Pinkie and saw Lovinity, "Hey your alive. Figured you would, though for a holiday of love and affection this town just seems to make this whole Hearts and Hooves garbage look like a steel cage claw fight match."

Pinkies ear flop, then her tail twiched. She gasped. "Run away cart!" She yells out before she looked around like crazy. She turned to the left and right before she saw the run away cart. She tackles Razor out of the way! They roll down the street a little and stop with Pinkie on top of Razor. Shes grinning from ear to ear.

"For such a fast griffin, you never seem to move out of the way of things." She giggles.

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"W-well... sure, I guess."

Trutg be told, Pitch never was too fond of H&H day. It always reminded him of all the years he was picked on for not having a special somepony on the day. Still, if he could make a few smiles for others, then why in Tartarus not?

Just then, cart!

"Whoa! Are you guys okay?"

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(Sorry, forgot I had oboe lessons, back now!)

Somepony knocked on the door, much quieter than last time. Rarity, in her dramatically worried state, put the tea down and ran for the door. [colour=#800080]"WHAT HAPPENED TO SWEETIE- Oh, hi Angel!" [/colour]She expected bad news, but it was only Angel. [colour=#800080]"Come in." [/colour]Rarity welcome him. After entering, Rarity offered him tea, and asked if there were more accidents she should know about, in a slightly jokey manner.

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"Hey Griffin! What's up?" Lovinity said.

"Hehe Pinkie, Pitch, Razor and I were just about to go around town to spread some Hearts and Hooves Day cheer". Lovinity smiled.

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Angel went in, And gladly accepted the tea, Rarity asked him if any other accidents happened. He laughed "Nope, I sure hope not!" He gave her a smile and took a drink of tea, "I found out where the party is! Its at town hall, Like you said." He said happily.

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Pinkie Pie, Razor, Pitch


Lovinity giggles.

"Huddle around ponies, I'm going to start the heart magic with you three. The magic will give each you a limited supply to use for others." Lovinity smiled.

"You ready?"

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Pinkies ear flop, then her tail twiched. She gasped. "Run away cart!" She yells out before she looked around like crazy. She turned to the left and right before she saw the run away cart. She tackles Razor out of the way! They roll down the street a little and stop with Pinkie on top of Razor. Shes grinning from ear to ear.

"For such a fast griffin, you never seem to move out of the way of things." She giggles.

"Omph," Razor said as he was tackled to the ground. He looked up at Pinkie and felt a blush coming to his face, even seeable through his feathers.

"G-get...I...You..." Razor stammered, then scrambled from out under Pinkie and flew up a ways. He was blushing immensly now.

"I...I...you...don't do that." He said. He shook his head and returned to his normal attitude now.

"I....cart...I would have moved if you hadn't tackled me." Razor said.

Razor landed and looked at Lovinity, "Wait what?"

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Pinkie Pie, Razor, Pitch


Lovinity giggles.

"Huddle around ponies, I'm going to start the heart magic with you three. The magic will give each you a limited supply to use for others." Lovinity smiled.

"You ready?"

Pinkie turned around and bounced to the other two, giggling. "That sounds like alloooot of fun! But, I have one question. Whats heart magic?"

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Pinkie Pie, Razor, and Pitch


"Heart Magic?" Lovinity said to Pinkie. "It's a type of magic I use to help build love within other ponies... Lovinitize is what it's called. It doesn't make ponies fall in love with other ponies, it's not that kind of magic. It's a magic that brings within a pony the sense of true genuine and infinite love."

Lovinity Smiles at Pinkie Pie.

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Pinkie Pie, Razor, Pitch


"Simple," Lovinity replied to answer the questions of others. "Gather around in a huddle. I will expel my heart magic on the three of you, filling your hearts up not only with love, but with the magic. Go to any pony whom you feel needs love, hug them, and concentrate on your heart while hugging them. The green magic will flow out and into them, giving them the same sense of true and genuine love. Please do note, The magic I give you is limited, so use wisely."

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