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Status Replies posted by Rosewind

  1. I need to start that Twilight Sparkle Fan Club thread soon.

  2. I've been reading the posts of a few people here who have over 100. Easy to do when your posts are 1 line, hmn?

  3. And the Gala comes to a close. What did you guys think?

  4. Wanna be an avenger pony? Join CO:LT Today, and you might just get your chance! [see the Free For All OOC thread!]

  5. One question comes to mind as I approach my second year anniversary being here: How can I be a better roleplayer?

  6. Yay, finally entered Woe

  7. Okay, now I'm activating the forever-noob button just to be safe. So no one is playing Octavia in WOE right? Because I've gone up and down that list three times and I can't find Octavia on there and I really want a 3rd tier character.

  8. I feel violated, like a half-eaten sandwich

  9. I have a question! What's Lime's CM suppoed to mean? I've been sitting here for a few minutes trying to figure it out ._.

  10. Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past; Wisdom is knowing you will be an idiot in the future; And common sense is trying not to be an idiot right now.

  11. Wayforward (They did the Adventure Time game, the Ducktales Remaster, the Shantae games, etc) wants to make an official Pony game? Oh please Hasbro, let it be so! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/09/game-developer-wayforward-wants-to-do.html

  12. So my area went from 90 to 60 in about two days! Make up your mind weather!

  13. Omg whoever put "Hipster Giraffe" for my title, I THANK YOU SO MUCH! *squee* (Just noticed today so....)

  14. "Alright, I've been thinking... When Celestia gives you baby dragons? Don't make mistakes. Get mad! Make Celestia TAKE the baby dragon back! I don't want your baby dragon! What am I supposed to do with him!? Demand to see Celestia's manager! Make Celestia rue the day she thought she could give Twilight Sparkle a baby dragon! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I'm the Unicorn who's going to BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN. With the DRAGON."

  15. Great... now that my avatar [and user title] have been changed against my will I need to get used to it (because I know I'm not going to win this battle) I'll keep my TwiReAnimator Ava on standby in the meanwhile...

  16. I refuse to change my avatar to my cast character! FIGHT THE POWER! Oh and apparently I'm a princess now... huh... how about that...

  17. found his original first run Gameboy from when he was an itty bitty Tacobob. Bloody thing still works!

  18. Congratulations Canterlot.com for reaching 6000 total members!! :D

  19. It's a shame Canterlot.com doesn't have a consistent identity any more. :(

  20. Returning (albeit not full force) to play around on Sugar Star!

  21. "misses the old banner already.*

  22. I feel like I'm doing a lot of waiting on this site

  23. "misses the old banner already.*

  24. Sorry guys, but that has to be the worst site banner Canterlot's ever had. -_-

  25. Sorry guys, but that has to be the worst site banner Canterlot's ever had. -_-

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