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Everything posted by Solaria

  1. Added more filling with a bit of caramel, couldn't find the chocolate.
  2. Cadence waited patiently for her new traveling companion to be fully prepared for leaving, watching the rest of the events in the shop with a bemused expression. Saddlesore, she thought his name was, seemed to be a very irritated and opinionated pony, but she kept her mouth shut on the subject. After all, it seemed to be giving the elder stallion something to do while keeping him company. A few of the others were arguing over missing items or something or another, but what really caught her attention was when Pigpen spoke to his flies to hail a cab. The alicorn had subtly avoided going anywhere near the insects while wandering around the shop, but now she watched curiously as they enticed a cab driver into the store just by stealing his hat. A small snicker escaped her lips before the stallion turned his attention to her and she instantly forced her expression into one of resigned dignity. "Thank you driver!" she said happily. "I'm sure we won't be too much longer."
  3. New video card incoming! And more figures... Oh money, you go so quickly.

  4. Summerfall was admiring Opal's dress until it was directly commented on, and she brought her attention back to the other mare. "Yeah, I just finished for the day actually," she explained. "Nothing different up there, so just enjoying some peace and quiet. And this is the new mk3! Keeps me nice and warm, but you know..." she wiggled a few tiny frost crystals from her feathers, "they still haven't figured out how to keep our wings warm. Science can only go so far, eh?" Without ceremony she shrugged out of the suit and tugged her mane free, ruffling it heartily until it settled into a pleasing teased look. Organized chaos. The pegasus liked it. After re-adjusting her goggles on her forehead and grabbing hold of the discarded workwear, Summer draped a hoof over Opal's back and began leading her inside. "Just some new place that opened a little while back. It's not huge yet, but the music is great and they've kept the drinks cheap to attract customers." She giggled. "It worked on me anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about what you're wearing instead of how much fun we're going to have!" Without further ado she stepped inside and was immediately enveloping by a pulsing beat, the music surrounding and attempting to batter Summerfall's form with pure force of sound. It was out of luck, however. This is what she lived for. With strobing lights reflecting brightly off the shining surfaces of her goggles, the mare turned to her friend once more. "Do you want to get a drink first, or food? Or did you want to get right to partying?!" she shouted, despite being mere feet from the other pony.
  5. Cadence chuckled as Rose tried her fudge then proceeded to write off the royal life. It was certainly one of the less common attitudes, normally she was surrounded by ponies full of envy and delusions of luxurious, lazy grandeur. In truth it was constant work, simply work surrounded by coats of arms and squabbling nobles rather than the hustle and bustle of a town. Ponies never seemed to realize the gem of a gift that was the amount of privacy they were allowed. Well, most of them. This mare seemed to have a handle on what she liked in life. "I wish I could do that sometimes," the princess admitted, falling prey to a few nibbles of her daisy fudge in between sentences. "To be honest, taking small runs for exercise while I was on a visit to Stalliongrad was some of the most fun I've had in a while. It's so chilly, so you have to keep moving and then you can come inside to a nice hot chocolate in front of a roaring fire! You should visit someday if you haven't already." Polaris's sideways remark didn't pass by the pink mare's attention, and she made a playful face at the duke. "Yes, far be it indeed!" she quipped, smiling innocently. "A certain princess might have to get in touch with a certain doctor if such dictations or opinions were enacted," she teased gently. The next customer to trot in, however, nearly dropped her jaw. Was that her cousin?! Duke Polaris she could understand, as despite his regal manner he was most assuredly out to enjoy Canterlot during his time at home. He was also a rather amiable pony. Blueblood though... she just had no idea. "Prince Blueblood," she said quietly and in demure tones, inclining her head into a bow. "So nice to see you after all this time. I'm here because my friend Sweet Surprise," she indicated the pony, "is having a two for one fudge sale, and I noticed it as I was walking through Canterlot. A little daisy delicacy sounded quite nice about this time of day." She moved to stand in front of the rest of her order, mostly hiding it from view behind her back. After all, she was only fudging the truth a tiny bit. Little was a very relative term, and she didn't want to offend his sensibilities concerning royalty and sweets.
