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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. Posting Skype logs, in case any were curious about the blitz of new topics.

  2. Posts are coming... at some point. When end-semester work permits. Promise

  3. Posts have been caught up with!

  4. Question for new/prospective members: What sort of RP thread would you find most welcoming for your first here? A large thread open for many characters, or a smaller one with more specific to your character?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. QuickLime


      One where Ocs aren't overlooked and ignored due to there being a canon character there would be preffered :P

    3. Lyipheoryia
    4. TheFinestSorcerer


      In the spirit of Thor... *slams down glass mug, shattering it on impact* Anothah!

  5. Really should just sit down and write out these character ideas in my head, but I'm barely making full use of the cast I've gathered already.

  6. School's settled down, now I can RP regularly!

  7. So, how do you guys like the way I've been playing Blueblood? (May affect whether/how soon I app for more cast characters)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      Fairly well I'd say. Even though you are a terrible nephew :P

    3. tacobob


      More like a Ne-pew! Am I right?

    4. QuickLime
  8. So... I have failed to extract a candy wrapper from my laptop's CD drive. This might prove expensive...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slazer


      His laptop had a midnight craving, I guess.

    3. Blueblood


      No idea. I saw it, tried to dig it out, and accidentally pushed it in.

    4. GhostGirl


      time for tweezers!

  9. So... what would make a good event finale tune? Looking for a good song that 3 can sing on stage. Tune is paramount, lyrics can be adjusted

    1. Dunder


      Anything by Run DMC

  10. Sorry if I've been a bit tardy in replies lately; I had to prep for my GRE test.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      I need to take the GRE as well... not looking forward to it...

    3. Bellosh


      Good luck! Tell us how the test turns out. :)

    4. Quillhart
  11. Starting tomorrow, I'll be out of town until Sunday. After that, starting work, so expect a slower pace from me in the future.

  12. Taking my little sister to University tomorrow morning...

  13. Taking suggestions for a cutie mark: what would be good for a pony that has many enthusiasms, but a short attention span for each?

    1. Rosewind


      A bundle of pixi sticks!

    2. Windwright


      A kaleidoscope rose?

    3. QuickLime


      A sparkler with a short wick

  14. The advantage of being the last to hear about a band is that there's a lot of good music to go through.

  15. The moment you label a person as entirely evil, you lose all power over him.

  16. The quickest way of going mad is to complain quite reasonably about your quite real hardships.

  17. The storms have been passing over my house. The lightning came out for a good show, and was courteous enough not to make anyone lose power.

  18. There are two things that the Internet as a whole will never tolerate and the world as a whole will try to break: a clear head and a compassionate heart.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slazer


      When's the patch due?

    3. leapman
    4. ShadowWalking18


      Utterly true. Yet those things will save the world one day

  19. There! Caught up with all my non-event threads.

  20. There's a certain satisfaction that comes from putting a hotel on Boardwalk, even if nobody lands on it over the course of the game.

  21. Things are looking up, personally.

  22. This is to inform you all that Pumpkin Peanut Brittle is delicious, and you should all try some. Unless you are allergic. Then I am deeply sorry.

    1. Hawkeye12


      Gah...I was over the whole "pumpkin flavored everything" thing a long time ago. Still, that does sound good.

    2. Rosewind


      I picked up pumpkin spice pumpkin seeds today. Totally meta.

  23. This latest post reminded me of why I love playing Blueblood so much.

  24. This weekend was... less productive than I'd wanted it to be, in pretty much every way.

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