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Lyipheoryia last won the day on July 13 2016

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About Lyipheoryia

  • Birthday July 6

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    Steam Metal
  • Character 3
    Agile Speeds
  • Character 2
    Starlight Glimmer
  • Main Character
    Starry Requiem

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Helping others. Making somepony's day. Making somepony's happy. Being a good friend. A good book. My Little Pony. Littlest Pet Shop. Teen Titans. Teen Titans Go. Marvel. DC. Superheroes. Roleplaying. Liv and Maddie. How to Train Your Dragon. Percy Jackson. Kane Chronicles. Books. Life. Stuff. Ask me threads. Forum games. Getting my apps approved. Helping other people develop their apps. Pinkie Pie. Words which I pronounce wrong, making them gibberish. Playing League of Legends. Spirit Animals. 39 Clues. Reading. Fantasy. Dragons. Drawing. Failing at art. Loving art. Writing poems. Editing stories. Watching people play games. Youtube. Archery. Rowing. Creating beats. LMMS. Despising Photoshop because I don't have it. Watching speedart. Playing King of Thieves. Telling people as little as possible about myself, while learning as much as I can about them. Laughing about things that probably aren't funny. Eating ice cream. Despising ice cream toppings. Loving sundaes but hating the syrup. Disliking the taste of purple Skittles because Advil. Biking. Photography. Looking at natural scenery and wondering how nature became such an amazing artist. Looking at art on DA. Staying inside for too many days and wondering why the Sun is so bright. Memorizing useless facts. Having way too many interests. Ask me if you want to know more about me. I have quite a few interests, but definitely not as many as my friend Toothie!
  • Location
    Somewhere in Beaverland
  • Gender

Role Play Information

  • RP Ready

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    Eccentric Maverick Lyi
  • Steam
  • DeviantArt

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Wonderbolt (8/9)



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  1. Sometimes, when you hear about a world disaster and think, "Psh.  It's so far away-doesn't concern me,"  


    Yes-yes it does concern you.  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Imagination


      It's cultural and social suicide, to be blunt. People don't, or pretend not to care about these events because they're so disconnected from the world that they don't even seem to realize that these were people. Living, breathing people, that if they had saw or talked to even once they would care or at least notice and pause for thought if something happened to them.


      It's the sort of thing that contributes to things like the bystander effect. If it's not affecting them, it's not their place to interfere/someone else will interfere. But instead everyone just stands around, wondering what's going on.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      The other day, I was telling my friend about the Ft. McMurray fire.  She had no idea what it was, or what was going on.  She then proclaimed the agree that-even if I fire burnt down all of the world-she wouldn't care or give a **** until it touched her neighborhood.  


      I was shocked, mortified, and afraid of what our world and generation has become.

    4. SymphonicFire


      Air quality warming has been lifted at Fort Mac yesterday! Now for the fire warning! :)

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