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Everything posted by Lux

  1. Apple Cinnamon stepped off the train, carrying her fiddle case. It was a long trip from Appleoosa, but worth it. She hadn't seen much of her kin. The only one she roughly knew was Braeburn who was a cousin or something like that. She could never get it straight. As she came closer, she began to hear the party starting already and seeing a crowd of ponies there. It was time to give a proper entrance. She set down her case and opening it pulled out her old fiddle with the name "Melody" carved in it. Hooking the case to her side, she began to play a fast fiddle as she made her way into the area where the party was.
  2. Sky looked at Crescent and Conor. The moment Crescent gave the go ahead Sky dove with the two into the hole in the stadium. This was the easy part. Now touching his wingtips with Crescent's as instructed, he waited for the next part. Alot could go wrong here. He could get sucked into the vortex or thrown away from it. But he just needed to focus on what he was doing and the other two to pull this off.
  3. Sky looked at the diagram. It was tricky as he had to not only see what he was doing but he had to know what the other ponies were doing. But after studying it he understood. Crescent would be in the center creating the core of the spiral and Sky and Conor would be at opposite ends doing the outer part. "Ok I think I got it. Let's do this!" With that he flew to his starting point, waiting for the sign for the trick to begin.
  4. If you've heard about my OC Lore Weaver, I'd see him as what I'd be as a pony. He's a unicorn who owns a bookstore in Ponyville, loves reading and writing, and is a little socially awkward.
  5. Sky Flare listened as Crescent explained what was to happen. Apparantly the Maniac Moonbeam was a stunt, but it was actually a group stunt. Sky had seen group stunts before when seeing the Wonderbolts perform. The thought about doing a group stunt was a bit of an issue for him. Sky was used to solo stunts, and he had never participated in a group stunt. It wasn't that he was against flying with someother pony, but he was unsure how he would do with a group. He watched the two dive into the hole in the stadium. Suddenly the sto appeared in a twisting spiral that rose higher and higher in the air. Then The two ponies dove throught the spiral they created. Sky stood amazed that he was going to do this. Then he relized the one thing that kept him going. That was courage. He needed to keep the courage to be able to pull off this stunt. "Alright then," Sky said with a smile, at the two ponies that compleyed the stunt, "What do I have to do?"
  6. Could be a distant Earth, but then again my throry could be just connecting to my inner Twilight Sparkle!
  7. Interesting to note: French, Italian, and Spanish are what are known as Romance Languages (Interesting how Cadance with her love magic has a Romance Language name). Now Romance Languages all are derived from Latin, as these countries were at one time occupied by the Roman Empire (hence the Roman in Romance). Whenever I hear something like haute coture or Mi Amore Cadenza, I think that these are like Latin in our world. Those words are probably a throwback to possibly an ancient Equestrian language, just like Latin is here. Like Latin, this ancient language isn't spoked by everypony, but there are some words that are still present.
  8. Lore Weaver listened intently to High Roller explaining what he sold at his shop. The unicorn was always interested in, even as a foal, games that challenged his mind. While many of his fellow classmated liked activities like tag and chasing a ball around, Lore liked playing checkers and memory matching games. The thought of a store that sold such games intrigued him. "That sounds really interesting High Roller. I'll definitely be checking out your store soon. Things are a little crazy now getting the store up and running, but after that I'll stop by." Lore was so engrossed in High Roller's store that he had forgotten that the waitress had arrived and delivered his sandwich. It was only when the Mayor mentioned the fact, that Lore noticed. "Wow! This sandwich is amazing! I had this kind before in other cafes, but not like this." As Lore ate, he heard Ice Storm explain to High Roller how she went to Ponyville. Even though he heard her tale before, it was still unsettling how she seemed tobe so upset with Canterlot that she left for Ponyville without so much of a plan much less a place to stay. Still, he was glad that at least he was able to provide a roof over her head for the time being. "Well, High Roller, I also lived in Canterlot. I love books, ever since I was a foal, so I wanted to do something with my life involving books. I wanted to be a librarian, but unfortunately there were no jobs available. So, I decided to do the next best thing and become a bookseller. Canterlot already has several bookstores, so I decided to try Ponyville. And now here I am."
  9. Sky caught pieces of what Crescent and Fleethoof were saying, something about a maniac moonbeam. He guessed it was a name of a stunt. But what intrigued him the most was the mention of a third pony and hos Crescent looked at him and Conor. "I don't know what they're up to, but it sounds like of of the two of us are going to be asked to do something."
  10. Lux

