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Anyone else here even know what this is? And if you do, how many of you here are still Browncoats, even ten years after we lost the war the series got cancelled?

The reason I bring this up are twofold:

1: I just watched Serenity last night. And damn was it awesome.


Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand...

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You make me feel better about how long it took me to see Serenity for the first time.

Also, I have not been able to hear anything resembling "this could get interesting" without asking the person to "define interesting" in years.

If the show was miraculously continued, I would add it to my line up, but I'm not torn up about the end either.

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ah, I watched this a few years back with my dad. we never got to finish watching because my cousin borrowed the disks, and by the time he returned them, I sorta lost interest (it was over six months, so you can't really blame me)

I re-watched it again at a friend's house a few months ago, but we didn't get to the episodes that I hadn't seen. there's still one or two disks I have to watch ):

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I've heard a looooot of really good things about Firefly and ever sense seeing Serenity I've really wanted to watch the series.

And after Halo: ODST dropped, I've wanted to see it even MORE~ >:

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@Weesh I never understood naming plants. Now naming animals, that makes sense.

@Angie and Fawkes Go watch the series. Right now. All of it. Pretend you're about to have an MLP marathon, but while flicking through the channels you find Firefly, and you think "Alright, I'll give it a shot past the first episode" and then you wind up watching all of it. That's how it should happen. Make it happen, right now.

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@Weesh I never understood naming plants. Now naming animals, that makes sense.

I mentioned it because I thought it was ridiculous. I don't understand owning pets let along naming them. I once saw a somali kitten and thought "so cute! I should get a cat" and then I snapped out of it.

@Angie and Fawkes Go watch the series. Right now. All of it. Pretend you're about to have an MLP marathon, but while flicking through the channels you find Firefly, and you think "Alright, I'll give it a shot past the first episode" and then you wind up watching all of it. That's how it should happen. Make it happen, right now.

I don't like it anywhere near that much. Sure it is good, especailly from episode 4 and beyond, but I'm not sure it is worth that much effort.

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how many episodes are there? the number of "one or two disks" was made up. I know I'm almost done watching. or maybe I AM done watching o_O my dad never tells me these things when we watch stuff together.

and on the topic of naming plants, I have a friend who's pets always die shortly after he gets them, so now he has a bamboo plant named Donna (from doctor who) that he's had a few years. it's so cute how much he loves that plant XD

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I love Firefly!

There's actually a bunch of red tape that will keep SyFy from being able to actually revive or reboot the series; when Fox made the deal, they included some pretty ridiculous requirements. I'm still hoping Nathan Fillion gets 300 million to just outright buy it (something he said during an interview), though I think that was from before SyFy got the rights.

I sort of dislike the fact my co-workers at two different places (once during the series and once after it hit DVD) nicknamed me River. >.>

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Ah, Firefly. This was an interesting series. A good show due to an interesting cast, an interesting concept, and so much potential. The idea of having a main cast that worked within a business that wasn't legitimate in some senses was an interesting addition if you ask me, and there were a number of interesting things about the show thatI cant think of off the top of my head.

However, I remember analyzing the show once. It is yet again a reflection of how people will do things, and how they have done it. Who here has noticed how they all have mostly wild-west dialects? I believe this is to allude to how people were simply dropped off there, and told more-or-less to fend for themselves.

Not only that, it was also happening in the show itself, as there were the central planets that were well-supplied and prosperous city-planets, while the outer ones were a wild-west setting. I'm unsure of how fascinating this is to another, but this is a point that I do find as such.

I actually watched the whole thing backwards in a sense, picking up the movie before the show. The movie made so much more sense after that.

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Another interesting thing is that even the most basic of labourers could speak fluent Chinese, this was due to back on "Earth that was" the US and China became the only superpowers and ended up merging, which is why the culture is a mix of east and west.

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Why is it that every time I come back to this thread, someone else has brought something awesome to my attention? A Firefly tabletop? Heck yes.

@DarkFae Nathan Fillion was actually one of several people to shoot down the "Help Nathan Buy Firefly" movement. There was a huge movement to get him the $300 million, but in the end, not only Fillion himself, but a lot of the other people part of the crew were like "Wow, you guys are awesome! Thank you! But no."

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