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Ambrosian Dreams (Open with Invite. Ask to Enter.)


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Applejack was a mare of rather impressive and enduring strength and stamina. Her first pregnancy had ended with a very normal, very yell-y birth at home. All in all, nothing much to it. She had felt a little foolish afterwards for not taking ponies up on their very good advice to just head to the hospital and had resolved to make it easier on herself the next time. She wasn't a masochist, after all. Besides, this time it felt a lot different. A lot more aches. A lot more pains, and as the day approached she felt increasingly sluggish. Little Ambrosia must have been so excited she kicked day and night day and night day and night to come out. Who was momma's favorite little bucker? Ambrosia was! Also please stop, momma needs sleep.


When the day came Applejack didn't tarry. She first started galloping but eventually Big Mac and Apple Bloom forced her into a cart and then they rushed her over to Ponyville General. Everypony there was just so nice and welcoming and happy and she wished she could be half as happy as they were but Ambrosia was like a Yak in a debate, and her body was the yearly harvest that needed to be divided up. She was rushed into the maternal ward and from there she went about her work. Apple Bloom and Big Mac shot off to inform others, and Applejack made sure to smash a magical bell that she had- the other of which was on Rainbow, and would let her know that it was time.


She then began her long, long work. And she meant, long. But don't worry, she said to herself as she was moved into her room. It would work out right in the end. Right?




Apple Bloom had torn through town, jumping on tables, leaning into the Boutique and Sugarcube Corner, tossing her head into schoolhouse windows, breaching a castle's security with her energy, scaring all sorts of animals at a cottage with her yelling, and generally a one-pony soundboard on repeat. “Applejack's havin' Ambrosia! She's havin' Ambrosia!” She yelled, bouncing, running, nearly teleporting from place to place as she left much of the town to the mercy of a one-pony tornado. She had done this once before but her energy hadn't left off a bit.


How could it? Being a big pony role model had been awesome and now she was going to be an even biggerer role mode, this time to a filly! She loved Zap Apple as much as any aunt could love her nephew but he had to admit there was just certain things she couldn't really share with him, like her love of Songbird Serenade and Sapphire Shores. She was just so sure that Ambrosia was gonna be the perfect little apple that she had very literally lost sleep over imagining how lucky she was to live in that house with her family.


Well, in that moment. In her heart the seed of desire had started to develop a need to get out of there, but that would bloom later on. For now, she was just happy to welcome Ambrosia into the world.

After she had made her announcement to every living creature big and small in Ponyville she made her way back to the hospital where she bounced up and down in excitement. Last time it had only been a relatively short while so this was bound to follow suit, right? Right.


12 Hours Later (Just before dawn)

Apple Bloom was sleeping on the floor by this point, one of her back hooves on a chair as she used something- a stack of newspapers perhaps- as a pillow. Moonlight Glitter had decided a few hours ago to go and get her tent and had set-up in the ward. A small purple thing, she had offered it to Apple Bloom but the Apple had been entirely knocked out. Moonlight wished she could be asleep but Applejack had other ideas. What pain medication wasn't working? Had to be something because Applejack had bursts of being very, very loud. Kind of made her worried. Mostly, it made her tired. She unzipped the front of the tent and stepped out to stretch her back, feeling a nice crack before yawning. "Oh. My. Twilight. She is definitely not feeling en fuego right now, right? Like, poor mare. Talk about verbal birth control, fillies," she giggled to herself and to anypony else in the room as she ventured out to get something to drink. Applejack may have been a screaming mess of a mare but that didn't mean Moonlight had to be a mess herself. Gross!


As she clip clopped away, Apple Bloom jolted awake, her eyes rolling in her head. She pulled herself right-side up and yawned bleary eyed as she looked at the other ponies who were still around. "Anypony know if tha baby-" she began before she got a very loud response from Applejack's room down the hall.




"Ah. Okay. Right."