  6. Royal nomination for Duchess as best roleplayer. So much imagery in those posts.
  7. Cadence lifted a subtle eyebrow as she sipped at her wine, as she was watching Shining Armor watch his admirer in Martini Paradise. It was an effort of will that she didn't sputter or choke on the delicious vintage, considering all the playfully needling remarks that sprung to her mind. On the outside, she was still perfectly resigned, enjoying her drink. Such self-control. "It's a pleasure Martini!" the princess beamed, following her husband's introduction. "If you're getting him to drink wine," she gave a tiny jerk of her head in Shining's direction, "you know you're a skilled barsmare indeed! I mean, the wine itself is amazing but credit is always due to the one who picks it out." She set her partially-drained glass on the countertop while listening to the music for a moment, mulling over the flavors again and again. Sometimes it bothered her, the tiniest bit, when she caught other mares eyeing her husband as Martini had been. She would always immediately dismiss such thoughts, as they were married and had been through so much. After all, hadn't she been taken in by his looks the first time she'd laid eyes on the unicorn stallion as well? It was only fair that others get to admire the prize that was her Shining Armor. Shaking her head slightly to clear away the little dark cloud hovering within it, she returned her gaze to their companion. "So! How did you come to be in this business anyway?" she queried. "I don't think I've ever seen a dull, quiet barpony in my life. Where do you all get your energy and friendly.. spunkyness?" the mare asked, for lack of a better word.
  8. Cadence listened politely as Savory explained her passion for cooking, starting from before she was born! That was rather impressive to the mare, as she'd never heard anything of the sort, and she stood rather transfixed for the rest of the story. A passion from before a pony even existed in the outside world... She'd have to think about that later as a stallion trotted up and introduced himself to the princess and the restauranteer, mentioning that he was a city courier. "A pleasure to meet you as well," Cadence replied. "Perhaps we can talk later," she added as the two other ponies began speaking with each other about a previous get-together. A call of her name stopped the royal mare once more, however, and she turned to find that another female pony was moving forward this time. "May I help you?" Cadence asked kindly, mildly confused by what the other pony was saying. "I'm sorry, should I have scheduled something with town hall before coming? I wasn't aware if there were any special procedures," she admitted, an embarrassed smile on her lips as she spied the tied scroll cutie mark on her companion's flank. "I'm assuming you work for Ponyville, after all."
  9. Dark ahead is the path I travel, love be mine lantern.

  10. Cadence nodded encouragingly at Timid as he seemed to take her help and advice, and gave a small smile to Polaris's subtle gratitude. In a moment they had switched places, with the duke speaking with the colt and the princess coming face to face with the new mare. This time she was ready, and she inclined her head slightly. "My apologies for not greeting you right away, Rose. I didn't want to interrupt Polaris, so I hope you'll excuse my rudeness. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She trotted forward to peer at the strawberry fudge, raising an approving eyebrow. "Now cherry I can't really get excited about, but strawberry is something different entirely," she laughed. "Would you like to try some of the daisy fudge I'm taking with me? It's really rather good!" After taking a small glance to make sure the two male ponies were still talking, Cadence lowered her voice to a whisper. "After all, I don't think Polaris needs many more sweets today. His doctor really will come after him!" she snickered. "All I have to do is avoid the royal cook with mine, and that's easy enough if you toss an apple in the opposite hallway if you must pass the kitchen." The alicorn sighed with a mild smile, picturing the amusing scene in her mind's eye. "So! I hope it's alright that I called you Rose... If you prefer Ms. Madder I'd be happy to refer to you that way. And if I may be so bold what brought you out today? Just candy?"
  11. Cadence blushed lightly at the stallion's compliment to her eyes, but accepted it gracefully. The figure truly was a small work of art, even being as modest as she could be about her own likeness. "Thank you as well. And I would love to see more of your handiwork on the train ride if you're willing to share it." She turned to Madam Bistro. "Oh it doesn't bother me, really," she admitted. "I'd prefer something like this to an uneventful day trotting around the castle with no pony to talk to. My aunts can deal with paperwork for hours on end, but I get a little bored," she also added in a whisper. After checking and making sure that Princess Platinum's crown was secure in a chest and locked tightly, she glanced around for anything else that needed doing. Otherwise, the trip to the train station was better made sooner than later...
