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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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Rarity nodded at Applejack's request. [colour=#800080]"I'll get right on that." [/colour]Rarity told her, as she took the gem. [colour=#800080]"Oh, and could you give this to Flashmob next time you see him?" [/colour]She passed Applejack the gift box with Flashbomb's suit. [colour=#800080]"Don't look inside. It's a surprise!" [/colour]Rarity told her. [colour=#800080]"I must get back to work then. Goodbye AJ!" [/colour]Rarity then walked off back to the boutique. [colour=#800080]Now, I'll need ideas...[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"I think I may stay awhile."[/colour] Puzzlebeat replied to Pinkie walking closer to her. [colour=#008080]"where do you want to eat?"[/colour] He asked


Discord watched Puzzlebeat and Pinkie Pie walk off. "Well where do you want to eat, I know your hungry."

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Applejack thanked Rarity, then left, the box balanced on her back. She began to look for flashbomb, but couldnt find him anywhere in Ponyville. She decided to head home, then look again later, but to her surprise, she saw her coltfriend preforming tricks worthy of Rainbow Dash above the farm. "Oh, Ah know RDs gonna like him." She said to herself as she sat down to watch.

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Angel dreamed about being at a cat-walk for his first time, There he saw many models, Mostly mare's. He looked to see Photo Finish peeking from behind the curtain. Then Fluttershy appeared from behind the curtain and slowly trotted up the catwalk "Now where Have I seen her" Angel wondered to himself as he snapped a few photos. Then he remembered the magazine Rarity had shown him. "OH Yeh! FlutterShy" He smiled to himself. Then awoke to his room "Im still regretting not being at that cat-walk" He sighed to himself.

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"Well I was thinking of a home made meal." She beamed. She bounced down the road, somehow keeping pace with Puzzlebeat. "Being a DJ must be sooo much fun. Being the life of the party. Making new ponies smile everyday. It must be so amazing." The feeling of being around Puzzlebeat was making her beam with happiness, but there was something missing. She couldn'tplace the feeling, maybe I was hungry.

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Queen Chrysalis and Light Harmony


Lovinity lay on the ground. Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Chrysalis, and Light harmony wanted to make sure she was okay. She awoke.

"Oh thank Equestria you're alright!" Cadence said, hugging Lovinity.

"Princess Cadence... May I ask you something?" Lovinity asked.

"What is it?" Cadence replied.

"You .. And Shining Armor... Are you my parents?"

"...no my filly, why do you ask?"

"Why do you say that I'm your filly?"

"Since Ive first met you, Shining Armor and I have been inspired by your dedication to love. And Ive heard that no one knows who your true parents are so..." Cadence wasn't able to finish so shining armor finished.

"... So we wish to consider you as our filly."

"What? Really?" Lovinity asked, smiling.

"Yes." Princess Cadence replied.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Lovinity said, smiling and crying happy tears.

"I love you all so much! Cadence, Chrysalis, Shining Armor, come over here and let's have a group hug hehe! Light Harmony come over here too hehe! Free love for all!"

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-anypony or just to himself

Quillhart yawned loudly where he was laying under the tree. Nopony had noticed him and even though a lot had happened since the first conversation, he didn't see any conversation where he could join in to add anything. A lot of ponies had walked by him and none of them had cared of him laying there. If they even noticed him. He was in fact bored and wished that somepony would speak to him. [colour=#daa520]"Very well."[/colour] he though loud to himself. He stretched his back and yawned loudly. [colour=#daa520]"I guess I can write to kill some time." [/colour]He reached his hoof into his saddle bag that laid next to him on the ground. And picked up a quill, ink and some paper and began to write a love story.

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Light had a big smile on his face. He found Lovinity. He walked up to her on the ground and watched as the other two ponies were talking to her. He still had no idea who they were but right now he didn't care. He walked up to Lovinity and looked down at her. "[colour=#000080]Lovinity! I can't believe I found you! Well I don't think I found you..[/colour]" He looked at Cadance and Shining Armor, "[colour=#000080]But still, I was so worried about you! Are you alright?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb sat up from his little sun bath. He blinked sleepily and looked around there were no ponies for a half mile that he could see. He hated being alone for some reason. He had nothing to do and nopony to talk to. He sighed to himself and pulled out his headphones and music player he then brought out a couple snacks and a tea kettle complete with water a stand and a burner. He then heard Apple jack behind him. He glanced over and smiled to her. "Hello Applejack." He wondered was in the box but decided not to ask just yet. He Hugged her and invited her to Hang out with him. He let the tea prepare. He gazed up at the sky and watched the birds fly by. He took off his Headphones and enjoyed the Warm field.