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It had been a long night for everypony. Even with as much energy as Zap Apple was capable of, he was completely outdone by his mother's endurance. Or rather, by the endurance of one such to-be sibling, something he had not really understood the full capacity of. Everypony in the family was bigger than Zap. They were all older and bigger and stronger. Of course, this inward perspective yielded him the best opportunity to express his egocentric attitude he mostly imparted from his pegasus mother. However, he had no idea what they were talking about when they motioned down to him how he has to be a good big brother, and how he was no longer going to be the baby of the family. He had no other universe to know of other than the one in which he is the center of attention. To imagine it be any other way would be liken to insist that apples grow from the ground. Of course, all apple ponies old enough to go to primary school knew apples did grow from the ground, if only they waited long enough to see how that might be possible. Zap's seedling of an existence, though adventurous and exploratory, had only began to sprout.


Zap had been with the rest of his family when they arrived at the hospital. The commotion was overwhelming, and he was excited to see what would result. He didn't understand it completely, but he got the basics. Mommy had a baby in her belly. Eventually the baby would come out. And then there is a party afterwards or something? Zap had a birthday party every year, but he would never consider the significance of it due to his inability to remember his own birth.


When minutes turned to hours, Zap was taken back home while the dedicated family members began a watch to wait on his mother's process. Big Mac was the one to walk him home, and when the sun would rise, he would walk him back again. Having been used to the family's repetitive before-dawn routines, Zap was already awake before the rooster crowed, and he was tugging on his uncle's tail to get him out of his bed to walk him to the hospital.


As the two walked towards Ponyville General in the pre-dawn darkness, Zap fluttered alongside Big Mac, heeling to his sturdy pace. "Do you think Mommy is going to be alright?"




"Is the new baby going to be a filly?"




"Is there any chance it'll be a colt?"


Big Mac looked over perplexed at Zap who was fluttering at eye level. "N-nope."


"Aw. I was kind of hoping Mommy would have a colt. I'd like to have a brother. Wouldn't it be cool to have a baby brother?"


Big Mac's eyes smiled at the irony of his nephew's question. "Eeyup."


When the two arrived at the hospital, the receptionist motioned to them to proceed back to the hallways where the others had been waiting all night long. Zap flew towards the rest before Big Mac finished his trot. Zap zipped around quickly to see if any confirmations had been made. He saw his auntie asleep, but his second cousin once removed had just walked out of a tent. He landed to concentrate on his question. "Are you guys... camping?"

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"Ok now," Rainbow grimaced as some young fliers made their way towards a row of hoof. "You gotta bank!" She sighed, watching one of the youngsters careen over to the side and puff into a soft cloud. "Bank! Bank!" She yelled at the few still in the air. She'd thought they had been ready for something a little more interesting but maaaaaybe not!


In the end only two of the fliers made their way through all three hoops. She let out a breath, puffing her forelocks up. "Alright you guys, bring it in!"


tink tink tink


She'd been working at the young fliers training program for a little while now. It had given her even more responsibility but it was good for her. This plus part time professorship at the Friendship school pus taking care of Zappers during the latter part of the pregnancy plus the duties of helping out at the farm house plus... All these things ran through her head s RD watched the little fliers make their way in. 


tink tink tink


"Hey!" She patted them each on the back as they trotted in towards her. "Nice work everypony! What did I tell you guys about banking though?" One of the fillies was eyeing her oddly. "Um, what is it?"


"Rainbow Dash?" The little pegasus huffed. "That bell you've been wearin' lately? 


tink tink tink




"it's um glowing and um," 


Rainbow sucked in a breath! It was time. "Ok, class dismissed. You guys get home safe, I gotta go!" She spoke the last words while already shooting through the air that divided Cloudsdale from Ponyville. 


"It's time!" She burst into Ponyville General and made a bee line for AJ. She didn't really ask she just followed the...well, the groaning screams?


"Applejack!" RD entered the room and trotted up to her mare. "Are you ok? What do you need? Is the baby-" She took a step back, calming herself. She was going to be supportive and not get all crazy. 


