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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Tried out FireAlpaca and I'm impressed by the art program.

  2. Trying to think of some fun RP threads to do with some characters I haven't played in a while, but I'm in a creative slump.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ciraxis


      Actually maybe I have an idea Lux. Do you have OC which can be described as 'humble' and wouldn't mind some sightseeing in Aquelia?

    3. SteelEagle


      When I am home we will discuss more ScootaBloom Everfree Survival Adventure fun times.

    4. tacobob


      Sigh. Hopefully someone will pick up SB. But for now, Wind Walker can always fill in as an Sweetie-Shemp.

  3. Trying to understand the behavior of some people is like trying to smell the colour 9.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NeoExlucky



    3. Lux


      LOL Rose!

      Snozzberries? I do like Snozzberry Jam.

    4. tacobob


      Snozzberries? Who ever heard of a snozzberry?

  4. Twelve pages of Status Updates? Wow, I'm a talkative pony!

  5. Uh oh! Four of my characters have no threads. Should I create a thread for them even with the between season slowdown?

  6. Uh oh! I think I broke reality... again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NeoExlucky


      I told you not to divide by 0 Lux. Remember the last time?

    3. Lux


      It wasn't that. I tried to go through the fourth wall like Pinkie Pie, but I broke it.

    4. NeoExlucky



  7. Um... Princess Luna? Should I be worried about that blood moon I saw in the sky last night?

    1. Smartbrony


      Nanananananana, don't worry 'bout it, it's fine

    2. tacobob


      I like the reply in 'Moonstruck' http://egophiliac.tumblr.com/

  8. Updated my cover page with photos of the three cast ponies I play. Credit to Harwicks-Art for those photos.

  9. Want any of my OCs for a fun encounter with your ponies! If so, let me know!

  10. Want to visit the all new Library in the new castle in Ponyville? Go check out A New Chapter in World of Equestria!y

  11. Was it bad that reading My Little Dashie had inspired me to write fanfics?

    1. QuickLime


      Yes, from what I'v heard it's just a tear jerker with not much substance other than "The sads"

    2. Lux


      See, I know it was a bad fanfic and yet somehow it made me realize that I could write. Maybe it was that I could write better than that one. Granted there were others that I read too, but that was the first since I heard about it and wondered what all the fuss was about.

  12. Weather was bad in my area. Luckily I'm ok and so is my house. Will be posting soon.

  13. What art should I try to draw? Maybe Trixie, some more Zecora art, another attempt of Equestria Girls style art or maybe even Sunset Shimmer. Oh the possibilities!

  14. What is this I that I do see? Have I won another cast pony? Well, not a pony but a zebra! So let's have fun with Zecora!

  15. What would you like to see in a thread with Twilight Sparkle?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SunsetSombra
    3. Hawkeye12


      Discord is available whenever she needs some chaos. :)

    4. Lux


      Great ideas everyone! I like all of them and will be in touch for each thread idea!

  16. What's on my mind? A hat!

    1. Halide



    2. Pretzelparty


      *whistles nonchalantly and hides something behind back*

  17. Who should I choose for the Character Lore thread: Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, or Princess Luna? Due to schedule restraints I can only do one.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. RainbowFoxxy


      Pinkie or Twilight!

    4. Lux


      Thanks for the responses! I think I know who I will make a lore thread for.

  18. Wht's with all the "people hate me" messages here? Trust me when I say there are very few things in life that I hate.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tacobob


      I love, love, love you all! Starting today, I'm gonna travel to everyone's homes and give you all a big kiss! SMOOOCH!

    3. SymphonicFire
    4. tacobob


      Let's see.. Got my stick with the bag at the end...And a snappy straw hat! I'm good to go!

  19. Why are unicorns so easy to talk to? Because they get right to the point! (Apologies for the bad joke.)

    1. Corsair


      *Flicks Lux's horn* Bad!

    2. DreamySunday



  20. Will be on vacation from 10/28 through 11/2. New Twilight Sparkle threads will commence shortly after I get back!

  21. Will be starting new threads soon. I need to renew playing certain characters.

    1. tacobob


      Hey! You have Scoots! You need to use her more. Cause she's best (kid) pony.

    2. Lux


      Yeah, I need to make a thread for her.

    3. tacobob
  22. Wishing every pony a happy Family Appreciation Day (Mother's Day)!

  23. Wishing everyone a happy holidays and a happy New Year!

  24. Wishing everypony a happy Hearth's Warming holidays (Christmas)!

  25. Wishing everypony a happy New Year!

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