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Status Updates posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. I refuse to change my avatar to my cast character! FIGHT THE POWER! Oh and apparently I'm a princess now... huh... how about that...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      I in fact did not change my avatar...

    3. Bellosh


      Glad to hear Col. Pummel finally has a boss again. XD

    4. tacobob


      Yeah, they didn't have anyone to sign all those R.E.A. paychecks.

  2. I'd like to publicly blame RoseWind and Rarity for my inability to read the username "EmpireofRapidash" as anything other than "EmpireofRaridash"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SteelEagle


      The Meritocracy of RariJack is better.

    3. RarityDash


      More like the Mediocrity of RariJack :P

    4. SteelEagle


      Silence, heathen. Boil in the fluid of your own insolence, ignorance, and blasphemy!

  3. If you had a thread with Celestia or would like to start one (aside from two open threads I'll be making in Ponyville and in Canterlot) feel free to PM me.

    1. QuickLime


      -messages on Skype- :D

    2. tacobob


      -message tied to a brick and thrown through window-

    3. NeoExlucky


      -Message put into a bottle and sent out to sea-

  4. Internet is back. Still lots to do. Will try to be back to RPing soonish...

  5. It has occurred to me, that as of yesterday I've been on this site for 4 years... Huh. well how about that.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      And...congratulations! You have survived here for 4 years!

    2. Blueblood
  6. Kneel before Zod.... That is who we are supposed to kneel before right?

  7. Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past; Wisdom is knowing you will be an idiot in the future; And common sense is trying not to be an idiot right now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Davroth


      Common sense is less common then one might think.

    3. SilverSwirl


      Trust me, light this fuse.

    4. ArrowWing


      That about sums it all up.

  8. More than 1000 years ago, I really gave myself some bad advice regarding my sister... I'm my own worst adviser...

    1. SteelEagle


      I thought it was pretty good advice. She was a whiny whiner who whined. And tried to kill you. A thousand years of nightly spankings was the best punishment, I believe.

  9. New avatar for a new holiday :3

  10. Off to the Broadway play "No Man's Land" starring Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. <3

  11. Persona 4 Golden + World Cup Soccer = slow posting.... *sighs*

  12. Slowly but surely I will get back into the swing of RP...

  13. So 10 days straight of work... I'll try to RP soon... Sorry for the delays everyone

  14. Sorry everyone... Looks like I'll be MIA in RP until December...

    1. Frogmyre


      A wizard is never late to an RP, nor is he early. He arrives exactly when he means to.

  15. Sorry I haven't been terribly active. I've been preoccupied and couldn't get into a RPing frame of mind (everything I wrote was terrible) I'll get back into it this weekend. If I have things to reply to just let me know.

    1. tacobob


      Know how you feel. I'm pretty much at work all the time, and it doesn't look like it's gonna get better for me but worse and my internet connection has been horrible during the last few days. I need to yell at my provider...Considering how much I spend on this. ugh.

  16. Sorry I've been MIA I'm going to resume RPing ASAP. Life became crazy

  17. Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

    1. QuickLime


      0covers with blanket-

  18. USA! USA! USA! Congrats Women's US Soccer Team on a dominating World Cup victory!

  19. Well it looks like I'm not RPing tonight. I'll try again tomorrow when my computer isn't being so fussy.

    1. tacobob


      How is your computer being fussy?

    2. starswirlthebearded


      It stopped loading some webpages, and Canterlot looked weird, so I just stopped trying and restarted my computer and did a boot-up scan just in case. Everything seems fine now. No virus was found so I'm guessing it just needed a fresh reboot, and Chrome was just being glitchy.

    3. starswirlthebearded


      (Canterlot looked weird when it managed to load that is, which I considered lucky as most of the time it was just a blank page)

  20. What a day... I'm not even sure I can do anything of value after a day like today.

  21. Who wishes to unwrap Celestia as their special somepony? :P

    1. Solaria


      Leonarrie would... when alicorns are playable anyway. I'll find an IOU valentine.

    2. Elderflower


      Frostlace will do it happily.

    3. blackswan126


      If it was Nightmare Moon I would but not with Celestia, maybe with a different character.

  22. Why is everyone talking about tomorrow? I mean I know Easter is on Sunday... But tomorrow? *shrugs*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CanvasMayHogany


      My family keeps talking about it to

    3. RandomRainbowz101


      Canvas? Your family??

      (The hype is for the season 5 premiere XP)

    4. LittleBerry
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