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Status Updates posted by Hawkeye12

  1. So...I went from a B+ to a C ranking in Splatoon. Yeah. Okay. *cries in the corner*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dunder


      They can take your grade, but they can never take your squid now.

    3. SunsetSombra


      I'm still lingering on level 9 - accursed internet connectivity makes for a very spotty ability to play online, lol (Stay Freeesh~)

    4. Hawkeye12


      Well once you get to ranked battles...you just can't stop doing em. But my freshness shall return! B)

  2. Forgot to make a status about this earlier, but Love Wins! Woot!

  3. Was sitting in a dentist waiting room and saw a girl sitting next to me drawing a (really well done) picture of Discord. Awesome. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hawkeye12


      Nah, just smiled. She smiled back. :)

    3. stormchaser1991


      awesome about the picture wish i could have seen it

    4. leapman
  4. Saw San Andreas yesterday, and Jurassic World today. Both great movies with AMAZING special effects....but I think I'd rather watch dinosaurs than earthquakes any day of the week. Rawr. ;)

  5. Finally found my 3ds after about a month after I lost it...first thing I do? Just played Fire Emblem for 4 hours straight. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowbolt0


      Fire Emblem Awakening?

    3. Hawkeye12


      Yep, Awakening. Oh and I do have Smash also, great game to lose friends over, right up there with Mario Kart. XD

    4. Shadowbolt0


      Just ordered awakening. Super excited for it to arrive

  6. M'kay, it's official. Splatoon is the first shooter game I'm actually good at.

    1. SunsetSombra
    2. Hawkeye12


      All the splats!

    3. Solaria


      Death by inking. So much ink.

  7. This...episode...just.......*squees to death*

    1. SunsetSombra


      Oh we know...we know! X3

  8. 100th episode coming up in a few hours. I avoided all spoilers for this one (I've been doing that for the whole season) so I'm pretty optimistic. Bring it on! >:D

  9. Gotta love those moments when you refresh the page and there's a new banner out of nowhere. I like it. :D

    1. stormchaser1991


      yes i know those moments and love them i also love this new banner then the last lyra and bonbon needs more love

    2. tacobob


      Lyra and Bonbon are best background ponies. They need their own show!

  10. Been sick for last couple days, might be a few more before I can post again. :/

    1. Tymiko


      No rush! Sorry to hear that, Hawk. Hope you feel better soon!

      Also, if/when you feel up to it, I'd like to ask you about plots regarding Discord and Fluttershy, hehe.

  11. Math exams will be the death of me.

    1. stormchaser1991


      ok then Hawkeye what shall i put on your tombstone, For your death. death by papercut, death by boring or something else

    2. Hawkeye12


      All of the above!

    3. tacobob


      Math is hard, let's go shopping!

  12. Schmoozey is best pone.

    1. Tymiko


      Have you seen his original self?

    2. Hawkeye12


      Yes, Schmoozey is best pone for all the generations!

  13. Okay! I think I've caught up on all my posts except for Dart Struck (which I haven't forgotten about, just a little brain dead on that one) and the final Speed-dating round, which I'll get to when I can.

    1. Zealot


      Hehe, yeah. We seem to have met a bit of a stall with Dart Struck. I'm still up for continuing it though.

  14. Okay. Posts will come tomorrow. Promise! Meant to get em today, but I got kidnapped and dragged into the pool so...yeah.

  15. Okay. I'm not sure if this is exactly possible, but there's an app in WoE I posted a while ago...I was wondering if someone could delete it? I've lost the inspiration, and I just don't have the time to work on it. Thanks.

    1. RarityDash


      The app in question has been removed. I would, in the future suggest using the report button (or PMing the moderators) for requestingsomething like this, as it's very possible we'll miss something if it's posted here as a status update.

    2. Hawkeye12


      Alright, thanks :)

  16. A post splurge mayyy be coming tonight or tomorrow. Also, I really need to get around to watching Appleloosa's Most Wanted >.<

  17. *sips chocolate milk*

    1. PyroBlaze


      *sips milk chocolate*

    2. Ciraxis


      Last time I checked, it was explosive.

    3. Hawkeye12


      Hm, good point... *sips chocolate almond milk*

  18. Posts will most likely come tomorrow. In other news, the dentist officially sucks..

  19. Argh....laptop died in the middle of typing my Foals at Heart post and I lost it... I'll restart that later today. >_<

    1. PyroBlaze


      Sorry to hear that.

  20. Posts will come today, if not tomorrow, and if not then definitely Saturday. Pinkie Promise!

  21. These ponies need to go to Pancakes Anonymous....

  22. Posts will come in the next couple days. ;)

  23. And the meme of the week is... I'm Pancake!

  24. So I was doing some...much procrastinated spring cleaning today and ended up finding my old Gamecube controller. Seriously, I've been looking for this thing for YEARS. So I hooked up the Gamecube and it surprisingly works! Sweet! :D

  25. Have a problem? Come on down to Discord's good deeds booth and have your favourite draconequus (attempt to) solve it! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20441-ponyville-attempting-good-deeds-open/

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