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Status Updates posted by DragonoftheSkysAir

  1. time (to me anyway) is creepy, confusing and something i can never under stand

  2. wow, I just had a close encounter with a boy deer and a young boy deer


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QuickLime


      Lots of insects are attracted to that room, so they feest

    3. tacobob


      please leave tiny magazines.

    4. enderponygirl
  4. what eats your toys, hides under the bed , hides in the closets and comes out at night?

  5. anypony want to do a 2 or more pony RP in messanger? also warning I do not have any ideas.

  6. my life is the worst! in my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BassClef


      I admit, I have not had THE worst life ever... It's actually been really nice! But I have had bad times... Just keep going. In the words of that one guy I cant spell his name and I'm too lazy to look it up: Shiale buph (Or something like that) JUST DO IT!!!

    3. DragonoftheSkysAir


      I know I just mean in my opinion. I also know that there are a lot of people who have it worse than I do. Plus I just wanted to complain, so um yeah...

    4. Zealot


      Indeed. Life is terrible. But hey, other people have it worse. Best not to dwell on it and push on. It'll get better. I keep hoping it will and any rate, hehe.

  7. all of the good shows end up ending to quick for me

  8. I am starting to get tired of making art

    1. stormchaser1991


      take a break from it then

  9. dose anypony else play toram online?

  10. I am seriously saprised at myself

  11. yay! i got my 2DS back!

  12. well... night, night every pony! se you all later today or tonight

  13. it says I'm logged in but then when I go to a different page on here or refresh the page I says I'm logged out so I may be on but then again I may not. oh , and by the way I'm on my tablet.

    1. DragonoftheSkysAir


      Okay never mind I have fixed it if any one was wondering...witch you probably don't

  14. I am soooooo bored!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. stormchaser1991


      if they are never started why don't you start one

    3. DragonoftheSkysAir



      cause they might start it's just they are probably busy or I have no ideas on what role play to do

    4. stormchaser1991


      for the first part thats why you start an RP asap when you get the idea, i have plenty of RPs ideas but i don't when to make them because nopony might join

  15. well... great I think I may have screwed up my sleep schedule!

  16. well..... see you all tomarow

  17. i love role playing, but i know i suck at it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DragonoftheSkysAir
    3. QuickLime


      All roleplayers start out sucking, it's by practice and perseverance we get GOOD at it.

    4. DragonoftheSkysAir


      Yeah I know, I just felt like typing this out loud

  18. ........................ hi everypony!............

  19. hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! hi!

  20. I have no idea on what to do!!!

  21. i suck at drawing armor

    1. Bluelight


      I suck at drawing: backgrounds, lots of objects, horns, trees, hands, etc

    2. DragonoftheSkysAir


      Yeah. you not the only one

    3. Bluelight


      Good to know xD

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