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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I don't know, I don't want her poor tail to get kicked too hard too soon, the mare needs time to get going before some Spirit of Punishment comes along to make the poor mare wet her self.
  2. ok got it up, I do believe I did everything right but if not, let me know.
  3. Nice, and I think Tehengu will be good as he has a nice counters to Tartarus without sounding like he can wipe the floor with her. Makes it feel like they can have some nice bath and forth fighting. sounds good to me! Well, I will cook up some post for this, seeing as it will need me to start as Tartarus needs to start wrecking somethings for heroes to show up.
  4. oh nice! Well I'd love to unleash some Tartarus. So one or two of y'all want do something with Harbinger of Tartarus? Be her first time doing Supervillain things under that name and a test bed to work out how to best play her. So if some low level hero wants to battle a low level Supervillain here's a shot at that. XD
  5. Dusty


    wow, that looks nice!
  6. Sweet Luna! Dio is unleashing much spooks. 

    1. Dio


      *gets proton pack*

  7. I need to make a Caribou OC. It's not like my only sona for years was a Caribou or something, maybe I miss it as I have not been "a Caribou" for a long time thanks to MLP. Maybe it's time I fix that. 

  8. Woo! my first RP ever was something like this. So I am pumped to do an other Superhero/Supervillain years later.
  9. That was so on accident, I did not think of her looking like him for some time. It was only half way in to her app that one hit me. Good thing her Backstory is not like his or that may have been something silly.
  10. (man, I hope I am not too late for this but dubstep told me you can use some Supervillains! So here's hoping I am not late to the party!) Name: Ember Ashwing Supervillain Name: Harbinger of Tartarus (Will have colored art soon, wanted to get this app out sooner then later!) Powers: Fire manipulation/creation, fire/heat immunity, strength (maximum of five tons -10000 pounds / 4536 kg- lifting force or punching force), supernatural durability (Not to be confused with Invulnerability.) Weaknesses: Water/ice powers, extreme weakness to magic based attacks as her durability does not stop magic damage, blind in her right eye. Alias: Ember the blacksmith. Ember works as a freelance blacksmith and takes great pride her in craft. She lives her with mate, a caribou named Kave Rangifer that has no clue his wife is a Supervillain. She is shy and hardly goes outside her shop duo to her horrible scarring. Backstory: Ember was born in the coastal city of Seaddle to a single mother named Gothic Iron. A freelance blacksmith who created armor and blades. Thanks to this Ember and her mother found her powers early on in life as the young filly played with the flames of the forge and hot steel. Fearing Ember may end up an outcast or even hated and feared, Gothic Iron trained Ember to hide and suppress her powers. Going to school was not easy for Ember and she spent most of her classes sleeping or trying to restrain herself in gym class, the young filly was often shy and reclusive. This only grew worse after bullies started to pick on the odd bat filly. Too scared to defend herself and reveal her powers she was easy prey. But it was in this time she made her best friend for life, Kave Rangifer the caribou. The two feeling out of place and often picked on grew to be close friends as they helped one another stand up to bullies. Ember’s fillyhood became more normal over time but she never felt like she belonged and as the years passed she grew a deep seated anger for the “normal” kids with their pumped up kicks. But her friend and mother kept her in check. But Ember was a pressure cooker ready to blow if one part failed. This failure came in in the final year of high school as a battle between an untrained Superhero and Supervillain came crashing into the school. In the chaos that followed Ember found herself trapped between the two super powered ponies and in fear unleashed her powers as flames raged to life around her. The Superhero that was battling a villain that used fire, misidentified Ember as his rival and believing the the supervillain was going to unleash fire on fleeing ponies, unleashed a powerful magic missile at the flaming mare and struck Ember on her right side. This accident forever deformed Ember as the magic warped her skin and completely burned away her right wing. Blinded by pain she never felt before Ember failed to see the Superhero rushing to her aide, shocked and horrified as to what he just did. She bucked him in the chest with all the strength she had in her and kicked the Superhero clear over the top of a neighboring skyscraper. The Supervillain named Spitfire saw everything and feeling some small kinship in the mare that had fire-based powers moved in and unlike the hero, came in from the front. Using calm, motherly words she calmed Ember and took her back to Spitfire’s hideout and helped doctor the wounds. The two had a long discussion about what happened to Ember, Spitfire explained how she grew up feeling the same way but found that hiding did nothing, bowing down and groveling at the hooves of weaker ponies gained her nothing but pain. Ember found truth in Spitfire’s words, all her life she was holding back, lying and losing races just to look weak to make normal ponies feel better. Why? Spitfire took Ember back to her home and dropped the mare off in the dead of night and told her; “If you want revenge, just go to my lair and tell me. I need a sidekick as strong and powerful as you.” Her words hung in Ember’s mind even as her mother greeted her with tears and worried hugs. Ember’s life was never the same after that moment. Scarred by the magic she refused to go back to school to be bullied even more for looking horrific. So she cut herself off from the outside world and poured all her anger, hate and rage into a new hobby, blacksmithing. Kave Rangifer was the only one other then her mother she allowed to be around and talked to. He spent much of his time with Ember and soon the two found they may be more the friends as he made every effort to help the injured mare. It was not long before the two were dating. With her life starting to grow more stable Ember found the words of Spitfire coming back. Blacksmithing was just a hobby to distract her and Kave filled her with love, but he never had the power to make her feel like she belonged or was normal. One full year after Spitfire offered to take Ember in as a sidekick she took the offer up and went out to meet Spitfire at her lair. Spitfire made good on her offer and took Ember in as a sidekick and started to train her in combat and how to master her control over fire. Soon Ember took part in her first ever act as a Supervillain by helping Spitfire in a train robbery to steal some technology. At first Ember was scared as they blew open the doors, stormed in and started fighting guards. But the fear gave way to joy as she smacked guards away like flies, ripped doors off hinges and sent ponies running and screaming with waves of fire that danced at her whim. It was empowering and for the first time in her life she felt truly alive and knew there was no going back. From that day on she lived a double life. Ember the blacksmith who lived with her coltfriend and her Supervillain life, full of crime and heart pounding battles with Superheroes. It was exhausting at times but Ember stuck to it learning all she could from Spitfire for the following two years. After one battle with two Superheroes that Spitfire and Ember won by the skin of their teeth, Spitfire told Ember she had nothing more to teach and it was time for Ember to be far more than just some sidekick. She was ready to be a Supervillain by herself. The two spent the following days saying their farewells as Spitfire wanted to move on to a new city and pass Seaddle on too Ember’s flaming hooves. With Spitfire gone Ember took a short break from crime to deal with some important factors in her life. She married Kave Rangifer and opened up a blacksmithing shop down by the coast named Ember’s Forge where she built custom armor and blades for ponies along with metal jewelry. After things settled down she got to work in secret to build a suit of armor to act as her new disguise for she was no longer just some sidekick, no she was… The Harbinger of Tartarus! Notable Allies: None Notable Personal hero rivalry: None Friends and family: Gothic Iron, mom. Kave Rangifer, Mate. General Notability: She was only known as Spitfire’s Sidekick and has yet to make a name for herself under her new name as the Harbinger of Tartarus.
  11. looking for someone wanting to RP with Dusty, hit me up if you want to come up with something with me! 

