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uh...hello ponies.^-^


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About Myself: I love to sing, I take choir and do theatre with a group called Triple Threat (TTT) outside school and I also do dance a High Performance Dance Acadamy (HPDA)

How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for MLP roleplays and found this amazing website(:

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friend introduced me to it, and I used to watch it when I was younger.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
Hello hello!! I'm Trinityy and I like food. Okay well this is my introduction and I don't really know how to do stuff on here because this isn't Webs :eek: Well I adore Fluttershy and I love her like crazy ok<3 Now I guess I'll talk about me. I am usually shy and don't talk in class because I don't care about school. I can be a really fun person if you get to know me, and I get really hyper if I don't sleep. Like now. Its 3 am. ok back to topic. U h I d o d a n c e. I dance competitively at High performance dance academy/center (HPDA). I also go to a Theatre group called Triple Threat (TTT). I love my theatre friends like family and we are like a big family. :aubrey: THATS GONNA DO IT FOR ME AND ILL TALK TO YOU GUYS LATER I LOVE YOU ALL ALREADY . :D P.s. Does anypony have a Roleplay I could jus hop in??? :DS GO THAT :aubrey: :aubrey: :aubrey:

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