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Possibly the Coolest Balloon In Existence.


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So I went to the local Farmers Market, and there was a balloon guy wearing a Rainbow Dash tee shirt. I asked him to make me his favorite MLP cast member, and he made me Luna.

His explanation "Now, without the horn she's not really an Alicorn, and her wings aren't actually pink in canon. But I didn't want it all to be blue, because thats kind of boring. Here you are, enjoy!"

Anyways, pretty cool, right?


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Oh my goodness that man is now one of my favorite people! It may look kind of hideous but that was just awesome! seriously I feel like I can never find random bronies out there and have these awesome moments.

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this is made of awesome! that must have been one epic farmer

He's not ACTUALLY a Farmer, in fact most of the people at the Farmers Market aren't. It's just a bunch of street vendors on Main Street who sell their products and perform.

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sorry dude that i probably didn't know that :)

considering where I am, the Farmers market is just a really big super market, I figure it's only in big cities or rural areas, at least the type your talking about. The closest thing I can think of that fits that description is the outdoor auction.

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Woahhh. Mine is coated with guitar players, artists, drummers, food vendors, farmers selling crops, and lots of free samples!

If you're ever in Seattle, by the way, you should all go to the Pike Place Market. Best thing on earth, man.

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to be honest ive never heard of a farmers market before but thanks for telling me rainboom. :) sounds like they sell alot of neat stuff, im from England so it sounds like to me for what we call it over here " a boot sale"

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Amusing. I was a book-taught balloon artist for about 5 weeks, and I can say that I am glad no one ever asked me to make a winged pony. I love that tail.

One of the things I learned to make was a cat, and people kept saying things like "wow that is an amazing mouse!" Well, one day in mexico, I was asked to make a particular animal, and my dictionary translated the word to mouse. So I made my cat and everyone around was super impressed. Everything else I made was recognizable.

Balloon art is awesome because it is super easy to get into, and it looks disproportionately impressive relative to the amount of time it took you to learn how to make them. Seriously, bunnies and swans are huge crowd pleasers, and you can learn them in basically minutes, and get them to look good after just a few practices.

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yes its the random brony encounters that make it special! Next time I go to Zerns my awesome local farmers market/auction house/arcade/petstore/place I want to live, I will e wearing one my brony shirts just in case :D unfortunately there are no musicians there... :(

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