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Status Updates posted by LunarDisplay

  1. Shalom, Buenos Dias.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LunarDisplay


      Shalom isn't even Spanish.

    3. PrinceoftheNight


      I know, but everyone else talked spanish.

    4. LunarDisplay


      Yeh. No soy tan bueno en escribir Español.

      Translation: I'm not that good at typing in Spanish

  2. My brain has shut down!

    I have no idea what to do for my fist WoE thread.

    :undyne:PPlease, send help!:undyne:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LunarDisplay


      Of course! I really appreciate it

    3. Jabberwock


      Did you have any preference as to who I use? Wick would be more able to travel to anywhere that works best for you, while Spike is kind of limited to Ponyville and Canterlot(Unless I specify that he's traveled elsewhere with Twilight hehe) so it's really whichever you think would work best! :D I can toss up a thread that you can jump in(unless you'd like to start one because that's fine with me if so!)

    4. LunarDisplay


      I sent you a PM! :D

  3. What's on my mind? I don't know. Brobably a skull, and skin, and hair.:dog:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LunarDisplay


      I thought that said probably. Xd

    3. Eventide


      I understand, it's not especially brominent. :blush:

    4. LunarDisplay
  4. Pineapple :P

    1. PrinceoftheNight
    2. LunarDisplay


      Glockinshpeal. Is that correct? No.:undyne:

    3. Lux


      Hippopatomostrophobia! (fear of big words!) 

  5. I have arisen from the dead.

    1. Solaria


      My spell worked! Although I was chanting arise chicken, arise. You're the oddest chicken I've ever seen.

    2. CaptainMcDerp


      Me too! Again. lol

    3. tacobob
  6. I have once again returned. Hopefully I will stick around for a long while this time.

    1. Alivda


      Always good to see someone return, even if we haven't met yet!


  7. I am a dork, come hang out in dorklandia! Which auto correct has mistaken for Orlando, I have no idea why... So is it raining cats and hot dogs anwhere else?"

    1. tacobob


      Cause we're all dorks in Orlando. :3

  8. Huzzah! My second WoE pony got accepted!

  9. Where have you been?!

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      Lotsa stuff was going on IRL and I didn't have much internet or drawing time. Things have pretty much settled down now but my drawing has gotten a little rusty. I'm currently working on that so I can get back into the swing of things. ;)

  10. I hope everyone has a good day. <3

  11. Did I just get an application accepted? Yes. Have I used my newest character in any RP? Not yet. Did that stop me from putting in another app for a cast character? No. Should I have waited till my newer character was used? Perhaps. :Rarity:

  12. Snausages...I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life.

  13. I love Alice in Wonderland. It's my life.:carp::Luna::Celest::TSparkle::Rarity:

  14. I'm going insane, my head is like bloop bloopity doop!!! AAnd to be honest, We're all mad here...:mad::carp:

  15. G'night. Or Morning, or evening...:D

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