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Why is RD the only pony to go by last name in the fandom?


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This is just a silly little thing that popped into my head...

When we talk about the other ponies with 2 names, we talk about "Twilight" or "Pinkie" (Never "Sparkle" or "Pie") But with Rainbow Dash, we almost always say "Dash". Is it because it's easier to say/write than "rainbow"? ...or is there some other meaning behind why we call her Dash? (Perhaps because most bronies are male and 'dash' sounds more masculine than 'Rainbow'?) Despite the fact that in the series, most of the time she's either referred to as "Rainbow Dash" or "Rainbow" (discounting some calling her "Dashie" at times)


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When with friends, I use Rainbow, Rainbow Dash, RD, Dashie, or just plain Dash. For battle cries, though, I always say Dash. It just sounds more streamline and awesome that way, being one syllable compared to Rainbow's two. Maybe it is just personal taste, but I prefer Dash overall just for how easy it is to say.

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I always use Rainbow Dash or Dash when I'm talking, and I'll also use RD when typing. I suppose Rainbow makes sense, but I agree with Mecha. She is rainbow coloured, but she loves to race and we really identify her with her speed. Even thinking about the sonic rainboom gives me an image of incredible speed.

As for the other two, I think saying Pinkie is a lot less ambiguous than Pie, and it also suits her better (she's always happy and cheerful, and pink is a very vibrant colour). Twilight makes more sense to me than Sparkle because she looks more like a twilight-ish colour; if you think of her as being Celestia's student, and her being between Celestia and Luna on the spectrum... I dunno, maybe it's only me. :D

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It sounds cooler, and really, it just fits her better. I mean, given her aggressive personality and design, Rainbow as a nickname just seems kind of out of place

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well ever since i read my little dashie ive always now refer to her as Dash or Dashie, damn that was a beautiful story ,

I'm guilty of it from the beginning, though I've tried to use Rainbow more often now since that seems to be her official 'nickname' in-universe...

And yes, My Little Dashie is an absolute work of art.

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Yeah, basically what everyone else said: Dash is just easier to say and faster to type than Rainbow. As for why not refer to the others by their "last name?" Because it works that way. Twilight is easier to say than Sparkle, and sounds better too. Same with Pinkie. Everyone else has just one name, although I am guilty of having called Applejack just Jack before.

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This is just a silly little thing that popped into my head...

When we talk about the other ponies with 2 names, we talk about "Twilight" or "Pinkie" (Never "Sparkle" or "Pie") But with Rainbow Dash, we almost always say "Dash". Is it because it's easier to say/write than "rainbow"? ...or is there some other meaning behind why we call her Dash? (Perhaps because most bronies are male and 'dash' sounds more masculine than 'Rainbow'?) Despite the fact that in the series, most of the time she's either referred to as "Rainbow Dash" or "Rainbow" (discounting some calling her "Dashie" at times)


Because that's how it is in show. Not only that, but Dash just fits. I mean... she's fast, and 'dashes' everywhere. In addition, like I said, they've called her that nickname in the show... so it's super easy to make it stick in the fandom because it's official. I think if any of the others went by their second name in show, they might start to stick too.

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I think people use what is convenient and what fits.

I have referred to Twilight as Twi and TS, neither of which are used in canon. Pinkie was referred to as Pinks by RD as I recall. Though I've never seen anyone refer to her as that in fandom. Apple Jack is AJ. I think that is the only universally accepted nickname in canon and fandom. And I'm sure if Rarity had a known last name someone would have thought of a nickname for her.

Dash... I always refer to her as RD personally... Though I could see myself calling her Dashie. Also... Gilda was the only one to call her Dash. However I suspect that if we meet any other of her friends from the Junior Speedsters that they may call her the same.

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Don't they call Twilight "Twi" sometimes, too? Also Rainbow gets called Rainbow enough for me to notice it, now that you've brought this topic up, dAsh.

You know... You are right, or at least AJ does. At least I think she does...

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On the show, I've heard the whole name, Rainbow, Dash, and RD. Maybe some pinkie nickname as well?

I feel free to use any of the above.

I think first and foremost, the fact that there are so many ways to say her name that sound good just gives others more chances to have fun with her name. At least, that is why I use all of them.

Has "dashie" ever been said in the show?

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Has "dashie" ever been said in the show?

Yes, Pinkie used it, I believe the line was soemthing like "your so silly, dashie!" I want to say it was in Griffen the Brushoff, but I could be wrong, I'll have to double-check

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You really need to watch Over a Barrel more:

Gotta be one of my least favorite episodes. However, I will admit I do love the "Fluttershy is a tree" sketch :D

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