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Everything posted by Lux

  1. It was late, too late for many ponies to be out. Fire Heart knew this, yet she didn't care. She trotted through the park, a little flame the she cast on th tip of her horn to act like a candle in the darkness. It was not that she needed much light. Overhead the stars were out in all their glory, illuminating the sky. Ever since she was little, Fire Heart loved the park. Now the she was older and at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, she didn't have too much time to visit it other that at night. In any case she felt safe traveling here, not that anypony would want to tangle with a unicorn that knew fire magic! She at last came to the base of a hill. This was her spot, her little piece of the universe, at least for the time being. "Wow," she said to lherself looking up at the night sky, "those stars are so beautiful tonight. I wonder what it's like painting the sky with stars. You really out did yourself tonight, Luna. Sometimes I wish I can be like you being all magical and creative. But I'm stuck with making fire." She quickly shook her head, as if trying to dislodge her negative feelings about her and her magic. "But there is one thing I bet you can't do," she said with a grin. With that Fire Heart closed her eyes and with a glow of her horn, small flames erupted around her body. Then she began to dance. There was no band in the park, but she could clearly hear it in her head. She danced a slow dance, a waltz, swaying and spinning. The flames responded to her, flowing like she had a fiery dress on. For all she knew, it was just her in the park. Fire Heart, the pony that catches fire.
  2. Twilight Sparkle, in her haste to get to Sweet apple Acres, almost plowed into Applejack had she didn't quickly stop. "Oh sorry Applejack I didn't see you there. Yeah, something's happening in Canterlot. I got a letter, not from Princess Celestia, but Princess Luna. Take a look." She then produced out of her saddlebags the omnious blach scroll and held it in the air with her telekinesis so Applejack could read it. "We need to find the others. I'm thinking we should head to Fluttershy's home next, then circling back into town to get Pinkie Pie and Rarity. We'll then need to get Rainbow Dash, so we might need Fluttershy for that."
  3. Sweet listened intently to what Princess Cadance said. Even though she was a simple candy making earth pony, the fact that she was living in Canterlot where there was not one, not two, but three princesses excited her. She sometimes wondered what her life would be like born as a unicorn or pegasus, wondering if her life or carreer would have changed. "I think I understand a little more about being a princess" Sweet said, "Actually I kind of know about love magic myself, even though I'm just an earth pony. You see, I was told by Mr. Cocoa who I work with that chocolate is an aphrodisiac, or I think that's what I think he said. Anyway he said some foods, like chocolate are supposed to make ponies fall in love with each other more. I guess that's why lots of ponies buy them especially on holidays. Maybe the chocolate is like your magic, it brings out the love in ponies, or at least the happiness." Sweet Surprise stopped as if thinking about something before continuing. "i guess that's why I like making candy. It's not just about feeding ponies. It's about making them happy, and I love to see ponies happy!"
  4. I really like your mane? I'd go with the following order: Twilight Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Fluttershy Applejack Rarity (That's my favorite pony order, too.)
  5. "Well I actually met Crescent at tryouts," Sky said to Lightning, "I always wanted to join an aerial team like the Aeroblades, so when I saw a paper asking for tryouts, I immediately decided to go. I was a little nervous I wasn't going to make the cut, but sure enough I did! So... how did you joing the team?"
  6. Ok. why am I now getting an image of an anthro Pinkie Pie dressed in a Ghostbusters uniform?
  7. Ok. Your friends don't like your parties and they don't want to be frends anymore. Oh... you want a real confession? Ok... I confess that if I found a girlfriend that has the same personality as Twilight Sparkle (minus the psycho moments), then my life would be awesome!
  8. Oh I believe in ghosts, but I know that some things that people think are hauntings are just the house.
  9. I'm a ghost hunter, but a skeptical one. I'd check the house first. Any noises could be related to it setling, loose pipes, squeaky floorboards, etc. The older the house, the more prone to these things. Drafts can produce strange sounds like voices. Even drafts through vents can cause this. High EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) can produce hallucinations. So check these things, then if there are still things you can't explain, seek a paranormal team.
  10. Sky stepped up to Silver thread a little unsure. He never was one to care about fashion and didn't even own a suit. So the experience of somepony measuring him was a bit awkward. He saw Satin standing there with Silver looking a little withdrawn. "So," he said trying to relax as the tailor measured him, "how long have you been a part of the Aeroblades?" He also saw Conor Colton standing there. "And hello again there Conor. Isn't this awesome that were now part of the Aeroblades?"
  11. While I don't suspect anyone in my life, I can say this. There are often antibronies or trolls that are scared that they will be found out that they like MLP, so they try to go the opposite way by saying they hate it. When someone does this you can say "you know, for someone that claims they don't like My Little Pony, you sure talk alot about it!" Those who are in this state of denial/ covering up will ultilmately lose the charade and come clean.
  12. "Fear of flying or fear of failing, it's all the same fear to me," Sky said. as Lightning finished up, "Courage works for all fears. Also I was told by my father once that you are who you think you are. Think you're a great flyer? You are! Think you will fail? Guess what, you might. I know with stunt flying it just as mental as it is physical."
  13. For a moment there I thought you meant an actual sized pony in a bag, because that would have to be an awfully big bag! Now if it was the figure size, hopefully there would be air holes in said bag. I would definitely love meeting them, especially if it was Twilight, Luna, or Cadance.
