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4chan accepts us now.

Kirby Krackle

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The furries do not accept us?


The furries accept the bronies with open arms, its the bronies who do not accept the furries. (sorry, but it's true, just look at some of the threads on here about furries)

and as for the OP... I'm trying to remember the last time I visited 4chan... oh, right, never... (now Fchan....) (NOTE: Fchan also NSFW, do NOT google it unless you are prepared)

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Uh... yes, I would like to see these threads. I dunno what you're talking about. :?:


Biggest offender there. Bronies pushing as hard as they can to insist they're not furries, even though "furry" is simply "Anthropomorphic animals" which means, yes, sorry, but technically bronies *are* furries. (like I said in the thread, I know we furries carry around a stigma for being... bad (putting it lightly)... but over all it gives me a very anti-furry feel from most bronies (though I feel I should point out there are more than a few in there who are, at least, neutral, to furries)

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Biggest offender there. Bronies pushing as hard as they can to insist they're not furries, even though "furry" is simply "Anthropomorphic animals" which means, yes, sorry, but technically bronies *are* furries. (like I said in the thread, I know we furries carry around a stigma for being... bad (putting it lightly)... but over all it gives me a very anti-furry feel from most bronies (though I feel I should point out there are more than a few in there who are, at least, neutral, to furries)

That is one, but I recall that your declaration was plural. :twisted:

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That is one, but I recall that your declaration was plural. :twisted:

lol. I'll do a little digging, that was just the first one I found and also the largest offender. Give me some time and I'll get another thread or three linked then :)

Doing digging I want to point this out:


Furry vs Brony brought up in a negative light then got the horseapples kicked out of it! lol

TBH a lot of the threads have changed like that since I saw them, really that one on "am I a furry?" is the only one that has an overall negative vibe to it, the rest, well... :D

I do still pick up some negativity here and there in random posts involving the "furries are bad" mentality but as a whole most of the threads seem to be swinging the opposite way and people start defending furry (but then I remember more than a few people told me this site had a large furry population) Part of it I think is that I'm just so used to everyone being anti-furry ever since we were kicked out of out secret closite back in the 90s and the media tried to sensationalize us to the point the public wanted us burned at the stake... (yeah some butthurt there from me, I admit it) maybe I've just avoided the arguments so long I've not noticed the tide shifting...

Though I still feel a very strong "bronies are not furries" vibe in genneral, some here, some youtube, some furry sites, some ED, etc, I'm inclined to say most of the brony fandom is indifferent or better, but there is clearly a sizeable group that is anti-furry despite it all.

Very sorry if if felt like I was casting a bad light on canterlot, that was NEVER my intention >.<

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http://www.canterlot...ake-me-a-furry/ Biggest offender there. Bronies pushing as hard as they can to insist they're not furries, even though "furry" is simply "Anthropomorphic animals" which means, yes, sorry, but technically bronies *are* furries. (like I said in the thread, I know we furries carry around a stigma for being... bad (putting it lightly)... but over all it gives me a very anti-furry feel from most bronies (though I feel I should point out there are more than a few in there who are, at least, neutral, to furries)

Well what was being talked about original was creating a /furry/ channel on 4chan, and that was a trap; some bronies are suspicious that /pony/ is the same thing. Yet again they do have /vp/, which is Pokemon

Personally I just go there for /s/ (which is NSFW).

As for the above thread, I dont see it as "anti-furry" or the bronies hatin' on the furries. Sure some members are anti-furry and the majority see the bronie fandom as something separate, but that isn't the same as hatin' on an entire fandom.

Truth is there is a segment of bronie fandom who hate furries, however there is a segment of furry fandom that is very anti-FiM and anti-bronie, so the hate machine goes both ways. Just know its a minority in each, the majority either do not care, or are both. Heck, probably third of 4chan are furries to some degree.

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Heck, probably third of 4chan are furries to some degree.

That's a rather conservative number imo from what I've heard...

Actually I take back my earlier statement, I did go into /B/ (I think) a time or two when a friend of mine who frequented the site posted stuff there for some reason I dont remember...

Keep in mind I ammended my post up there, I think your may have gone up as I was editing... >.<

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I remember that 4chan furry business. They made a board for furries then mass-banned everyone who posted there, right?

If it's not a trap, it is a nice thing to see, since it pretty much was the "birthplace" of pony culture on the internet.

Furries and bronies have multiple definitions in my opinion. There's the technical one, and there's the "participative in the communtiy" definition. Both are labels, and you can choose to apply them or ignore them as you wish. And, as Brian pointed out, the haters on both sides are in the minority. A lot of us here are both furries and bronies/pegasisters/whatevers, myself included.

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Don't frequent 4Chan myself and this won't change it. I took a quick glance at the boards just now and it seems hostile to say the least, not to mention that some of the things posted make my eyes bleed. While I do not doubt there are some decent folks using the site, I never found excessive swearing, trolling and overall obnoxious behavior to be amusing, so the general population there irritates me at best. And my acceptance for that kind of behavior is certainly not improving with age.

Also, I honestly do not understand the huge deal some people make out of the possible trap thing. If you've not participated in the boards there before, surely it won't be a huge deal even if banhammer crashes down on the entire /MLP/?

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I used to frequent /v/, /b/, and /h/ on 4chan. Not so much anymore, I moved to ponychan to get away from all that. I am also a brony and a furry as well, which makes it awkward for me to hang around my friends and on other boards.

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