  12. I am back from Bronycon! woo! Ya! Hi! I go sleep now! 

  13. Going to Bornycon! See you all around in a few days!

    1. CatCakey


      *waves a white hanky and crying* Farewell Dusty!

    2. Davroth
  14. So Dusty is up and ready to RP and I'd love to get here if somepony wants to rp with him. But with me going to Bronycon I will not have time to do much at all until after the 11th. 

  15. BBQ, fireworks, guns of all shapes and sizes, family from all over and tons of drinks and rock and roll! Man, that is how you have fun on this day! 

  16. yes, I know. Sorry I was gone for so long. life can do that. But I'd like to have ever ones word on what we need to do with TotalEcplise before we move on.
  17. ok lads, dusty is back and going after a long MIA to help my self out. But looks like TotalEcplise got Banned... So what are we planing to do with this?
  18. Sorry ever one, but my dog is sick and she is eating up my time and drive to rp. I hate doing that but y'all just have to hold on for a time. Sorry.
  19. Oh have at me! Take some swings. I like to let the other end make the call on things. Seeing as Dusty is slow, fast hits land. Just don't hope to do more then make him mad at you with that tooth pick. But if you want to check with the other, talk to the and pm what your going to do. then you both can work some thing out!
  20. Well good on you to try and save them. Never saw it coming. Oh well, makes it more fun.
  21. I must say, all of you moving to take me on... Did not see it coming. Dusty may pull out if you guys push on him. He really is not use to others taking them on in such force.
  22. Um, can I ask for ever one to hold up? I had to re-make my post like five times now. XD It will be up ASP, Just let me get is done here.
  23. Just tell that to the poor town folk that has his ship flying over head. They may be less gun ho and more run for your life. XD But good to see them stand up. It makes Dusty happy, he hates runners. No honer in them.
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