"Looks like Ambrosia will be here soon!" She took a towel and dabbed AJ's brow quickly. "I'm here for you."




The next day came. RD wished fervently there was something she could do to lessen AJ's pain but sadly there wasn't much she could do. She stayed near AJ and was ready if she needed anything. Thankfully the Apple family had lots of delegates to to watch the little Zappers. 


She must have dozed off for a few minutes somehow. When she startled awake due to AJ's yell back in she went!


"I think we might need a nurse in here!" 


After a few minutes she poked her head out of the room nd noticed Zapper and Big Mac had appeared! "Hey there big guy!" She ruffled Zap's head. He hadn't heard that last yell but he might hear the next... "Big Mac, you want to take Zap for a walk around the hospital to find," She thought for a moment. "Um, apple snacks? You know, the kind AJ likes?"


(hopefully this post works sorry if I messed the order up or what someone was doing... can edit if needed :) )

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  • 3 weeks later...

She shouldn't be here. She should be far north by a fire forgetting her past. Forgetting everything. Yet that old story keeps coming back, a book that no matter how hard she tries it ends back on her shelf. And it keeps coming back so innocently. Helping a friend… A friend she in some ways views as a mother. She loved working on AJ’s farm in truth and she has been learning much from it. So whenever offered she took that extra time on it. Learning, helping. In time she hoped to have her own farm and fields to plow and look after. Her own getaway from the world at large. Yet it came back in the screams of a mare in labor. Echoing off wooden walls of a hospital. Yet it did not feel like one. It sounded like that barn. The air nippy… Walls falling apart. 


With a gasp Tempest sucked air in to her lungs, releasing the breath she unaware held too long. Looking over at the family she took stalk of them with heavy, baged eyes from a lack of sleep. She did try but sleep was unwelcoming as dreams twisted in to nightmares of sins past and her mistakes. Her worst mistake. The cries of the mare in labour made her ears fold back as her eyes looked focused on nothing. Deep. Breaths. Slow. Stady. Everything will be fine. AJ is safe. The foal is safe. This is a safe place. A palace where they help no matter what happens. Deep breaths. She was Tempest, she was strong. She was brave. She needed to be that more than ever for AJ. For her family. The opening of the door snapped her back to reality, Dash calling out for a nurse. Everything is FINE nothing bad is going to happen. She is fine… AJ is fine. The foal will be fine. 


She wanted to speak up but found her voice lost. Aj’s family stepped up to do all the speaking anyways. They were a good lot. A good family. Far better than what she’d… They have done this all before. When the foal was safe and alive… She’d be strong and ready. To give words of praise and encouragement. She hoped she’d be ready. She can’t let a friend down. Not in a moment like this. Deep breaths. Slow. Stady. “Dash, how’s she looking?” She asked, walking closer to the door on legs stiff as tember. “Is she doing ok?” She added, doing her best to not sound worried but failing.

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Apple Bloom yawned big and deep as she laid herself back into the seat. Boy, this whole birthing seemed a whole hay of a lot less exciting every time she had to hear it. She understood what was happening a mite more than last time, on account of some nice book learning and helpful diatribes by Twilight. Lots and lots and lots of them. Boy, she sure did know a lot about everything and everything she decided to tell Apple Bloom the filly did not want to know a lot about.  And then he had learned how to take care of a foal, and how to grow up with a foal and watch the foal become a colt and that was almost worth the sounds she was hearing from deeper in the hospital. But only almost. Was it too late to just unlearn everything? Seriously, just a little?


Just as she was about to conk out again from exhaustion she heard her little cousin pipe up. Her head snapped and she smiled broadly. She really liked him. He was polite enough but was super spunky and fun, and who didn't like a little troublemaking here and then?

