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Status Updates posted by weesh

  1. Yesterday was my one-year-canterlot-dot-com-aversary.

  2. I burned my hand making pizza rolls. Two hours later, it hurts the instant i take it out of a cup of water. ow.

    1. weesh


      so yeah, im kinda stuck here.

    2. weesh


      It felt much better by the time I woke up this morning.

    3. Rosewind


      I'm glad you're doing better! Aloe vera is fantastic for burns, it's worth picking up a tube of gel and keeping it in the fridge for such occasions.

  3. Tutoring kids: 90% encouragement, 10% teaching. Most of them are one more disappointment away from complete shutdown, and when that happens, the rest of the day is wasted.

    1. Accellerant


      Like button? LIKE BUTTON???

      Where's that blasted button when ya need it?!

      Since I cannot give you a like, I shall instead award you with 20 Internets!


    2. weesh




      I would rather have the solution to curing their low self-esteem though.

    3. StarStorm


      Pretty much!!!! I like to emphasize how easy it is when broken down and try and get them to actually follow along and try it out

  4. Just noticed: Tara Strong -> T.S. and Twilight Sparkle -> T.S.

    1. weesh


      Mind = Blown. Sorry to all those of you who figured that out 2 years ago.

    2. tacobob


      And I missed my chance to see her at the local con last weekend. Waaaagh! D: (Money issues and doggy issues)

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      I guess you've already covered the 'late to the party' comment yourself.

  5. A guy on another forum that I thought was a brony admitted that he has never seen the show, but uses a derpy avatar to detect closed minded people. Interesting.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. weesh


      He isn't a brony, but has a derpy avatar. He ignored anyone who is closed minded enough to criticize him for it.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
  6. I had fried pickles with lunch. yum.

    1. Tenkan


      Sorry, but...pickles?! D:

    2. weesh


      not pickles...FRIED pickles. Huge difference. Great appetizer.

    3. tacobob


      Mmm. Fried pickles with fried Spam. Gimmie!

  7. At a meeting, I noted a guy with the same blue nalgene water bottle as myself...down to the markings and equivalent scratches. Since he was sitting across from me, I kept mine a mirror image to his, taking drinks when he did so (to keep the water level constant) and orienting the lid and markings to see if anyone would notice. It seems that my efforts were for naught.

    1. weesh


      We just had another meeting, and the same guy was there again. I repeated my performance, it it was noticed : )

    2. DreamySunday
    3. MyLittlePonyTales
  8. "Super Dinosaurs" is the worst written graphic novel I have ever seen. It includes outlandish pictures that are very well done, but terrible story and dialog. The word "awesome" should not be so abused.

    1. weesh


      I probably should not have been surprised that a book containing spaceships and talking dinosaurs wearing powersuits would be shallow.

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
    3. weesh


      Cut that out Tales! My capacity for terribly dinosaur stories was exceeded at lunch.

  9. Heard on "wait wait don't tell me" today: "A walk-man is, of course, a device that plays cassette tapes. Cassette tapes are, for our younger audience...oh wait, this is NPR, we don't have a younger audience."

    1. Tenkan
    2. weesh


      Leave it to radio to make a 28-year-old feel ancient.

    3. StarStorm


      LOL!! That's so terrible!! Hahahaaa..... Wait, what's a cassette tape?!? O//o

  10. Could someone explain this to me: http://c0lt.co/whatdoesitmean I found it at one of my job sites.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      No passing gas, obviously.

    2. Hippo



    3. weesh


      Why would either of those be a thing?

  11. My mom hurt her back today, and maybe she has to cancel her trip to see me. I only see her a couple times a year and that would be sad.

    1. Solaria


      I hope she gets better soon!

    2. weesh


      Thank you, I do as well...

      I won't know or another 12 hours or so if she is really coming.

    3. Rosewind


      That's terrible, I hope everything works out!

    1. Tenkan


      Whoa. That's deep thinking. @_@

    2. weesh


      Why thank you. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it.

  12. The hardest part of canterlot telephone pictionary is the waiting. I want to show off my artwork NOW!

    1. StarStorm


      I agree completely!! Im so excited to see how drastically its changed at the end

    2. weesh


      Last match was silly, because the writers just described the pictures, rather than coming up with a related phrase, so it was the same from the third player until the end. I fully admit to be part of the problem. It is ok, in fact it is GOOD, to be cryptic. The line I received this time was much vaguer/better.

  13. This is very much like becoming aware that you are in the path of a freight train after it has already run over your foot.

    1. Rosewind


      You've had a freight train run over your foot?

    2. weesh


      No, but I have had the "something is horribly wrong, and I should have noticed long ago" feeling.

  14. It has warmed up and we have gotten rain. It makes me happy because rain is rare here, and life is nicer when the world is a normal humidity.

    1. Tenkan


      Yay for normality!

    2. weesh


      Woooo Hooooo!

  15. Ping has an amazing topic that is getting ignored: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/13587-oclicious-songs/

    1. weesh


      Go post there!

    2. StarStorm


      Woah, I'd better go check this out right away! :3

  16. I've not been temped to start RPing...but wow do I weesh the other half of the site were as active sometimes...

    1. Tenkan


      Ba dum tss!

      I Weesh you hadn't said that.

    2. weesh


      : )

      Since my name has, from the very first day, been a morphed version of "wish", it makes sense to play it up a bit more when appropriate. Hence the signature...

  17. No new episodes for 7-8 months? Thank goodness for the comics...

  18. This is my guitar: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/andy4an/General/DSCN2900.jpg It is a Luna. How would it look with a purple strap instead of burgundy?

    1. Tenkan


      YEAH BOUY!

      I like it like this. :)

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  19. frost fauna and I met for lunch today...brohoof fail. Fauna got it right, but I made it awkward by offering to shake hands...

    1. tacobob
    2. abc


      LOL i remember my friend was gonna brofist me (hes not a brony :P) but he went for the fist, but i thought it was a high five, so i slapped his knuckle...

  20. Running through my mind a few minutes ago: "what is the furry thing on my car? I see the fuzzy ears of a rabbit, and the cute head, but its too small to be a full rabbit. Please be a rabbit plushie, please be a rabbit plushie...ah damn its a severed rabbit head. Jarred thinks he's funny, but he's not."

    1. Tenkan


      Hahaha, dude, that is messed up. xD

      Your friend goes rabbit hunting or something?

    2. weesh


      Yeah, he hunts everything. It turns out it wasn't him though. He put it on another friends car, and that guy transferred it to mine.

  21. I'm cold. I might be living in the wrong state.

    1. Tenkan


      How long have you been in this state, anyway?

    2. weesh


      I've been in Alaska for almost four years.

  22. 2000!

    1. frenzyhero
    2. weesh


      Weesh making it to 2000 posts has disappointingly non-apocalyptic connotations? Sounds appropriate.

  23. D'oh. I just left work early to go kayaking with a friend, but he is MIA. I wonder where he is...

    1. Tenkan


      You go kayaking...with friends, too? D:

      Me want!

    2. weesh


      I'd love to kayak with you.

      It turned out that a friend's friend had just died, and he was comforting the friend.

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