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Fighting is Magic: Shut Down


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Unfortunately, that is the nature of trademark laws in the US, you either protect your trademark or risk losing it. Given how long Hasbro has waited before issuing this C&D, it tells me that they probably didn't want to do it. I suspect that a third party that was issued a C&D by Hasbro attempted to use Fighting is Magic as a justification, which ultimately tied Hasbro's hands in the matter. Granted, this is all pure speculation on my part.

I am curious as to what will happen at EVO 2013. Fighting is Magic was going to be featured as a side showcase this year.

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Yeah, that is unfortunate. It's a pity that Hasbro would probably wouldn't have granted a legal license for it (or perhaps the fees would have been prohibitive for a small volunteer group, barring kickstarter support).

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It can still be a thing.

Why let it stop here?

There's nothing saying this project can't be funded by Hasbro itself. Enter an agreement with them over licensing, release the game on Steam for a few bucks.

(That idea. Courtesy of Canterlot's own Hurricane.)

But yeah. Do that, and everyone's happy. Don't do it?

Witness hell.

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Keep in mind people. This is NOTHING new. Companies have been doing this for ages, to ensure their IP doesn't become generic, and thus lose the Trademark rights to it. While it stinks for those looking forward to this game, it was going to happen eventually due to the length of the project. Hasbro has enough issues with knock offs as is.

Lauren Faust has offered to make new characters for them though, free and clear. Hopefully they accept that and make new backgrounds that wouldn't infringe. That should get the project going again.

Granted they will not be associated with MLP in anyway. They have to be different so Hasbro won't come down on them again. Surely Faust in all of her magic, can create something in a similar style that would appease Hasbro ;)

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Lesson learned: don't go overboard with publicity for a potentially-infringing fanwork by trying to include it in a fighter game tournament. :-|

This right here. I could never figure out why they were so into putting an unfinished game into a tournament..Finish the game, release it out in the open for most of us to get our grubby hooves on it, and then when Hasbro shuts it down, it will be floating around the torrents till the end of time. Or the creators of Fighting Is Magic work with Hasbro and are allowed to finish and release the game out into the wild as long as they don't make one single bit off of it...Yeah, I know, in our dreams. :-|

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Lesson learned: don't go overboard with publicity for a potentially-infringing fanwork by trying to include it in a fighter game tournament. :-|

They didn't. Others requested it. They didn't want to go to Evo 2013, and their presence at EVO 2012 likely didn't have any impact on what happened.

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Whoa! ...holy smokes, they... Hasbro tore them down? ...that's horrible! God, c-c-can I even make a comment about that? I mean it's...oh god, I feel so bad about this! I'm so... I don't even know what we can or can't get away with now.... :sad:

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Back to the subject for a second...

It's okay to just roll over like this? When the fandom's been leaning out the window singing Smile Smile Smile with a middle finger up to licensed things for the past three years? Part of the reason I'm even ON this site (which would itself be infringing on the copyrights since there are donations and hundreds of people here) is that the fans make this stuff! Come on now. COME ON NOW. No solutions? Yes, yes I want to take it to that level. I will rebel with all my heart against this vomit-worthy move of capitalism.

This fandom has proved itself as capable of doing amazing things and now the party stops because someone says stop having fun?

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Back to the subject for a second...

It's okay to just roll over like this? When the fandom's been leaning out the window singing Smile Smile Smile with a middle finger up to licensed things for the past three years? Part of the reason I'm even ON this site (which would itself be infringing on the copyrights since there are donations and hundreds of people here) is that the fans make this stuff! Come on now. COME ON NOW. No solutions? Yes, yes I want to take it to that level. I will rebel with all my heart against this vomit-worthy move of capitalism.

This fandom has proved itself as capable of doing amazing things and now the party stops because someone says stop having fun?

Nothing on this site infringes, artwork and music falls under fair use. This game does not. There is nothing to be done unless you have the capital to go to court against Hasbro.

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