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Status Replies posted by SteelEagle

  1. They make Applejack Cereal?


  2. Have you tried solving your problems with fire today?

  3. Chuckles,  you actually convince the staff to allow you to have Applejack and Rainbow Dash as a couple despite them not being together in the show? That was a surprising post with the 100 Country Kisses role play.


    Though perhaps Canterlot has become a little less strict over the years. One wouldn't get away with something like that in MLP Forums. It might help that you play both Rainbow Dash and Applejack, as well being a moderator it appears.


    I'm back. I...was active. For awhile. but...my laptop got fried, to put it simply, and I've been basically only online on my phone for a couple months now. BUT it's repaired and should be running normal again! I'm sorry about any RP's I ended up abandoning. I plan on resuming my normal activity and posting some art soon! :eerie:

  5. excuse my posting tardiness. I am pooped. to sweeepy to post. Will catch up soon.

  6. Im so lonley lost a freind and no pony will talk to me on discord...so much for friendship being magic.

  7. I still remember all of you, and I miss you so so much.

  8. Every time life drags me away from this place, I always look back on the old roleplays and friends fondly.

  9. Anyone here ever re-watch an old episode because of an RP here? WXq3pgA.png

  10. Expect a postie from me tonight- or tomorrow.

  11. Expect a postie from me tonight- or tomorrow.

  12. hey all i'm alive 


  13. Expect a postie from me tonight- or tomorrow.

  14. hey all i'm alive 


  15. Starting to think I might not be cut out for rp anymore.

  16. My busted hdd has finally been replaced by a shiny new one! I'll finally have my computer back this weekend once the cinnamon roll is done doing the thing with it. (:

  17. I love everyone here!!! <3

  18. Let's see. Door is nailed shut. Real live lion guarding said door so roomie cannot disturb. Phone has been crushed by 16 ton weight.. I think I might be able to post today.

  19. Let's see. Door is nailed shut. Real live lion guarding said door so roomie cannot disturb. Phone has been crushed by 16 ton weight.. I think I might be able to post today.

  20. Is there something bad about a Celtic cross? I have a design on my hoodie an I keep getting scowls from people. 

  21. Is there something bad about a Celtic cross? I have a design on my hoodie an I keep getting scowls from people. 

  22. Besides the AJ RP..I THINK I'm caught up. If there are any that I need to reply to, please tell me. HOPEFULLY I'll be able to sit and post soon.

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