"Campin'? Hehe, ask yer cousin Moonlight. She didn't want ta sleep on tha ground," she said as she trotted over and gave him a hug. "How're ya holding up? Ain't ya so excited? Yer about ta have a lil' sis! As a lifetime little sister let me tell ya, we're tha best type of siblin' ya can ever have," she said as she pulled him up to the seats. "Had a bite ta eat yet? You too, Big Mac?" She asked as she patted him on the head. It was then that Tempest shot her way back up- mare was doing a number on everypony with how concerned she looked. "Y'all right there, Tempest?"


Moonlight had a glass of water, than another. She was just so parched! She had been so excited to see her newest little cousin that she had been slightly negligent in keeping after herself. And while she was here for Applejack and the rest of the family she wasn't going to sacrifice herself on the altar of a prolonged birth. When she made her way back she managed to get some nice stretching in front of mirrors in. Yep, she was still good. In time she would make her way back to the lobby, wondering where the rest of the world was. Applejack was supposed to be one of the most popular ponies in town but the hospital wasn't being overwhelmed by well-wishers? She'd have to rib Apple Bloom about this soon enough.


Before that though, there was the matter of the blue blur that shot around. She looked like she had seen a lot. No doubt: She had stayed by Applejack's side the whole time, and that had to take a lot of her. Her explosion of color and excitement seemed drained. Filly needed to get some sun, which was something that you normally didn't need to say about a pegasus. She walked up to Rainbow Dash and levitated her glass of water, her third, to the pegasus. Sharing was caring and all that jazz, right? "Heeeeeey there rainbow filly. You look like you could, like, totally take a glass of water right about now?" She asked with a laugh.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Twilight Sparkle Applejack, Rainbow Dash  Flying, mammal, vertebrate png | PNGEgg


Rainbow had been back and forth from AJ's room several time s over the past few hours. Each trip she tried to do something to help AJ is some small way. A pillow fluff, a glass of water, whatever she could think of. She wanted to make sure AJ knew she was there, that she was supportive, that she was strong for both of them! She was de termined to do this right. The whole thing! Basically the rest of her life with AJ. She was gonna be a changed pony! Of course she wouldn't get it right all the way, but she would try!


She had checked in a Abby and Zappers even though she knew Big Mac was there to take care of them. She'd checked in with nurses when she saw them until they started to avoid her to get out of answering the same questions again and again. Rainbow knew somewhere in the back of her mind that she was tired but there was no way she was gonna act on that. Not with AJ going through such a painful time. She wished there was something she could do to take the pain away. That wasn't gonna happen. She just had to wait for their daughter to make her appearance!


After a while a certain tall broke horned  unicorn appeared on the scene. At first Rainbow couldn't figure out why Tempest had come to support them until she realized it was just that. Tempest was there to support them. They had become something of friends since the unicorn and her mare had begun frequenting Ponyville. There was something about Tempest that Rainbow had always liked. If anypony was a pillar of strength it was Tempest. The mare pushed up from her chair and took a step towards Tempest.


“Dash, how’s she looking? Is she doing ok?”


"Hey Tempest," She glanced back at AJ through the door. "She's uh, yah! She's doin' just fine. This one is just a little more difficult than the last one." She managed a weak smile. She knew AJ was strong enough to handle this but she wished it wasn't so painful for her. "AJ's strong, she and Ammy will be just fine!" She smiled again, this time a little stronger. "Thanks for coming."


Then Moonlight appeared. Rainbow relaxed a little at the sight of her. Moonlight was always a breath of fresh air. She was the freshest pony around after all! Totally! Fer sure! She smiled.


"Actually yeah, a glass of water would be good!" She was going to walk out into the waiting room but glanced back at AJ. "Could you uh, bring it in the room?" She didn't really want to be gone from her mare's side. 

