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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Just got my final marks.....didn't do as well as I expected :| 

    <runs around room in a circle>

    1. ToothpasteThy


      *flops on and snugs*


      You'll live~ <3 x3

    2. CatCakey


      I did better than I thought in my exams last year, because I stopped bothering to learn and revise not long before exams started.

      It's alright, you'll be fine :)

  2. Late welcome!  But Welcome anyways!  Better late than never~


    Did you put up an intro thread?  That might be why I never welcomed you :P  

  3. Lyi likes Polybank's new signature.  The sketch is very nice :).

    1. Polyblank


      Merci ~ once ze art pad works again, will be able to complete ze magics meinself.

  4. Lyi promises rp replies on the weekend.  On the other hand-anyone Russian here and willing to give me some insight on Russia?  

    1. Bogle


      I'm not Russian but I've been. I can try to help if you have specific questions and if no one else can step up. 

  5. Lyi's Idiot Advice of the Day:  Just because the movie you intended to watch sold out, doesn't mean the movie you ended up watching is less awesome-In my case, it was MORE awesome.


    I ended up watching The Little Prince:  Best movie evaar!!!

  6. Might be out and about for these next two weeks.  I will for sure reply to rp's on the weekends, but no guarantees past that.  


    Aka.  I'm working for my school newspaper.  I'm busy, please come back later.  Write your message after the beep: BEEEEP!

  7. Must.  Stop.  Posting.

    Must.  Start.  Studying.


    [Internal struggle]

    1. tacobob


      Ha! Nobuddy learned nuttin from studying!

    2. ToothpasteThy


      Must. Stop. Drawing.

      Must. Start. Posting.


      [the struggle is real]

    3. Rosewind


      You should study before you play games, my child! :toriel:

  8. My friend is part of a Scouts competition, so it would be great if you guys could check his video out (and maybe give it a vote)!  



    It's once-a-day voting :P 

  9. My life is an explosion of gratitude that someone could like my story this much :)


  10. My little 1-year anniversary art is going to be a little late...  

    Oh well~  

    It can be my 1-year-and-a-few-weeks anniversary :P 

  11. My wifi is exceeding slow...expect little to no replies until I fix it~. Sorry, mates.

  12. Need more energy.  Need less work.  Need to roleplay.  Need money~  


    Sorry to all the people I'm rping with, but work is really starting to pile up on my teeny tiny desk~ 

    1. Rudan


      Life can be a barrel of doo-doo, don't worry about it. Just focus on sorting your stuff out and relax.

    2. Sondash145


      Ah, I too am swamped.

      I'm not good at giving advice, just wanted you to know you're not the only one.

    3. ToothpasteThy


      Need more money and need less work? I do believe those to things don't often go together 8v

  13. No new members since Monday?!  That's an outrage! :P 

    1. Bellosh




  14. No posts for the rest of the weekend.  There's been a family death, and I'm still..in shock and trying to cope.  I just need some time to understand what happened~ It was so sudden...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eventide


      I'm sorry for your loss. We're here to talk, if you want.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      Thanks guys~  I just don't really know what to feel right now...sad that they're gone, or happy that they've moved on to a better place.

    4. Rosewind


      My deepest condolences for your loss. 

  15. Oh, my beloved followers...why do all ye Goethe away? :P


    @PyroBlaze  Thank you for a wonderful rp experience :) 

    1. PyroBlaze


      Glad to be of service. :)


      It was fun for me too, so thanks.

  17. One of the deepest words of advice ever received, "Sometimes, having a licence to kill means not knowing when to pull the trigger,"  

    Thank you~  


    <sits to meditate on words>

    <become sleepy while meditating>

    <sometimes, having the ability to sleep means now knowing when to take a nap>

  18. Our for the next day or two.  Replies will commence immediately after that.  For now, endure my limited discussion and chit-chat replies :) 

  19. Out for the day, replies shall come tomorrow~  

    Did I ever tell you guys you're the best?

  20. Out of pure curiosity:. What are common thoughts Americans think of when they think of Canadiens? 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      *cough* *cough*  Vancouver drivers~  <shakes head>  Well, driving in LA is almost as scary...

    3. Imagination


      Neither of you have been to Boston then xD

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Oh dear...Perhaps the better option is to just go places that you can reach by walking distance.

  21. Out until the end of the weeks.  There is a lot going on IRL that I need to work out.  


    ((*Cough.  Totally not referring to an event in two days that I haven't started planning for at all.))

  22. Resisting the urge to rp~  


    ...so hard....

    On the other hand, I'm applying for my first 'job'!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RedCedar


      Resistance is futile. :) Good luck and get that hand better!

    3. Lyipheoryia


      Thanks y'all!  It's because I know "if I reply to one rp, I'll reply to all of them"...Which...isn't exactly great for my hand.

    4. RedCedar


      Pace yourself. One a day.

  23. Rp replies either later today or tomorrow.  I have some work I need to finish up first.  


    Also, I was checking out a forum I used to go onto.  Sad to see it extremely quiet...

  24. Rp Reply Spree hath ended!  Please tell me if I forgot to reply to an rp :).  Replies from others may commence~  Thanks, y'ally! 

    1. SeaJay


      I think it is your turn in An Equestrian Tale. :) 

  25. School...starts way too soon.  


    Actually, it starts tomorrow.  Or something like that.  

    1. ToothpasteThy


      I can't wait for the school season. It means I'll finally start getting my hours in at work.


      Also, Lyi, don't forget that school, apart from homework and stuff, can be a really great time. Make the most of every moment :pathfinder:

    2. Sondash145


      I'm already failing History. I truly belong in the second best private school in Alabama. Those $20,000 my parents spent on me totally aren't going to waste (Naw, but I missed a couple assignments, and my grade is improving, don't worry).

    3. SymphonicFire


      What! You start school tomorrow?! We already started on the first of September!  :icondesperateplz:

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