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Posts posted by flutterscotch

  1. I'm only somewhat sad it's over. 

    I'd been on board since day one, further back in fact because I was a G1 collector since 1983. I've lived through it all. The good times, the bad times, the increasingly ridiculous gimmicks, the Lyra plushie, Baby Lickety Split. It's just another chapter.  We might tip back to kiddie nonsense with forced conflict for a bit, but then it'll tip back the other way since Hasbro is now aware of the money they can glean from adult fans. 


    But I like when things have chapters.  You can enjoy an encapsulated whole.


    It's like why I'm glad that Freaks and Geeks ended after one season.  Sure, I'd like to spend more time with the characters, and want to know what happens, but I'm not sure them fully spelling it out for me would do it justice. Especially if it's done extremely poorly.


    That being said I have like a season and a half to catch up on.  Sigh.


    • Like 3
  2. @Flutterscotch

    It might interest you to know that my mum was a model in the 80s and was paid to be in a music video or two for Def Leppard. She got to meet them all and they're still her favorites. x3

    As for Owl City's influences, I'm not very familiar with John Vanderslice. Adam's influences - imho - are more obviously people like Johnathon Ford and Thomas Newman, with the overall style probably being most comparable to The Postal Service (which is a group I love). Looking at roots is definitely good with any artist! I wonder why people tend to be so very critical of Owl City's influences, though.. o3o His is some of the most inspiring and unique music that I’ve ever heard.

    The check out Ben Gibbard's Solo Project All-Time Quarterback. I worked for that label back in the day.

  3. Oh god. I know I am supposed to be gone, but I need to respond to this and how do I even qualify this into ONE SINGLE ALBUM?

    Music is a huge HUGE part of my life. Always. Even as a very young child, I was very aware of what I liked and did not like, and spent more of my first-fourth grade years listening to the radio than watching TV or playing video games. I spent most of my money from my first jobs on records (yeah, those black things that look like frisbees), and even as the very first thing I bought when I got a divorce was a brand new record player. My mind automatically fills in soundtracks to memories, and hearing a song that I haven't heard in a long time can instantly transport me back in time.

    So I will take it back to the earliest album obsession.

    Def Leppard's Pyromania pretty much shaped the entire 80s for me. It was the first record I bought. I was PROBABLY 7, and it was about a year after it came out. If we want to count the one album that influenced your musical tastes the most, this would be it. Not by virtue of the sound of the album per se, but rather by the influences that i eventually researched and sought out. Queen, Bowie (which to be fair my mother forced on me), Thin Lizzy and the entire spectrum of glam rock was revealed to me by my love of this album. This album made me bring music into my live as something very important.

    And when I was in high school Beck's Mellow Gold came out and basically turned me into a indie kid who loves relatively noisy, guitar-driven rock for life, compelting the spectrum of stuff I listen to. Before this I didn't know independent labels existed (i discovered this by virtue of One Foot in the Grave, which was released on K). Now most of the music I listen to tends to be more skewed that way, not to mention that i have even worked for one in Seattle, and have friends who release albums on many of them. The DIY lifestyle is pretty much my identity. I exist in a circle of crafters, musicians, small farmers and the like. It also made me attracted to men in 70s style cowboy shirts, which has not gone away.

    Also, all you people who are talking about Owl City. Please look into their influences, like John Vanderslice (who is actually a friend of mine, and makes crazy awesome and intellectually challenging music, and is pretty much the NICEST GUY in indie rock). Actually, for ANY band you love, look into their influences. You will be amazed at how your musical spectrum grows. You like a band? check them out on allmusic.com and look at the "related" tab. Follow that trail back to the bands that influenced the bands you love, and the bands that influenced them. You will not regret it once you find some musical perfection from the past.

    • Like 4
  4. Hey, you're back! Are you here to stay? :?:

    No, I am giving it a few days to make sure that I get to contact everyone I need to. I have been a member of thie board since the long ago days before it was Canterlot.com. :D

    Also trying to figure out a way to free up my character's names so that they can be re-used. Except Unicornelius. None of you can TOUCH that one!

    • Like 1
  5. Scotchie, you know I <3 you. I'm glad you're doing what you've gotta do :)

    As I've said many times, I'm so glad we met. The fact that we ended up meeting like this just makes it all hilarious!