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Moonlight nodded. If Rainbow wanted help, Rainbow would get help. That mare looked like she needed refreshments and some calm. Besides, it wasn't like the foal was about to be born or anything. It had been such a long labor that she knew they'd have time. "Sure, I can help ya with that," she said with a smile as she started trotting alongside Rainbow to the delivery room, a glass of water held in her magical grip. As they approached the door, it opened- and a nurse, her mane frayed- looked quickly for Rainbow. "Missus Dash, you're needed. The foal is coming!" She said, taking Rainbow by her foreleg and pulling her in. Moonlight laid the glass of water in one of the nurse's open hooves and trotted back to the waiting room, a smile on her face and giddiness heavy in her step as she tried to hide what she knew.






The end of the labor was as loud and intense as any other period, with one final effort from Applejack needed to finally give Ambrosia the light and air of this world, which she used to scream and scream loudly. Applejack had felt it long before she had seen it, but the first thing her bleary eyes saw was a tiny little horn standing proud.


The magic that helped two mares conceive could take some twists and turns at times. While much of the process was the same as any other couple, the love they shared an the intimacy of their love helped create fertile aetheric conditions for a magical pregnancy with the aid of a spell. In the overwhelming majority of cases the resulting child was a direct and obvious byproduct of the mares. But like with any other birth, oddities could occur. The Apple family was overwhelmingly represented by Earth ponies, but there were certainly some unicorns in there, even pegasi. Rainbow Dash's family was wholly pegasi, but that wasn't always the case. Deep in their shared bloodlines was a unicorn. When Twilight had first gotten the pair in contact with the right specialist, she had laid it out: There was about an even split of a chance between an Earth Pony and a Pegasus. A unicorn? Possible, the Princess said, but about a one in a hundred chance.


So when the bundled evidence of shared love came out with a fire poker on her head, it was unexpected. Unexpected, but not unloved.

"It's a filly," the doctor said calmly as the foal was taken into the waiting arms of multiple attendants. Applejack's head hit the pillow in exhaustion, her whole body caked in sweat. She took one deep, ragged breath after another as she looked at Rainbow Dash with the eyes that only a wife could have, soaking in her own heat. "Ahwan...see..." Applejack muttered in her total exhaustion, her yees fluttering to the end of her vision as the doctors cleaned Ambrosia up. She was swaddled and was eventually hoofed on over to Applejack. She was held tight to the mare, who looked her over with a mixture of deep devotion, endless love, and a decreasing level of consciousness. "Rain...she looks...perfect...little..Ahmmb..roo..." Applejack muttered, then whispered, and then finally stopped speaking entirely, and falling unconscious after her long labor. Even when asleep though Ambrosia was held tightly against her mother, as protected and loved as she would ever be.

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Big Mac nodded and tugged on his nephew's tail to follow him to the hospital cafeteria to look for the snacks Rainbow Dash suggested. He didn't waste time asking his nephew, he knew a physical pull would be required to get Zap's attention in a situation like this. He assumed there was a delay with Applejack's status, so instead of giving the young and misunderstood a chance to fret, keeping them busy with a task might prevent any possibility that the orange colt would involve himself in any unnecessary stress. The two gentlecolts made their way from the waiting area to a room filled with many vending machines. Big Mac walked up to one of them and slid a coin into the slot.


"Are there apple snacks in this one?"




"Can I hit the button?"




Zap fluttered up to get a view of the food items in the vending machine, and upon a quick browse, found what looked like a small pouch of sliced apples. He inspected the icon it was labeled next to, and looked for the corresponding button. "This one?" He asked his uncle.




Zap flew into the button and then looked inside the vending machine to watch it dispense the apple slices. Without a hitch, the snack fell into the reach-in slot and Zap grabbed it. Big Mac allowed his nephew to carry the snack, it was after all, just a distraction. Giving the colt something to do was a good idea, thanks to Rainbow's quick mitigation. He only hoped it was enough time to stall what would prove to be a difficult cry for attention from the young pony. And even if it was a short trip, at least he had something to carry.


Slowly but surely, Big Mac and Zap Apple made their way back into the waiting area. Just as they came back, Moonlight walked into the waiting room from the delivery room. Zap fluttered towards her distance cousin. "Moony, I have a snack for Mommy."