(kk i got my post fixed.)

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Chrysalis glared at her changlings and soon most flew off toward the cave, being full and wanting to be home, only about 5 stayed, they then took pony looking forms and went off to ponyville. Chrysalis sighed, "They are such a handful" she sat down and closed her eyes

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[colour=#008080]"I think I may stay awhile."[/colour] Puzzlebeat replied to Pinkie walking closer to her. [colour=#008080]"where do you want to eat?"[/colour] He asked


Discord watched Puzzlebeat and Pinkie Pie walk off. "Well where do you want to eat, I know your hungry."

Razor watched Pinkie and Puzzlebeat go. He felt very suspicious, and he eyed Discord suspiciously.

"You're up to something." He said before walking off a different direction. He looked around for a place to eat.

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"Well, she'd be mighty imressed. Maybe even a bit jealous." Applejack smirked as she leaned against Flashbomb. Then she noticed him looking at the box. "Rarity said thats for you. Said it was some kind of secret."

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[colour=#008080]"Yeah that sounds good." [/colour]Puzzlebeat said to Pinkie. [colour=#008080]"Hey come with me I got an idea." [/colour]


Discord watched Razor leave "Well then. Where is something I can do?" He listened around the world for something entertaining. 'oh look at that. it's Chrysee' he vanished and was next to Chrysalis. "So whats new Chyrsee? long time no see."

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- Appeljack and Flashbomb

Quillhart grew tired of being all still so he jumped up on his hoofs and stretched his back like a cat. He decided to walk to the sweet apple acres to see if applejack was at home. And he couldn't get enough of the accent of hers. He could see that flashbomb was with Applejack while he approached the village. So he waved and shouted at them.[colour=#daa520] "HI APPLEJACK! HI FLASHBOMB!"[/colour]

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Flashbomb looked at the box for a bi and hen Heard it was for him. "A secret huh?" He noticed that his tea was whistling. "Excuse me for a sec." He leaned over and pulled the kettle off the burner. "Would you care for some?" He began to ask her when he heard someone Yell their names. "Oh hey there QuillHeart where have you been?" He asked the brown pony as he waved to them.

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Quillhart smiled at the ponies he was a lot braver with a friend around.

"Oh, I've been climbing the tallest mountain, Fought the greatest dragon and faced the queen of disaster to reach the one I love."

He had a guilty face when he scratched his neck. He pulled his glasses further upon his muzzle.

"Well that's what I wrote at least."

He looked a bit nervous realizing that he had their whole attention. He liked to be noticed only if it didn't last for too long. And especially not if it was too intense.

"I was by the tree but suddenly they all ran off. And you know I'm not really the person who follows if I'm not asked to do so."

He smiled nervously.

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Flashbomb smiled with ammusement. He enjoyed Quillheart and his Adventurous Nature. He glanced over to Applejack and wondered if she and Him had met before. "Applejack have you met quillheart?. I met him in canterlot." He made introductions.

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[colour=#008080]"Yeah that sounds good." [/colour]Puzzlebeat said to Pinkie. [colour=#008080]"Hey come with me I got an idea." [/colour]


Discord watched Razor leave "Well then. Where is something I can do?" He listened around the world for something entertaining. 'oh look at that. it's Chrysee' he vanished and was next to Chrysalis. "So whats new Chyrsee? long time no see."

Pinkie grins. "I love ideas." She said as he took the lead. She followed close behind him. "So where are we going then!?"

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Quillhart leaned aside so he could see the pony behind flashbomb.

"well ain't that just dandy! Tha greatest apple farma' in all of tha great world of Equestria. Ya'know that we haven't met, but ah Sure know who you are."

He tried to use the same accent as she did but failed at some points. He reached out his hoof and decided to speak with his normal voice from now.

"I'm Quillhart, but you may call me quill."

He smiled widely and hoped to get a nice reaction in return.

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