  14. Application is ready for assessment!
  15. "Well Sweetie Belle is in my class so, I wanted to get to know her more since she's with her friends." Light said to Rarity when being asked about entertaining her. "Anyway, I'm going to a party, but it's kind of a formal one. The problem is that I really don't know about anything formal. When I told my parents, they were surprised that I wanted to do this. Dad almost fainted and mom was saying things like she was becomming so mature, whatever that means. Anyway, the only pony that I heard knew about fashion was you, so do you have something that I can wear to a party?"
  16. As Apple Cinnamon approached the gate she stopped playing and saw the ponies who had shown up. She knew that all of them were members of the Apple Family, but she didn't know how exactly. AC felt sad that she hadn't been intouch much with her large extended family. This hopefully would be her chance. "Well howdy there everypony," she said loudly, hoping that a pony would recognize her.
  17. As an artist, I have trouble drawing ponies when they are facing directly forward. Maybe it's just me. But as for the look, I have no problem with it. it looks kind of strange for the Princesses/ stallions, but otherwise isn't a problem. The fact is though that few times there needs to be an occasion for a character to look dead on to the camera, unless wanting to show a full expression of their face or breaking the forth wall and talking to the audience.
  18. Lightning couldn't believe that Sky Flare couldn't fly earlier. It was no surprise to him. To hear of a pegasus who couldn't fly sounded rediculous, like a unicorn that couldn't do magic. "Well I wasn't actually afraid of flying," Sky said to clarify, "but I was afraid of falling. While fallind might not be too bad if you're near the ground, falling when you live in Cloudsdale could spell the end for you. Because of this fear, practically all the ponies would tease me in class. They'd call me No-Fly Sky. one day I was coming home from school when I bumped into literally a Wonderbolt! He asked what the problem was and I told him. He told me that all i needed was to find my courage and I'd be able to fly. So that day I took the leap and found that I was a pretty good flyer. It was then that my cutie mark appeared. The rest, as I heard, is history."
  19. Sky Flare was walking by when he happened to just hear that the pony named Lightning was nervous about being good enough. "Hey," he said with a smile, I'm a pony that easily makes friends with others. As long as they're not mean or rude, I'm fine with them. As for you fear of not being good enough, we all have those times where we might feel like we're not good enough. I know it certainly happened to me many times." Sky then thought about something to help Lightning cheer her up. "Did you know that I wasn't always the stunt pony I was today? Would you believe me if I told you that I was actually scared to fly?"
  20. Now it was Sky's turn. He wanted to conver the sense that while he wasn't an ultra strict pony, he also wasn't a pushover. "I'm Sky Flare, Left Wing of the Aeroblades main team. Nice to meet all of you."
  21. Light was confused about Pip mentioning explosions with Twilight. He wanted to learn magic not become a victim of it! Yet he stillthought that she could be a good pony to teach him. Light then noticed Pip reminicing about his former special somepony. There seemed to be a little hint that he still liked her. Deep down Light liked Sweetie Belle a little as she was smart and cute and funny, but he didn't want to see Pip upset about that. He then heard the pony talk about milkshakes. "Sure Pip. Let's get one!" He then approached the frozen deserts dealer. "I'll have a blueberry one if you have one."
  22. Sweet Surprise smiled as Polaris remarked how great her talents were in creating the fudge and to call upon him when she became more famous. She knew that what she was doing was great, but every compliment made her accomplishments even sweeter. As the Duke of Manehattan turned to address some other ponies. Sweet decided to pay Princess Cadance again with a few question. "So... Princess Cadance, I have a question about you actually. What's it like to... you know... be a princess. I mean not just doing royal things, but to fly and do magic. I've talked to other ponies who can do one or the other, but never both. Are some ponies born to do both, or is there some wierd magic-y thing that does that?"
  23. Congrats! You got your first RP character now.
  24. Hello! I use GIMP for my art. It does take time to learn (it's been five months since I got it and I'm still learning). GIMP has the regular art tools like brush styles, gradients, layers, and such. They support animation plugins. GIMP unfortunately doesn't have a polygon tool 9at least I havent found it) I wish they did because making vector art would be easier for ponies. A couple of tips i'd give about GIMP: If using layers, make sure you save in GIMP's XCF file. Other files can't work with layers, so you need to save in XCF, create your art, flatten the layers into one art, and then save as another art file like JPG or GIF. Makes sure to zoom in to see breakages in lines. This will avoid the annoyance of trying to fill an area and it bleeds into places you don't want it. Get an art tablet. This was my best investment as the mouse, even though wireless, was not good for drawing.
  25. Sky Flare continued down the hallway towards the door. Two of the ponies seemed to be stay close to each other, like they were intimidated by the others. Granted Sky knew he was the Left Wing, but he never thought of himself as intimidating, nor did he ever want to be in a position that he had to be to get his point across. He wondered if the two were part of his team or some reserve team. He then entered the Tailor room as it was called. He admired the different designs but was a bit overwhelmed at the whole process. Sky was definitly a pony of fashion. He hadn't even worn a fancy suit in his life. Yet he knew this wasn't for anything formal but for his awesome flight suit. He nodded in appreciation to Straight Lace as thepony left and proceeded to get in line so the seamstress could measure him when Crescent made his appearance with another pony dressed in a beautiful black gown. Immediately when Cresecent gave the order, Sky knew that he wanted to address the team. He lined up in front of the team leader, hoping the other ponies would follow his lead.
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