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Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Twilight Sparkle Applejack, Rainbow Dash  Flying, mammal, vertebrate png | PNGEgg


And just like that, the time had finally come! When the nurse gave RD the news the mare felt her stomach drop. She gulped, hardly knowing what to do with her emotions. Then she shook her head, clearing her thoughts. This was a new Rainbow Dash, a supportive and caring wife. This was the time to be there for her mare! Into the room she went and by AJ's side she stood as the delivery reached its conclusion. The filly was born and the doctor turned to swaddle her and clean her before RD had gotten a good look. 


"She'll be right here AJ. Just another minute." She patted the mare's hoof softly. 


And then Ambrosia was in AJ's arms. A sweet little bundle of joy with...a...horn! A horn! A unicorn! RD leaned in, peering closely at the tiny point protruding from her daughter's forehead.


"Wow." She leaned in closer, until she was resting her chin lightly next to Ammy. The pegasus' eyes fluttered and then closed for a moment. Then a longer moment until she had dozed off next to her daughter and her wife. 


She wasn't sure how long she stayed like that. It was warm and peaceful and perfect. When she did wake RD quietly walked out into the waiting room, looking for Zappers.


"Hey there little guy. Want to meet your sister?" She spoke quietly to him. She would of course invite the others in when AJ was ready. But not now. Now was a time for just the three of them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was the day!  The best, most prettiest apple filly OF ALL TIME was making her debut!  Many mares and stallions would come to revere and rue this day, depending on how they encountered this sweet little charmer.  The time of her debut was now, the world, and the Apples (who would eventually come to mean the world to her), awaited her first utterance:




Ah, well, everypony had to start somewhere, right?  And this wasn't the worst of beginnings, by far; being a pretty little unicorn filly in the loving hooves of an earth pony and pegasus parents.  Look out Equestria, here comes Ambrosia Apple!

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"Y'all right there, Tempest?"


Tempest looked over and down at Apple Bloom, the young mare's words made her much more aware how uneasy she looked. Distressed even. She took in a deep breath, forcing herself to relax some. “Ya. Fine. Need too smoke. Or drink... or both” She says back to Apple Bloom with a shake of her head, looking back at Rainbow. She was a good mare, strong willed… some times. But one of the few can keep up with her morning runs. But what she liked most about her was loyalty. A small word that means everything for Tempest.


Her ears flicked as AJ made that awful sound again. It made her flinch, but she held her ground. “Good. Your Welcome…” She wanted to say more, but did not know what. After a moment she pieced it together. “Sorry I look such a mess. Did not think… You know, I'd be here for this. Just came here to help when AJ told me she’d need an extra pair of hooves. Heh. Did not even lie did she?” She says looking away at all the others in the hallway. Seems like she had plenty, but then again when is it too much in a time like this? But it seems things were heating up. “Get back to AJ.” She says backing off from the door.


She kept her ears up, following the sounds on the other side of the wall. It still felt so… AJ was a good mare. Deep breaths. Easy. Relaxe.  Deep breaths. Easy. Relaxe. She felt her body loosen up, heart slowing too a more steady beat. Everything was ok. Then she heard the filly cry out. It felt like a rock slamming in to her face, trying to force open a locked door. Her ears folded back close to her skull as stomped a hoof but held her ground. No. Not today. She was stronger than this. Deep breaths. Relaxe. Everything was ok. 


Opening the eyes she unknowing held shut she looked back at the doorway and the sounds within. The filly was in good hooves. Loving hooves. Hooves that can look after it. Know how to look after it. And maybe someday she’d believe in herself in that way. Maybe one day she’d fix the past. But today she was a friend and one that will flinch away from this happy moment. She did not know the name of the filly yet, but whatever he or she may be… they are blessed to rest in the hooves of AJ and... And she wanted to see it. 

