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Does anyones Parents know they are a Brony?


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My Mother, My Father, and a few of my uncles, and cousins know. They don't really care. I'm sure that they thought it was weird at first, But they are good enough people to let something as pointless as an "odd interest" be. Besides they can't really make any claim about my masculinity for the fact that I am the only one out of all of them that had the nerve to remove a snake or mouse from the house. xD One of my uncles the moment he caught me watching an episode was like "Hey man you watching little girl shows?" To which I responded "Eeyup" and that was the end of it.

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My parents know but my brother is the only one who finds it tolerable he might not be a bony but he likes Fluttershy's cheer and the abridged episodes. He in fact is helping me with a brony song only because I know little guitar. I am glad to have a brother who feels that bronies are normal people he even said "I could careless if I have a friend or girlfriend that is a brony or pegasister," he even still loves me. My dad gives me a lot of grief of being a brony but I've gotten used to it by now. In fact last Christmas he bought me a stupid Rainbow Dash toy, no big deal for a normal brony but I am one of the bronies that doesn't want toys like that. My mother just goes with my dad and teases me. I however am lucky that I have a family that don't care my interests.

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My parents know, they think that I'm really weird but I don't care. My cousin (who is a guy) Also watches it. Whenever I try and tell my parents how cool it is and how many people that are their age watch it, I can't get them into it :|... Oh well, at least I have you guys. :razz:

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When I have an interest, I advertise it, and MLP didn't end up being an exception. I actually became a brony because I told my I-didn't-know-he-was-a-brony-at-the-time uncle I was interested in possibly becoming a brony. He gave me a brohoof (which I didn't understand at the time) and showed me the episodes on YouTube.

While I was watching part 2 of Episode 1 on my phone in the dining room, my aunt asks me what I'm watching.

"My Little Pony"

Since then, I have three brony shirts, RD headphones, an MLP poster, and various other merchandise.

... For clarification, mum's fine with it, Dad accepts it, and I've only met one person who hates me for it. Shame, as I was hoping for a challenge.

Nevertheless, everyone I know knows I'm a brony, and many more will in the future. I have no regrets.

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  • 2 months later...

I told my mom last week that I liked it, and she was perfectly fine with it. I even told one of my good friends too, and he laughed at me but didn't get too hurtfully, none more so that usually. It's hard being a 30 year old man and admitting you love a show meant for little girls, but I can't help but love those ponies!

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I don't tell my family, not because I worry they would "disown" me or anything over something so petty (and ultimately they would see it as petty), but because I have no overriding reason to tell them about every little fandom or show I am into. Not really their business and thus no reason to specifically bring it up unless they bother to ask.

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I don't think my parents know just yet I mean I bought a derpy hooves wallet. told my mom I was buying a "wallet" she asked me "what does it look like" so I had to show her she replied with "isn't that girly ?" and I just said "nope" and she went "oh ok"

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My parents don't know, but that's just because I don't really talk about my interest around them, because they probably wouldn't care. If they did know, they would probably think it's weird, but they wouldn't disown me over it. I have a 4.0 GPA in college and make almost a grand a week, why would they disown a son like that over liking a girl's show? ;)

I do have a few friends who know, however, and they react just the way you would imagine. They make fun of me over it sometimes, but since we're all 18/19/20/21 years old and mature, it's never malicious and all in good fun. They aren't exactly saints either, so I can dish it out to them just as well. :razz:

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I showed my mom the show once and she just shrugged it off. " i can see why you like it" were her exact words.

My dad is actually even more cool about it. i live with just my dad most the time, so he's the one who has to put up with all the figures, comics, my plushie, picture, and cover that is adorning my wall. He just sees it for what it is i guess. He makes fun once in a while, but not very often. I just laugh it off 'cause i know he means well. You can't be a brony without expecting to get teased for it from time to time. :)

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My sisters know and tease me (though they're slightly Brony themselves), my dA friends know and love and support it, my rl friend knows and thinks its cool but wouldn't want to be one herself and is slightly weirded out by dude bronies, and finally my mother knows and is okay with it. My dad doesn't know, but he does know I'm a CARF (Pixar Cars fangirl) and a Whovian. :D

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I don't mean to just barge in but I do have a small story,well if you wanna call it one,about the topic.Since I'm 14 and I live with my dad,he had to figure out eventually.When I told him,he didn't like the idea.He actually asked me if I was a homosexual(he hasn't met my gf) and I was just too irritated to respond.He was fine with it after a while,but his girlfriend thinks I shouldn't like something so girly and childish.My mom has always been fine with it,she found out first in the family.To be clear,I didn't tell them because I wanted their approval or because I wasn't sure if this was some silly phase I was going to or not,I told them because I was proud that I am a brony and I won't change who I am for them and that they should understand that.I still stick by my brony pride to this day.

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I don't think I've posted in this topic yet...so I'll throw my two bits:

On topic, yes, my parents know that I'm a Brony, and that yes, they acknowledge my being as such. In fact, the way they found out was when I was ordering shirts (only 16[?], and they refused to give me a bank account, so all transactions had to be through their cards), and yes, when they do my laundry (FYI, I do it myself now that I'm in Uni). But they don't mind, and they rarely raise anything about it. Most moans and groans usually come from when buying the actual shirts themselves (shipping is a pain), and yes, I have bough and openly displayed figurines (One was from a blindy that came free, another was one of the store ones. Both still sit on my Halo Reach Legendary ed. Statue to this day). Again, no harmful response.

Of course, I think it's mainly because I'm Asian, and as such, Pink Pastel Ponies running around and stopping invading changelings seems to be somewhat normal... or... entertainingly unique. Not to mention that my parent's generation, TV was mainly live action and black-white (Again, if this part makes no sense, go brush up on continental technological advancements pre 21st century, yes, we ran on black-whites while you guys started deving colours).

On an off note: I do use a pony-related Steam and LAN name (Self promo Steam name: {Mane6}Harv0kz, although I also use "Fightyshy"). So at first, my friends were "herrrderrrrhesabronykillitwithfire" (luckily one of my friend's gf was one too, so that tended to level things out). But then as time went by, the topic rarely ever came up, and Fightyshy remained of my more prominent "live gaming" names. At my Uni, nobody recognizes, or refuses to acknowledge their knowing of MLP, or bronies (except for one guy who knew a guy who was a brony).

In short, as a named fanbase of a show, especially since it's one that is so unique since it's inception, we mustn't be afraid to push outside our boundaries, and continue to act as the normal people we are. I'm still into a fair amount of games, tabletops and rpgs that would make others cringe away at their sheer vulgarity, or even some games that would bore some, and hobbies that aren't usually for the average joe, yet I still like Pink Pones. Play with it however you want, but with this kind of thing, I'm sure the head-first approach works best.

Again, these are just my two bits. If you're content with hiding (I was for the first 3 months), then go on ahead. Just remember who you are, and why you're here, and most importantly, how you carry yourself and how it reflects back to others, and the rest of us (Because Celestia help me, there are people who take things abit too zealously, but I can't blame them, but it kills it for the rest of us).

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