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Those OMG moments...


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So i remembered something and i thought i'd share it... maybe you had a moment like this too...

So, i remember from long, long ago that i walked in on my mom and family watching some show i'd never seen before. so i sat down and watched the last ten minutes of it with them for whatever reason...

I didn't really get what was going on at the time... something about alien microbots landing on earth and 'healing' some kid during WWII. when it did that though, he was wearing a gas mask, and was asking 'are you my mummy' alot, so the bots thought that this was how humans were, so it started running around latching onto other humans and 'fixing' them so they had gasmasks too, except these were fused onto their faces grafted from their own bones and skin. So the scene i remember was a bunch of these gasmask people standing on the edge of an impact crater chanting 'are you my mummy?' and heading towards what i could only assume were the two main characters. the main male character was doing something with these bots telling them 'you're clever! you can figure it out!" and eventually they went back and fixed everyone back to normal.

so i actually remembered that years later, and about a year ago when i started to watch Dr Who, i got to an episode where a boy in a gas mas kwas walking around asking 'are you my mummy'. before this i was already hooked on the show, and i loved it! but when i got here i thought 'Oh hey! This sounds familiar! I remember this from the ;other' show way back when! I wonder if there was some sort of lore or ghost story that these are both related to..." i didn't think that they were the same thing at the time...

i watched the episode and finally got to the last few minutes and saw the scene where the gas mask people were standing on the hill and i suddenly had an "OMG! THIS WAS THE SAME SHOW! HOLY CRAP!" moment. i was freaking out for a few minutes because it just hadn't occured to me that the interesting idea i saw years ago would be from this Dr Who series i was falling in love with. It was crazy! hehe.

So yeah, maybe you had to be there to appreciate it, but it was really cool to me =3

So what about you? you have any OMG realization moments about anything?

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ah, I've had many moments where I remember something from when I was really little and realize that it wasn't something a really little kid should know about XD

did anybody watch the show braceface? I used to watch it every day. years later I finally understood most of the episodes, such as the one when she starts smoking or the one when she gets drunk at a party.

I also have a few very specific memories of my parents spelling out words. I even remember the letters they used. only about a year ago it dawned on me that they were swearing half the time and eating chocolate and candy behind my back the other half.

I've also had that same experience with watching a doctor who episode years later for the second time. I forget what episode it was though

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Braceface got that heavy? O_o (I've heard of it, but don't recall watching it.)

it did indeed :l check out these episode descriptions


not all of them are like that, but there's a good handful

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I also have a few very specific memories of my parents spelling out words. I even remember the letters they used. only about a year ago it dawned on me that they were swearing half the time and eating chocolate and candy behind my back the other half.

Lol, i can imagine... I dont think they ever did that to me...

The internet was my OMG moment.


Oooohhh yeah... i can imagine THAT was a fun period for you, hehe... I dont think i did much on the internet when i first got on... mostly playing around the AOL Kidz forums... but as i grew up i uh... 'discovered' more...

btw, love the pic, you wouldn't happen to have a link to a bigger version?

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Lol, i can imagine... I dont think they ever did that to me...

Oooohhh yeah... i can imagine THAT was a fun period for you, hehe... I dont think i did much on the internet when i first got on... mostly playing around the AOL Kidz forums... but as i grew up i uh... 'discovered' more...

btw, love the pic, you wouldn't happen to have a link to a bigger version?

Nope, sorry!

Actually I lie, this might be bigger.

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I was especially stupid for some reason as a kid, like, beyond the normal thresholds of stupidity. Therefore I didn't get like, basically anything in a movie, including most of the plot/story line in it. I would basically just watch them for the entertainment value in action scenes.

Now I get the OMG moment every time I watch/play something I did as a little kid, because now I go back and everything makes sense now. Independence Day was already so mind-bendingly good, but when I understood the jokes and references, it was like watching a whole new movie again. >.>

I've already confirmed it works for the PS1 and Nintendo 64 games I played when I was little, too.

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I was especially stupid for some reason as a kid, like, beyond the normal thresholds of stupidity. Therefore I didn't get like, basically anything in a movie, including most of the plot/story line in it. I would basically just watch them for the entertainment value in action scenes.

Now I get the OMG moment every time I watch/play something I did as a little kid, because now I go back and everything makes sense now. Independence Day was already so mind-bendingly good, but when I understood the jokes and references, it was like watching a whole new movie again. >.>

I've already confirmed it works for the PS1 and Nintendo 64 games I played when I was little, too.

ah, I was exactly the same as a kid, up until grade six XD this post could've been written by me and nothing would be different.

isn't it the weirdest feeling ever when you watch a story you've never heard before told by visuals and dialogue that you've seen many times before?

