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Xan Xeto has arrived...


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Well, I'm not too sure what else to add, so I'll start from the top. My On-screen name is Xan Xeto, I'm a big time role player and one who loves to write stories. I've just recently gotten into this whole fandom, but it's given my story telling a whole new direction. I'm up for nearly any type of role playing, but a big warning if you do decide to rp with me; I tend to linger on the darker side of things. This means that I tend to involve death a destruction within my posts and plots. I can play an awesome good character, and an even better villain, though I tend to make characters that is a mix of a good villain. (Most don't understand that till they've rped with me.) Aside from that, I'm easy going and full of fun. Wanna rp, hit me up. Wanna chat, send me a PM(Private Message) or any other way of contacting me.

Well, that's all for now, I'll make sure to see what I can work with here, update my profile and whatnot, and also make sure that I meet as many as I can.

This is Xan Xeto, signing out.

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Huh, somehow that intro thing before my text disappeared when I tried and fix something, just a moment, I'll get it back.

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Ah, yet another author! I hope your works are as good as your self confidence and I would gladly see them even if that isn't the case! A good villain is one of my favorite kind of characters, if done right, of course. I can admit on my part that my skills in writing are only high in comparison with my fellow students, AKA not very high. I've rarely seen any authors who tend to write stories without darker touch.

Anyways, welcome! I hope you'll find this pleasant!

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