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How did you get into RP?


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Basically, I've been a fanfic writer that started RP many years ago in the Super Furries, Fur Noir and Atom City Yahoo RP Groups. All three of those pretty much died out in recent years, so I was SO happy to be RPing here!

Honestly, RPing with anthro superheroes isn't much different than RPing here in Canterlot, except for the limits of the Equestria World established by the cartoon's canon. And in Canterlot's Crossover section, those limits are lifted!

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Hm...I could say that I started Rp back in the late 2004s/early 2005s? Trying to remember when Armored Core 3 came out, it was a year or so after it's release and I had finally beaten it. It was the first game I Rp'ed in and boy did it go horridly. After that I mostly dropped back to writing fanfics for Monster Hunter and such until 08 where I finally Rp'ed again (in another Armored Core Rp, no less) which went far better but eventually died out. After that I mostly Rp'ed casually if I could find a place with a strong Rp community.

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mm, I still haven't roleplayed before ._. I never even played pretend when I was little. I'm trying to motivate myself to start RPing here though.

the main problem I face is that I like to draw a character, then say "she does X, likes y and dislikes Z" and leave it at that XD sometimes I'll think up a situation that they'd end up in, but no events leading up to that point, and nothing happens after either.

wait, does making up battle style boardgames on the spot count as role play? I doubt it does, but I do that sometimes with my improv friend.

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I first got into RP a few years ago when a now ex-girlfriend begged me to RP with her, and it was pretty fun, aside from some of the blatant, unchekced power gaming going on at the board she invited me to. After that, I got my RP fix from various tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, etc. Though, that has gotten a bit tiring, since I'm usually the only person in the whole group that makes more than a one-dimensional killing machine... and I'm generally the one of very few to stick with my alignment. So, after coming here, I decided to have another go at forum RP after a few years off, and RP here has been at least 20% cooler than anywhere else thus far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You really want me to remember that far? Ummmmm..............well, gee I think what really got me into roleplaying was I used to go to this Wrestling forum. (That's "Television" wrestling not the real wrestling you have in like High School's and stuff) And anyway's you made your own wrestler and you made up these promos, (Don't know what else to call it) and that is what really got me into roleplaying. That had to be 13 or 14 or 15 years ago. GOD, I'm OLD LOL!

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Hmm...I think I have been RPing the longest, starting out on Neopets RP boards when I was like seven or eight...that would be about 15 to 16 years ago....and it's been a lot of fun, though I have moved from dying site to dying site...always reviving it enough to either a) get bored with it or b) get banned for a misunderstanding with one of the big headhonchos...that site died the day I left (the proof?  Everypony that I played with there has been trying to get me to come back despite the ban!)  I hope this site doesn't make me bored and that I don't get banned for defending friendship (as I said, it was a misunderstanding...they thought I was advertising my own site and not my friends....oh well, karma kicked their tailfeathers.) :P

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When did I start RPing... hmmm.

Well, way back in the dawn of time... this would be mid-90s or so, I guess... there were the InsideTheWeb message boards, which allowed you to create a simple, free board with minimal skill and join it with even less. I always had (and still do) love dragons, and I came across an ITW board where people were RPing as dragons. I joined in there and kept going up until ITW went under and the community got scattered; then I joined up with several former acquaintances from there on EZBoard and we more-or-less continued on from where we'd left off. It kept going up until four or five years ago.

I never really got the hang of D&D or other stat-based RPing systems. I get impatient with numbers and dice rolls and things; I feel like they usurp the narrative. The kind of RPing I prefer has always been the sort where you're writing a story... with other people instead of by oneself, but a story nonetheless.

I miss it, but I'll likely refrain from joining up here for at least a while; partly that's because I don't think I'd be able to devote the time, but partly because the experience is likely to be jarring. When I was RPing before it was always with the same group of close friends; we were always talking anyway, and we all had a handle on how the others thought, so things went very fast and very smoothly. It's been ten years or so since I've been in the position of doing that level of collaboration with people I don't know very well.

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(not sure if already responded)

It all started in early 2006 when I discovered the internet. I was 12 (baaaad idea).

I originally joined a Yu-Gi-Oh RP out of curiosity. I was banned within the month.

A year later I came back and was much better.

Ever since that first RP site I've been coming and going from RP sites like crazy. Wrestling, Pokemon, Xiaolin Showdown. I've honestly lost interest in the art of post-by-post RP'ing, but I'd like to consider myself a vet of RP'ing. 5 years man. 5 years. :20:

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  • 1 month later...

Kind of a long story:

I was looking for a FIM related forum to post something I wrote and ended up here

One day, I was browsing through the applications section and after reading some really good apps; stumbled upon the Character availability section and noticed that Cheerilee was available.

The inspiration fairy hit me really really hard, and before I knew it, it was 4am and I had a mainly complete 1.75 page character summary of her

Initially I didnt really want to RP, due to not knowing how. But my application was apparently quite good and after some encouragement from others I gave it a shot.

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I started my online RPing back when Yahoo groups was the rage. Started out with some Anime RPs. But I gave up and stuck to doing IRL D&D with my friends. Then I came back about 2 years ago, another Anime RP thing on livejournal. I eventually got bored because we didn't have the kind of setup that we have here, more dynamic and lively. I still prefer IRL D&D though, but with MLP around, I decided to take the splash and so here I am.

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My friends were doing it.

I was, like, 12? 13? Something. One of my online friends had another friend who started a RP board about brightly-colored, magical, talking cats. (Obviously my tastes have matured, having moved to... brightly-colored... magical ponies. MOVING ON.) Most of the people involved were artists of some stripe, and I kept seeing my friends post drawings of these cool-lookin' cats and I was like, "Eff it, I want in!"

But I was terrrible at responding, and too scared to let anything bad happen to my characters, and I eventually gave up. My friends did some realtime RPing on Furcadia, but I wasn't on every single night like they were, so I tended to get left out of the serious plot stuff they came up with. (My preference was for fun, jokey stuff anyway.)

Sometime later I came across a board for a comic I kinda liked, and it was all talkin' wolves. I kept that up for a while, but eventually the drama ran me off.

I've kind of avoided RP since then, but the world FiM has set up just seems really inviting and like there's a lot to build on, so I got back into it. Plus, I've gotten better at writing. Orrr I've at least gotten better about not wanting anything bad and/or embarrassing happen to my characters, and am capable of writing characters beyond "flaming, effeminate dude". :P

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