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isn't it the weirdest feeling ever when you watch a story you've never heard before told by visuals and dialogue that you've seen many times before?

Yes, but it's even weirder when you just can't place where you've seen it. You know you've seen it somewhere, but the exact detail of where is missing.

Could just be me, though.

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Hm, I think it falls under an "OMG" moments to be honest. But it's more about Deja Vu.

From time to time I have a dream. Nothing unusual, typical dreams about normal life, I meet somebody, something happens and stuff.

And usually during the period of 6 months, the thing I've dreamt about takes place in real life. With exact detail, with same order of accidents. If I remember dream well, I'm able to predict those few seconds which will happen next.

Each time it's like an OMG for me...

... why can't I use images suddenly!? ... ... ...Artax...

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My OMG moment is well, okay I have a lot of them and most of them are really dumb.

But my latest one was Kind of odd, but funny to me at the same time. Also it's actually not one of my dumber ones. But I was Playing F1-2011 on my 360 (A Formula One Racing Game) And I've always grown up playing racing games with out any driving assists on mainly because I feel like driving with assists on is kind of like cheating.

So I'm playing the game and I'm struggling in a couple corners of a couple different tracks. (Turns 1, 3, 9, and 15 in Melbourne, and the Hairpin in Monreal). The funny part is, is I decided what the heck, I'll turn the auto breaking on so I can get an approxamite feel for where I was struggling, and my lap times were faster without the braking assists than they were with them. but almost 5 full seconds.

Yes, I know, Lame OMG moment, but still funny to me.

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last year I realized that the reason why there are so many hills around where my grandparents live is not because they live on a farm out in the middle of nowhere, but because I live in the prairies and the don't

two years ago, I found out that Easter dinner was a thing, and we didn't just randomly go to a family member's house to eat in spring.

three years ago I found out Easter is a religious holiday

four years ago, I found out my family is religious

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When I was progressively discovering the outer boundries of the Internet, it consistently surprised me with its wonders every day. Youtube, Fanfiction, etc amazed me....then I found DeviantArt...

...then I heard "R34" mentioned...

...I don't go on DeviantArt anymore

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Haha, now those are some pretty interesting moments! :D

I recently had a moment that wasn't really pleasant, actually.

There was a giant festival my family and I went to recently concerning the Syrian revolution. I met a proactive fellow who helped arrange the whole thing, and he wasn't hard to spot since he was always walking about and helping others. My brother introduced me to him and we had quite the conversation.

He knows a lot of Syrians where I live, and we started talking about their support for the revolution.

And then he mentioned the name of a very close friend of mine...

...and that I should be careful of him.

I was a little startled that he would know my friend, since I sit with him every day in the restaurant that he works in. I asked why and how he'd know him, and he said it clear cut.

"Look, I've known him for six years. Your friend is an active spy."

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Whoa. I'm sorry? I think? I honestly don't know what to make of that. Do you think this new guy is on the level?

You mean do I doubt the guy? I'm not sure.

But according to how my friend usually responds when I talk about politics, specifically the Syrian revolution, he tends to never really give a proper opinion, but just keeps it to himself or gives a very vague remark.

Whether he's a spy for the Syrian government or not, I've made sure to stop talking to him about such politic issues, and just pretend like I know nothing about anything. :P

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Something similar happened with me. My boyfriend was really interested in Stargate and prior to meeting him I knew very little about Star Trek, Star Wars and Stargate. I was interested in Roswell which used to be shown on syfy (then scifi) and the last ten minutes of Stargate would be on and I always thought it was weird so I would ignore it until my show would come on. About 4 years later I became interested in it after watching it with my boyfriend. Wow, all that time I could have like been watching Stargate, haha. I still love my Roswell though. I bought all of them since we stopped getting the channel when the show was out.

I have a lot of OMG moments when watching TV. I frequently recognize actors/actresses in everything, lol. Like, Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender was a potion maker in Charmed. I knew when I watched Avatar that he sounded very familiar....lol.

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Dont forget that in Avatar: The last Airbender the voice of firelord Ozai is everyone's favorite Luke Skywalker

...who also voices the Joker in a lot of Batman cartoons

Joker = Firelord ozai?

You bet i OMG'd

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Dont forget that in Avatar: The last Airbender the voice of firelord Ozai is everyone's favorite Luke Skywalker

...who also voices the Joker in a lot of Batman cartoons

Joker = Firelord ozai?

You bet i OMG'd

Which Luke Skywalker? The one in the newer movies or the older ones? Honestly I've only ever seen the new ones. Well, once when I was younger I tried watching the old one but I fell asleep. :P

EDIT: Oh wait that doesn't surprise me. He's the guy who voices everyone in everything, lol. He does a lot of games too.

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