    You will always be the power of 9 ponies on the internet to me, Jen. <3 <3 <3 <3

  6. We miss you very much, Scotchie. Remember that even though the site may have a focus of an unhappy period in your life, the people here do care about you.

    I hope you'll stop by to visit us; if not here, in Skype. :smirk:

    I will, I promise, now that things have settled down a bit!


    Hai. I know I barely knew you, but you have no idea how hard your words hit me; it's something I can personally relate to. I'm sorry we didn't get to know each better and wish for you to come back, but I know that might not be a possibility.

    I'll pray for you tonight. Hopefully you'll find a future you can happily live in.


    Kodokuna Haisha

    Thank you :) I hope things get better for you as well!!!

    • Like 1
  7. Life sure moves fast when you are trying to complete restructure your life.

    Hello friends. Long time no see. I know it's been awhile with no communication from me and for that I'm pretty sorry.

    See, in January, my life began to fall apart because I finally confronted my husband about his latest emotional affair with a co-worker. Around mid-February it turned into a full blown affair and I eventually filed for divorce. It just wasn't fixable at that point, despite years of me trying, encouraging counselling and trying to emotionally reconnect to him. He just responded by being a passive-aggressive manbaby. All of my other mysterious unexplained absences from this board were directly caused by depression associated with my marriage and my husband's tendency to get emotionally involved with other women. As a matter of fact, part of the very reason I JOINED this forum was so that I could have something to do while I was at home because he would passive-aggressively intentionally hit on women because I was not at his disposal. Partially the immersal in a less-painful fantasy world helped tremendously. But eventually I got to the point where things just kept falling apart and the fantasy was just not fulfilling anymore and was worsening my depression. On top of this all of my projects were due in the Feb-May time slot, and when you are going through something as traumatic as a divorce, no matter how amicable and mutually agreeable, focus just doesn't happen. You get stuck in a rut of being bummed out and every day just blending to the next.

    I live in Massachusetts, and work in Boston. I moved to the area 10 years ago for the man I just divorced. My divorce was finalized 2 weeks ago, the trial was the day that Boston was on lockdown from the manhunt for the Marathon Bombing suspects. He only just moved out May 1 after originally trying to leave April 1, and unfortunately moved 2 blocks away from me (literally, I can see his back door from my yard. Who does that?)

    I've begun the long and tedious process of picking up the pieces of my life, reconnecting with people he really frowned upon me communicating with, and trying to get projects that my ex has constantly emotionally sabotaged me on completed. All in all, though, my life is very full but I am exponentially happier and fuller. I am starting a business, a small press dedicated to producing childrens' books, and an etsy store to sell off the years of vintage items I collected when I assumed we were going to buy a house together. I do not have any regrets, and all my friends have told me that I am my old self again now that this is over. A little older and wiser perhaps, but still me, after so many years of being "Carl's Wife".

    I kept the apartment we shared and most of the stuff, but have to cull a lot of the things I had collected in my unhappiness. Unfortunately, Canterlot.com is one of them. I just don't have the time or energy to commit to it anymore at all. :( I will miss you all, and am glad that Canterlot was a part of my life for awhile, and will be eternally grateful to Mane and Artax and the rest of the staff for their support and understanding, and to the rest of the friends I made while I was here (but especially Jen and Dio, who had front row seats to my entire collapse and were tremendously helpful through it all even today, I love you both!). It was good while it lasted and I wish everyone the best of luck! Goodbye Canterlot, I'll never forget you. <3 <3 <3 If this can serve any lesson to anyone, just be kind and honest to each other, always.

    • Like 6
  8. Hi there!

    After reading our FAQ, guides and rules, you might still have questions about some of the World of Equestria Roleplay Application process. That's OK! We're here to help! Take a quick look here to see if your question has already been answered, so you can expand upon your question.

    [colour=#ff0000]This index only includes selected questions that have been asked by users of this site, and answered by the RolePlay Helper team in this subforum.[/colour]

    For full RolePlaying guidelines go here.

    For full application guidelines go here.