    Sky Flare

    Thanks for the replies! Then again, a few months ago I was just getting started with drawing.
  11. Lore Weaver trotted up the road towards Sweet Apple Acres. He wanted to get to know more of the town after moving here, and the best place to start would be where he could get food. The unicorn was amazed at how big the orchard was, spanning endlessly in all directions. He wondered exactly how many ponies it took to run such an operation. Getting closer to the actual barn and house, Lore Weaver spotter a stand with a small line of ponies. Looking closer he saw a sign saying "Sweet Apple Acres Apple Kiss." The unicorn stood puzzled at the banner. What did an Apple Kiss mean? He never of it or read about it. Then he remembered at a fair in Canterlot there was a Kissing Booth where a pony would pay and get a kiss. He immediately blushed at the thought that this was something similar. The unicorn was not really skilled in love, as much as he tried, and he certainly never was kissed in his life. Nevertheless, curiousity slightly outweighed embarassment, and he went to the back of the line, waiting to see what would happen next.
  12. Ok fun food time! Spring: Not really anything special. Guess I use my old standby of chicken. Summer: Ice cream, watermellon, cereal marshmallow treats, barbecue chicken Fall: Apples (I have an orchard about 10 minutes away from my house. No, the Apple family doesn't work there), apple cider, pumpkin pie. Winter, hot chocolate, ham, and baked yams.
  13. (OOC: Sorry about responding. I wasn't sure it was my turn.) Lore pondered Rarity's response. She certainly seemed to know alot about fashion, more that Lore knew. Ice Storm also showed great trust towards the unicorn, saying how she had a dress for the blue unicorn. Just when he was about to answer, Books chimed in. He certainly wasn't used to conversation as he seemed to forget that Rarity was speaking to him and then he jumped into a cobversation. But Lore wasn't one to judge his actions. It wasn't like Lore was the most socially advanced pony either. "Well the reason I was asking Rarity is that as I said my bookstore is having a grand opening. I'm almost there to open it up, but the store is lacking style. I'm really bad at fashion and decorating. It seems that tere's something missing with the store, a style. I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to create a style for the store."
  14. "Oh that's ok," Sweet said to the pony named Jubilee who first mentioned the changelings, eveypony makes mistakes sometime." Sweet then saw the mare talking to the pony who jumped into the pot. The poor pony seemed so timid, but at least the armored pony was trying to help. Then Sweet was approached by a new pony asking for fudge. She giggled at how one word could spread to many ponies. "Sure you can have some fudge," Sweet said with a smile as she gave a piece, 'by the way, my name's Sweet Surprise. What's your name?" Sweet then saw the pony that she gave fudge to before now was wanting way more! She went fron asking one to now five pieces, even asking for all of them. She didn't think her fudge was that addictive, was it? "Um... sorry. I can't really give you all the fudge because there might be other ponies wanting some. But I do have lots of fudge and other candy at Mr. Cocoas's shop, so if you want to talk to me after this party, you can."
  15. Sky Flare sat in one of the bleacher seats in anticipation. Although he knew he tried his best, there was always the possibility that his best wasn't enough to get a spot on the team. But at least he was glad that he did it. He then saw the other pony tring out, the one that Crescent called Kicks. "Good luck," he said to the pony as he stood by while the judges conferred.
  16. Lux

