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Status Updates posted by Solana

  1. Checking in again.  Waiting on the day my classes are over and I can move somewhere with some internetz.  Looking forward to becoming active here again.

  2. "Well, they don't exactly hand out medals for 'almost'" "They DO, and they're called 'silver'"

    1. Lyipheoryia


      If only...I get the fourth place ribbon. There are only four people in the race.

  3. 6 out of 7 voices in my head contemplate the meaning of life. The 7th one wonders if penguins have knees.

  4. December 24th, and it's 90 degrees. Go home weather, You're drunk.

    1. Avery


      We call it S'winter

    2. TheFinestSorcerer


      Central NY is almost 70* today x3

  5. Fallout 4. Nuff said.

  6. Given all the flooding lately, I ALMOST had beach front property. And I was looking forward to opening a Marina in my back yard...

  7. I was once asked if I think too many people these days are ignorant and apathetic. I said "Don't know, don't care."

    1. Quillhart


      Oh,you goof. you make me chuckle x3

    2. Solana
  8. I was once told I was irresponsible. I resent that. I'm a VERY responsible person. Whenever anything bad happens, I'm USUALLY the one responsible.

  9. Last day of modern gun season. Gonna do some "Grocery Shopping" later. Wish me luck!

    1. tacobob


      Huzzah! Now begins "Old Timey Gun Season!" Preston, ready my musket!

  10. OC ACCEPTED! Now, just waiting to actually get RP Cetrified, or whatever it is that hast to happen for me to be able to post. Going to be starting an RP when this happens.

  11. Top item of my christmas list? GM6 Lynx. Well, that or a Nerv Gear rig, but the latter isn't real... yet.

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