  12. ((Well I messaged Circe and haven't received a response, I'm guessing this thread is inactive for now. Let me know if anything happens otherwise here and Cadence is needed.))
  13. Roleplay Type: Mane Name: Destiny Sex: Female Age: Mature Mare Species: Unicorn Eye colour: Pale Silver Coat colour: Byzantium Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Her long mane and tail are a flowing amethyst held in a simple yet elegant style, usually with her mane tied back to keep it from her face. Physique: Tall and slim, with a soft form Cutie Mark: Origin/Residence: Originally from the Badlands, her permanent residence is in Stalliongrad. Occupation: REA Mage and Dedicated Student of the Arcane Motivation: To further her abilities and discover the truth about her family Likes: (optional) Everfree Forest, Snow, Magic, Old Tomes, Legends, Harp Music Dislikes: (optional) Disbelief without foundation, Blind hatred, Change for the sake of change Character Summary: Destiny was born and raised in the wintry northern reaches of Stalliongrad to a pegasus father and unicorn mother. Her father Leoras and her mother Solstice Glimmer were both rather doting parents, but the pegasus was often called away for military duty as an active member of the REA. While alone in their cozy home, Solstice would read stories of ancient legends to her daughter, such as the terrible black wyrm of the Badlands forests, or the deep sea monster that was vanquished by a mighty earth pony of the Gallopocus Islands. Leoras, on his time off, much preferred to teach his daughter practical skills that were better learned in pony than in books. As soon as Destiny was able to conjure rudimentary magical force, he would take her outside and train her in various concentration and endurance exercises. "Discipline is everything," he would say, testing the filly's limits in every way he knew how. As best she could, the young unicorn strived to make her father proud. As her will was tempered like iron by the pegasus and her mind molded gently by her mother, Destiny found that her developing focus allowed her to acutely control her flows of magic, much more so than her mother despite the differences in their age. Spells came more and more easily to her, and didn't exhaust her nearly as quickly as they once did. Days passed blissfully for her, the wide-eyed innocence of her youth transitioning into a calm, collected personality that hungered for information. She could become heated at times when passionate about a subject, but overall was very agreeable to be around. Solstice taught her manners and polite conversation, which paralleled military conduct taught by Leoras. Destiny knew her mind was her strength, and forging her personality to best support that was her best course of action. As her knowledge grew, so did her ability to stand on even ground with her father during their training. After a few more months she had become adept enough that she could focus on multiple things with her arcane manipulation, and impeded Leoras's wing movements while simultaneously affecting the environment to her advantage. For the first time she bested the pegasus and the parent couldn't be prouder of his daughter's progress, especially when her intricate cutie mark shined into being on her flanks, further cementing her achievement. He suggested that her talents could be utilized to great extent by the Royal Equestrian Army, and she agreed enthusiastically. The unicorn settled rather easily into the next stage of her life, filling her days with magical exercises, reading, and lore studies when she wasn't actively assisting in REA duties. Her repertoire continued to expand, and she came to be known as a bit of a recluse despite her friendly disposition and willingness to help others when problems arose. It wasn't that she shunned company, simply that she was so absorbed in polishing every aspect of her life into the flawless gem she knew it could be. Her parents had seen great potential, and the mare was determined not to waste it. One day while actually around other military ponies, however, Destiny caught an joking off-hoof comment about a pony from the Badlands becoming so handy to have around. When she questioned the stallion and learned that he was speaking of her, she immediately headed home to question her parents, who were unexplainably silent on the subject. "We were poor and desolate at the time," Solstice Glimmer murmured. "I was making a living as an armorsmith for a small nearby village," her father added. The way they answered the question, and avoided any searching queries put Destiny's sharp mind on high alert, and as soon as she was able she made the journey to the foreboding wooded reaches. The villagers told the unicorn of a dark and evil dragon that lived deep within the wood, who was suitably given a wide berth. The wyrm from Mother's story! she thought, striking into the forest alone. After much searching she managed to find an abandoned, run-down cottage adjacent to a long-dormant forge. She had found several clearings that had been full of broken trees and charred ash, only reinforcing her belief that was in the right place. Near a crude firepit centered in the middle of the cottage, she uncovered a rusted REA helm and blade, with the letters "Leo" etched near the hilt. On the closest wall, there was an inscribed message in the wood, likely cut by the same blade she'd just found. I survived the solitude. I passed your test, Mother and Father. One day, I'll discover why. Destiny sat for a long time, all of her doubts banished by the simple name on the blade, her father's nickname. Had the stallion she'd been so proud to serve Equestria alongside kept many more dark secrets? And what of her mother? This message blatantly referenced that she had a sibling, yet she remembered nothing about living in the Badlands. Upon returning home, her parents were nowhere to be found for her questions. Now Destiny largely passes her days as before, albeit with a slightly sobered and determined attitude. With the REA seeking her father for abandonment, she figures it can't be long before he's found, one way or the other. And then she'll have her answers.