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((The following is a joint post between @RainbowFoxxy, @SteelEagle, @PrinceBlueblood, and @Hippogriff))


Before Zap Apple could get a response from Moonlight, his mother Rainbow Dash walked out towards him and asked him if he wanted to meet his sister. "Yes. I have a snack for Mommy." Zap understood the word sister, but he did not understand the weight of such a term and how it would apply to him. Plus, he had this apple snack. Wasn't that more important?




Moonlight Glitter could hear the cry of the newborn and she so desperately wanted to go in to see the newest Apple of all, but she knew it wasn't her time. With Zap Apple's attention taken by his mother, Moonlight took her leave as she trotted excitedly back to the rest of those waiting. This included Apple Bloom, who was now bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as she hopped in place. "Moon, are they allowin' us in?" Apple Bloom asked, though the inference in her voice was that allowance was optional.


"Do you hear her crying? Oh my Twilight she is so precious! Well, like, I bet so. Rainbow is taking Zap in now."




Meanwhile, Applejack was still unconscious, clutching her daughter dutifully. Rainbow put her hoof lightly on Zap's back, leading him into the room. It was quiet in her and warm too. Just the right sort of place for her family to be all together in the world for the first time. "Mama is still asleep Zappers. Let's try to be quiet." She walked up and softly nuzzled AJ. "AJ, Zappers is here to meet his little sister." She smiled, her heart swelling. She was pretty sure Zap wouldn't get the whole picture of what was happening but that was ok.


Into the delivery room, Zap couldn't see over the bed, so he climbed on Rainbow's back and leaned on her head to get a look at Applejack and the new family member. Applejack's eyes fluttered open lightly. She looked rather awful- matted with sweat, her eyes sunken with effort- and she was still breathing haggardly. But all the same her eyes fluttered open as she tried to give a weak smile. "There's...mah colt, mah big col," she muttered, arm weakly pulling him in. "Say...hi ta...yer lil' sis..."




Zap stepped onto the bed and Applejack pulled him closer, he replied, "I got apple snacks for you. Me and Uncle Big Mac got them from the vending machine." But then he looked over at the wrapped foal unicorn next to Mommy, and gained a small level of confusion. "Sister?" He stared at her, the tiny filly showing subtle movements but otherwise peaceful. She was a lot smaller than Zap could have possibly imagined. Everything up until this point was bigger than him. He paused at the sight of something significant that was smaller than him.  "Whoa. she's so tiny."


"Aww, thank ya. Mama loves...apples," Applejack sniffed, whether it was due to trying to withhold tears or due to exhaustion-induced hysteria she couldn't tell. She gently played with his mane as she nodded. "She...sure is so tiny, just a lil'...foal. Just like...you were," she said giving her daughter a kiss. Then the exhaustion started to overrun her again, and her head fell back. "Zap, Mama's so...tired, heh. RD...?"


During all this, Ambrosia's first cry had been soothed by her subsequent first feed, which had probably not helped AJ's exhaustion.  But once the shock of greeting the world had been soothed by food, she was keen to look out on the world, seeking out the voices she'd remembered, back through the walls of the warm place.  "Ra- za?"  She turned, this way at that, looking up at the large shapes she didn't yet recognize as her family.


RD just watched as AJ introduced Zap. It was heart warming but she had a pang of worry. Applejack had never looked so completely spent. Rainbow touched Zap then Ammy then AJ and smiled, a single tear in the corner of one eye. After a few moments and Ammy's small wondering noises she scooped Zappers up softly. "Mama needs to rest now buddy. She loves the snack you brought her." She spoke softer still. "We love you big guy."


"Why is she so tired?" Zap continued his confusion of the situation, he couldn't get a clear understanding of why Mommy was in so much pain. He knew the baby was forming inside of her tummy, but he hadn't expected this dramatic of an ordeal because of a foal so small. He figured he had no choice but to trust his rainbow mother and allow her to pull him away. "Okay."