    [colour=#b22222]Tips and tricks![/colour]


    [colour=#a52a2a]How to create a character[/colour]

    [colour=#b22222]Other character-related questions[/colour]

    [colour=#b22222]"My character has been accepted, now I need to edit something"[/colour]


    [colour=#a52a2a]RP Continuity[/colour]

    • Can your character be in more than one place at the same time? Short answer, SURE! Long answer
    • Does your RP have to mirror the current season? Short answer: Nope! Long answer
    • Does the World of Equestria Roleplay use ALL canon information (show, books, comics, etc)? Short answer, no, only the TV show. Long answer

    [colour=#B22222]Official Event Suggestions[/colour]


    [colour=#a52a2a]Expanding beyond the existing lore for the World of Equestria forum. (Note, the answer is almost always no, for the World of Equestria forum)[/colour]

    • Like 5
  9. YAY! Yes, finally a person who understands what an introduction IS!

    Welcome to Canterlot.

    In regards to your "far-fetched" future dreams. If you are in your early teens: do what you love and don't actively worry about making a career out of it yet. Read everything you can. Even right now you can be honing your skills and making little stop-motion movies (or not stop motion) even with a cellphone camera. . Just do it. Start doing it they way you think it should be done very slowly at first. Do it with toys, or patterns made out of beads and stuff like that. Do it all the time until it comes naturally to you. Don't worry that it's not exactly how you want it to be. You never even need to show it to people (but do not delete it), do all kinds of animation and photography tests, so things that you wouldn't ordinarily do for yourself with different materials and genres. Single out your favorites of these animations tests and hold on to them because eventually someone will want to see your creative process (which you should document). Just do it all the time until you are a senior in high school where you unveil a short(s) that you've been planning for the next few years, include it with you college application. That's the key to getting into school and a career for this. Persistence and the ability to clearly document your creative process. Talent gets you noticed, sure, but getting people to choose you over everyone else comes down to reliability, perseverance and the knowledge that you can HELP the process of making someone's vision come to life, not hinder it. Very very VERY few people come out of the gate just being handed funding for projects of their own, so if you keep your initial hopes for out of college to being willing to just work in the industry at all, you will be in much better shape than many of your contemporaries (and a WHOLE lot less disappointed). And intern, as soon as you can, in the field. Even if the interning position sucks. Even if it's just holding a mic. A positive attitude will gain you contacts.

    And never, ever give up on making your own stuff, even if it's an hour a week. Eventually, someone will see what you are doing, and will show interest. It might take a long time, but if you're lucky it will not. But if you have contacts, make sure that once they know you. show it to them if you can make it seem natural. to put it out there.

    If you do want to go the stop-motion animation route, look into works like William Kentridge's rear-projection works. Art Clokey's stuff, like Gumbasia or Mandala, for techniques you can use right now with very very little investment other than time.

    I tell you this because if someone had told me the same thing at your age, when I had freedom and little responsibility, I would have been in better shape at 18 for art school than I was. There are loads of people out there who want to do this, many of whom will have advantages that you do not have like special camps and schools and overly-involved parents, so you have to be grounded in passion and perseverance to make it. But it is not far-fetched, at all. It just won't happen overnight.

    • Like 2
  10. Mishka (8 years old) / Roxie (9 years old)


    Chicken cat and nosy-butt concernicus (note that Roxie has dust all over her face. Default mode. NOSY! She falls off windowsills scrambling to see who's coming down the street. Also, she is ALARMINGLY close to the camera in this photo. NOSY!)

  11. While this is a good idea, this is not currently scalable to the World of Equestria forum with the bandwidth we currently have, especially as we are still working on releasing lore that we have already seen in Season 3 of the show. The introduction of each new species brings to the table a new set of lore and traditions that has to be created, catalogued and made ready for the users to rely on. Then the entirety of the RP Helper team needs to be able to remember each of the different rules and quirks of each race and apply them to the vetting of applications. For this reason, we will be sticking to species and varieties and strains thereof that we see on the show, within reason (of course, we will generally not allow a species if it is deemed over-powered). Cynogriffins and the like are actually races that are a holdover from the very early rules of this forum when there were far fewer users and scalability wasn't as much of an issue (an exception, not the rule).

    And remember, the forum that official lore is generally applied to is World of Equestria. Equine-focused, and slice-of-life.

    You are always welcome to apply for and play any variety of any mythological creature in the other two subforums.

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