  14. I would have used coriander and thyme... With a side of black magic.
  15. My stamp worked. I should abuse this.
  16. Cadence waved a non-chalant, yet mildly embarrassed hoof at Gold Wish before inclining her head in return to the bow. "It's no trouble! We're in a park after all. It's not like the world just stops because a princess happens to be around right? Although that would be pretty useful..." She nodded her head as Heart Healer expressed her thanks, turning back to the remaining pair of ponies while giving a sideways smile at the filly, silently conveying that she would speak more with her in a moment. After all, tensions were just getting worse rather than better. "Maybe Heart Healer finding us here really was the best thing to happen," the princess said slowly, not wanting to be offensive. "It sounds like you have a lot of deep problems with Canterlot in general, and it's affecting your self-esteem," she added to Ice Storm. "I'm not meaning to be rude, I'm just saying perhaps she would be the best pony to help you."
  17. "What an honor," Cadence replied genuinely, trying to recall whether or not she had met Professor Starbright at all. She likely had, but she had such a terrible memory for names, especially with all the ponies a princess had to meet. "I do recall the twins and mention of an observatory, but honestly the Open House is a bit of a blur for me," she admitted with an embarrassed smile. "So much going on you know." The alicorn was just about to comment on Polaris's entertaining attempt at sneaking a piece of the daisy fudge when a rather cheery and clear voice ran out through the shop. It apparently belonged to a customer who had visited at least once before, considering her words. What was interesting, however, was her reaction to the princess herself. She appeared to be caught off-guard, though she rectified it quickly and made pleasant conversation. Her stallion companion was just as quick on the uptake, leaving Cadence with her mouth partly open in response... only to snap it shut an instant later while hoping no pony had noticed. She really would have to revisit her lessons on etiquette, whereas the Duke dealt with these pleasantries on a daily basis for years, the royal mare had needed to change her approach to nearly every kingdom she'd visited. She obviously still remembered how to move among high society in Canterlot, it was just taking a while to stay in gear now that she would be staying. Regardless of how friendly she wanted to be to other citizens, she was expected to maintain a certain amount of regal composure, something with which she'd already pushed the limits several times in the past in pursuit of more relaxed relationships with others. As Timid burst back into the shop, stammering an apology to Polaris, Cadence sought to relieve the stallion of the awkward predicament of speaking to one pony while another was vying for attention as well. She trotted around the older ponies so as not to disturb their discourse, and leaned down to speak with the colt on a face-to-face level. "Timid Star," she said with a soothing smile."If anything I should be the one apologizing to him. I laughed first. It's good that you came back to say that you're sorry, but you don't need to debase yourself either. I'm sure Polaris will tell you the same after he's done speaking with our new friend here." She offered a gold-clad hoof. "Come on now, off the floor, and we can wait a few moments for our turns."
  18. It's not something you're allowed to refuse.
  19. Ignoring the race to greet you, I'm going to take the higher road and offer you a very warm, love-filled welcome. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you as the Lurv Princess!
  20. Such a symbolic teacup. It amuses me to see how many ways Angie can make me look salacious. Great job, squidly thing
  21. It's going alright, just been mostly bedridden the past few days.
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