    Sky Flare

    From the album: Lux's Gallery

    I'm in the process of drawing all my OCs here, starting with Sky Flare. Here's the stunt pegasus himself!
  17. Sweet saw that Apple Bloom had exhausted her ideas. It seemed that there was a part of the filly that wished that Granny Smith was more mobile to play the games she was interested in. So there was the trick: how to make a fun party that both Apple Bloom was happy to plan but that was also good for Granny Smith. "Ok. I think that if your grandmother likes apples, especially granny smiths, we can have an apple sauce cake. There's such a thing, right Pinkie Pie?" Sweet wasn't sure about that as baking pastries wasn't her forte, but making chocolates was. "Other things can be chocolated dipped apples. Mr. Cocoa has a chocolate fountain where ponies can dip apple pieces into the fountain. For color, apples are red, gold, and green. So I think the colors could be that. Of course we need music, maybe something that Granny Smith would like. But what else?" Sweet Surprise put a hoof to her chin, thinking about something that would be neat. As she thought she noticed a picture of two older earth ponies that she guessed owned Sugarcube Corner. That gave her an idea. "Hey Apple Bloom! Does Granny Smith have pictures of herself, like when she was around your age and doing things like going on vacation, working at the farm, things like that? Wouldn't it be neat to not only celebrate her birthday, but to look back at all the things she did in her life?"
  18. Sweet heard the kind words of Princess Cadance telling everypony that there were no changelings. She heard abou Cadance's encounter with changelings, so if she was certain, than that certainly satisfied Sweet Surprise. "Oh sorry for bumping into you," Sweet said to the pony, "I'm Sweet Surprise. What's your name?" She then noticed that Miracle was still looking for fudge. Her's wasn't that addictive to a pony, was it? "Of course you can have another! I always make alot just incase. And if you want more fudge or candy, the place I work at is not far away." She then wandered over to Cadance, a little embarrassed about the way she reacted. "Sorry about overreacting like that. When the Changelings came, I was so scared! Some even changed into me! I did the only thing I could: barricade myself into my bedroom. I wish I was strong enough to fight back against them, but I guess not."
  19. Sky watched as the bar was added. Percision was something he was better at than speed. He took off and at his first try sailed a foot over the bar. It was close, but not close enough to the bar to satisfy him. Sky made his second pass, getting six inches above. Better, but he had one more try, and he had to do this one well. He took a good take off and then glided over the bar with a three inch space. "Alright," Sky said as he returned to the outer ring, " I think that's as close as I can get it without knocking the bar off."
  20. Sweet was too busy worrying about changelings that she almost didn't hear Miracle's request for a piece of fudge. She gave Miracle one, but then resumed looking about for the changelings. There was no changeling in sight, but then again they were known to change their appearance. Uh oh! Now she didn't know who to trust! Any one of them could be a changeling. She started backing up, until she bumped into another pony.
  21. (OOC: Note for me and anypony else: Rainbow Dash's wing power was 16.5. in Hurricane Fluttershy). Sky Flare saw the anemometer. He remembered how that was used when the pegesai of Ponyville had to transport the water to Cloudsdale. This was going to be tricky, as Sky knew he was not a very fast flyer, but instead he was agile. Feeling rested enough, he took off to the designated starting cloud. Concentrating, he took off and blew past the anemometer before coming to a stop. He then flew around and looked at the gauge which read 11.1. "Heh, not bad I guess," Sky said as he flew back to the edge of the arena.
  22. I don't edit my apps, but in my Logs, I do add notes about anything important such as a new best friend made, a new skill learned, a major event, etc.
  23. Sweet Surprise watched as Cadance tried the piece of fudge. She always loved to see the reaction on the pony's face. After hearing Cadance not only like the fudge but wanted an address, Sweet was delighted! "I'm so glad you like it! I'll definitely give you the address, although it's not really hard to find. The shop looks like a giant gingerbread house. Hey, when your free, why don't you stop by? I can show you some of the other yummy treats I make!" Suddenly a pegasus entered the room. She looked like something was wrong. maybe she was sick, or maybe she saw something. She then did a little kick in the air before falling to the floor. "Oh hi there! Are you dancing?" It was then the pegasus said the word "changeling." Sweet immediately had a scared look on her face as she began to frantically look around the room. Having been in Canterlot the day the changelings attacked, she was rightfully scared. "Changelings? Where? Where are they?"
  24. Sky Flare thought about the three tricks he was going to perform. Being a stunt pegasus, he knew that the arrangement of the tricks was just as important as the tricks themselves. A pony should never start things off with their best trick, or else the spectators will want something bigger. A stunt pony should also never do a trick they are testing, especially at the end because if for some reason a pegasus would fail that, the judges would only remember that failure and nothing else. Knowing this and what he could do, he began his stunts. He flew down through the hole in the ring shaped stadium. Once he was far enough below, he began to fly fast upwards, spinning his body so that his fiery contrail looked like a tight corkscrew. He then blasted through the hole with the Fire Corkscrew flying high into the air. Trick two was his signature move. he flew awaw from the stadium then turned around and accelerated. When he got to where the staduim was below, he pulled up and made an elongated loop with his contrail, similar to his cutie mark. This was his Sky Mark move. His last trick was difficult and a little dangerous, but he hoped would seal his chancs of getting into this team. He shot fast downward, aiming for the stadium. Then at the last moment he stopped, hovering inches above the stadium seats. "So, what do you think," Sky said slightly out of breath.
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