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Yawwwn! Morning!

Chapter 4 of that summoning book is hilarious! :lol:

Pancakes, anypony?

*munches pancakes next to Rosie while reading over the Necronomicon Pocket Edition*

I'm starting to think I'll never control a scary monster of my own. Although having a pink pony baker chef sister is still great.

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Baking is totally a science! There's a lot going on in the kitchen. For example, if a dough isn't acidic enough, the proteins in the dough won't set properly. And egg yolks contain an enzyme called alpha amylase that can make custards runny if you don't boil it to destroy it.

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Baking is totally a science! There's a lot going on in the kitchen. For example, if a dough isn't acidic enough, the proteins in the dough won't set properly. And egg yolks contain an enzyme called alpha amylase that can make custards runny if you don't boil it to destroy it.

thats like saying a random person is a scientist cuz they have a complex body. if someone makes a sandwich, the only science is the peanut butter to jelly ratio.
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thats like saying a random person is a scientist cuz they have a complex body. if someone makes a sandwich, the only science is the peanut butter to jelly ratio.

That's not saying anything like it. You do science every day without even realizing it. If you seek to understand why (or know why), that makes you a scientist in a broad sense.

(I'm sure Swirly would have a lot to say about this.)

Do you know the sheer number of processes it took to make that sammich?

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yes i do. you have to get out a butterkinfe, the peanut butter, the jelly, some milk, the bread. you have to do tons of scientific thinking in your brain to decide what kind of bread you want, then you have to combine them in the same area and practice water displacement with the knife in the peanut butter and jelly. after successfully determining the volume of the knife, one must decide if they want it normal or with extra jelly. cuz extra peanut butter doesnt work, but thats the next chapter. using the knowledge you gained when finding the volume of the knife, you must dip the knife in and remove the exact amount, keeping in mind that you cant spread strawberries if you get any. you need to spread it perfectly even while still leaving the strawberries a little jellyish to avoid gross parts, but still kind of press it in so it doesnt move around. then the peanut butter must be applied. crunchy is always better, but why is also in the next chapter. you spread that keeping in mind the spacing between chunks, and then carefully with extreme carefulness you must place the two pieces of bread EXACTLY on top of one another.

you were right. sandwiches ARE Scientific (sarcasm)

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i just realized how terrible life is without milk.

without it, i cant eat cereal

i need it to go with a sandwich, or else it wont be swallowed as easily

its better than water for when there isnt any soda

it makes chocolate cookies MUCH more enjoyable, and after a while a cookie isnt a cookie without milk.

if a gallon of milk is full, its heavy enough to hit someone with if they deserve it without actually hurting them enough to be bad.

without milk, ill probably die

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