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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Mwahaha! Plan "Get Lore Weaver Into as Many Threads as Possible to Increase Character Development" is taking shape! Maybe I should shorten that name of the plan though.

    1. FelicityLace


      Plan weaving Lore Weaver!

    2. stormchaser1991


      Plan Weaving Lore Weaver Lore

  2. So by Season 5 of MLP we might get a Discord, Pinkie Pie, Vinyl Scratch and Rarity for Canterlot Chronicles. Pretty cool!

    1. stormchaser1991


      i am working on an app for a CC discord

    2. RainbowFoxxy


      Woot! Rainbow is excited to have her friends joining her in CC :)

    3. Hawkeye12


      Discoooorrrrddd! *evil laugh*

  3. Happy Pi Day! So go talk math with Twilight Sparkle and eat pies with Pinkie Pie!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      That should be an rp me thinks :P

  4. Let's see... new character added to my logs, picture of him forthcoming as is first threads. Onto the next set of tasks!

  5. New character created! Say hello to Silverglade! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20281-peryton-silverglade-ready/

    1. RainbowFoxxy


      Really great! I like this character a lot. Maybe my peryton in the works can hang out with Silverglade at some point :)

    2. Elderflower


      And Lucy will detest them both :D

    3. RainbowFoxxy


      awesome! Lucy sounds, well, just swell :) I think we may have a fun thread in the making here...

  6. Alright, my new Peryton character is submitted. Hopefully I covered everything I needed to.

  7. Twelve pages of Status Updates? Wow, I'm a talkative pony!

  8. So my Peryton character is getting there. But I have a few other ideas in the works for the future.

  9. Combining Tolkien Elven Lore and new lore for here has been fun creating a new character.

    1. Elderflower


      Peryduil? Thrandyton? I'm excited :D

    2. Lux


      Yep, of course he can't be a king as I think a few Princesses would be upset.

  10. Fans of a certain Wood King Elf will love my new Peryton character in the works.

  11. Anypony who are one my RP threads, feel free to post when available!

    1. tacobob
    2. Quillhart


      Wait. who's giving away money?

    3. Frogmyre


      *Starts humming Ode to Joy in planning*

  12. Rest in Peace Leonard Nimoy. You captured the stars and our hearts. Thanks you for sharing your talent and life with us. Now you can truly sail among the stars.

  13. Curse you stomach flu! I shake my hoof in anger at you!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Ouch, those are not fun.

    2. Lux


      I've recovered. Thankfully it was just a 24 hour bug.

  14. Going to be doing some blog updates and whatnot after the server move on Monday.

  15. Looked at the Season 5 trailer and my mind imploded!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      I demand griffon lore expansion in this season O_O

  16. Going to attempt drawing completely digital rather that hand sketching and finishing with digital. Wish me luck.

    1. SiriusShenanigans


      good luck its always interesting transitioning between mediums. It took me quite a bit to get used to it, but there are plus sides to it.

  17. Writing a novel, fan fiction, and role playing. So many words!

  18. Playing a little catch up with posts. I plan to finish all posts from January and then in the next few days work on the more recent posts.

    1. Ciraxis


      Ohh geez, need to do the very same thing. I believe I owe you one or two posts as well Lux.

    2. tacobob
  19. Being a human is complicated. Time to be a pony!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solaria


      I bet being a bearmanpig is even more complicated. Wonder how he does it.

    3. Lux
    4. tacobob


      I dunno. Cartoon ponies have all of our problem plus magic ones as well. At least you can leave your house and not be carried away by a dragon, or turned to stone by an Cockatrice..Or torn to pieces by an Chimera...Or lured to a watery demise by an Siren...We got it easy!

  20. Four new threads up and running. Looks like the party's still rolling!

  21. Happy three year anniversary to me since I joined Canterlot.com!

  22. Wishing everypony a safe and happy holidays and New Year!

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