Zap walked back with a confused look on his face. He didn't completely understand why his parents were both so happy and tired at the same time. Once back in the waiting room, the rest of the ponies looked frantically at Zap as he entered the room. Why were they so excited to see him? He'd take it.





((Anyone is free to continue as we sort of reset the post order here.))

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Apple Bloom and Moonlight stood outside the room, ready to go inside whenever Apple Son and Apple Wife removed themselves. It didn't take time but when she did, Abby took a brief look in through the swinging door. What she saw was a beautifully exhausted Applejack barely clinging onto consciousness. It was honestly really concerning. She had never seen her sister so completely destroyed physically, almost gaunt with effort and sweat. She went to tell Moony her concerns but found out that fewer things could have been on the older filly's mind. She had pushed the door open and trotted inside. Abby went to stop her but the door swung back and knocked her back, sending her stumbling into Tempest after some time. She landed on her flank with an oomph, and shook her head. "Oh. Err, hey there, Tempest. You don't look so good."


Moonlight walked in there and was really excited to start jabbering. The filly was just soooo cute and Moonlight was jazzed to have another unicorn in the family. She could show Ambrosia all sorts of things that nopony else around her on a day to day basis could. But all it took was one look to see that it likely wasn't time for her to start going wild with excitement. Applejack didn't just look beaten down, she looked absolutely spent. She instead satisfied herself by pulling up a chair and sitting next to her, using her magic to uncover Ambrosia just a little. She leaned in. "You're soooo adorable. Like, my heart can't take it," she whispered as she stifled a giggle.

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The Apple family didn't know what they were doing to little Ambrosia right now.  Heck, little Amby wasn't even consciously aware of it herself.  But the first moments of one's life were extremely formative, and right now, the level of attention she was getting was setting a baseline expectation she would carry through the rest of her life.  She couldn't express it, though, all she could do was gaze, babble, and cry.  And she did all three when Moonlight pulled back the wrapping, exposing her to the light.  "Ah-abha, awaaAAAAAHHH!"  It wasn't really and upset cry, she was just not physically or mentally capable of doing otherwise!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having Apple Bloom stumbling into her, she snapped Tempest out of her thinking. Looking down at the filly she can’t help but work a small smile on her muzzle. No, she wasn't doing good. She hasn't been for sometime. But she was doing better. “I already told you, I’m fine. Now get that butt in that room and greet your sisss… Uh, cousin.” She really needed to work on that, not her fault AJ came off as blooms mother half the time. But she leans down and using her muzzle helped push Apple Bloom back up on her hooves and nudged to the open door. “Go on, she needs all her family there. Both of ‘em.” She added before backing away from the door. 


She can’t go in. It felt… wrong. This moment was far too private a matter for her to be part of more than this. She’d meet the foal later, she knew that much. No way AJ was going too let her get away without having the foal held up to her face three or four times. But for now it was the family's moment and she, sadly, was not part of this one.

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Applejack fell asleep right quick, even before Moonlight entered. She was so weak and so completely spent that even when Moonlight came in and started to poke about, she didn't wake up. And she also didn't wake when the first cry from Ambrosia was heard, though her ears did twitch. Ambrosia's second cry however was enough to wake her from her slumber and in a panicked haze of needing to defend her daughter, she swung wildly. Moonlight had reeled back from the cry but was looking towards the door, ready to call for help in dealing with a crying infant, when a hoof she was not prepared for came charging in from the side and decked her clean. Applejack may have been weakened by this extreme length labor. She may not really have the same strength in her forelegs as backlegs. And she certainly didn't mean to send Moonlight flying.




But fly she did- through the doors and landing with a skid at Tempest's hooves. Apple Bloom looked down in alarm at her cousin skidding across the floor, her eyes spinning in her head. Through the swinging doors she saw her sister, who was coming to. And her sister smiled, though Apple Bloom didn't know why. (Neither did Applejack, for that matter) The young farmer looked back at Tempest and laughed. "Haha, nah, Ah think Applejack's just fine...are you?"

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