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Well that was a completely restless night. I fell asleep in the middle of 3 conversations, with my floor lamp on and my TV blaring. Needless to say, my sleep didn't rejuvenate my strength much. Bleh. Even though I can't help it I hate talking with others then they're like "Where did Aria go?" Aria is a tangle of hair and jammies under a comforter.

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I'm sorry you didn't get a very good bout of rest Aria. Would you like to join me in my insomnia born ramblings? They're fun!

What are we rambling about? Sunkist? Because that drink is a lie. It's nothing like getting kissed by the sun. I should know.

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Who likes good news?


Then good news, everypony!

I never throw Rarity's words just to get blown with the slightest gust of wind.

I said I'll repair it as soon as possible, and I did.

Volt. IS. ON.

Glad I didn't miss much. :)

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Certainly it is.

Although, I must study for tomorrow at least... I don't know, about 2 weeks?

And yes, I've said for tomorrow.

In other words, would be fine to stop time in order to pass 5 exams in one day.

Jelly ho! I'm gonna have some fun at books with letters on.

So I guess I'm not going to torment anypony with my constant presence today.

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Certainly it is.

Although, I must study for tomorrow at least... I don't know, about 2 weeks?

And yes, I've said for tomorrow.

In other words, would be fine to stop time in order to pass 5 exams in one day.

Jelly ho! I'm gonna have some fun at books with letters on.

So I guess I'm not going to torment anypony with my constant presence today.

*ZZZZZZzzt!* Hello! I'm going to have another new shocking friend! Whoo-pee!!!

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