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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. Going to be away for the Holidays, be back around Monday or so


  2. Going to visit my folks for my Mother's birthday.  See you guys in a couple of days!

  3. Gonna be offline tomorrow. See you all on Sunday!

  4. Got a bad stomach infection; RP muse has been put into remission for the forseeable future.

    1. tacobob


      Sorry to hear that :green:

    2. Dusty


      get well soon Bluey, take it easy and relaxe mate!

  5. Guess who a possible Covid exposure sent home early and back into isolation?  *sigh*


  6. Hey all, gonna be out for the week in VA for thanksgiving with the folks.  Will check in via mobile, but might not get any long replies in

  7. Hey dude!  Did you need something?  Noticed you were trying to clear out your gallery?


  8. Hey!  Sorry if I've been holding up any threads, been kind of busy preparing for my new job.  I'll get some out over the weekend, but with the new commute time's gonna be scarcer for me.

  9. Home for the holidays now.  Will still be on, but less time for posting

  10. I am going to be on vacation for the next week, internet access will be spotty at best.  Won't be able to post during that time.  See you when I get back!

  11. I am home!

    1. Bellosh


      *provides a hero's welcome!*

    2. dragonofruin
  12. I got my computer back!  I will try to catch up on all my threads this week.

  13. I'll be away in New England until Monday, so I'll be catching up with you all later!

  14. Is anyone waiting for me in any threads?

  15. It's my birthday!

    1. Ciraxis


      A little late, but Happy Birthday Bluey! I hope you have lot's of dun in the year till the next one!

    2. Noonherb


      happy birthday!

  16. Just got home.  Will try to catch up on RP replies this evening


  17. Leaving for the week to VA.  Might get a reply out to the Gift Exchange thread, but will mostly be with family.

  18. Leaving for the weekend to visit my sister; replies won't come until Monday.

    1. Dusty


      Have fun and be safe!

  19. Looks like I'm not gonna be able to get any posts out before I get home. Sorry, guys

  20. Mayor's Office Open hours!  Sign up here!


  21. Moving has started in earnest!  I'll be out of the RP game through Saturday, when I'll hopefully be set up at the new place.

    1. Windwright


      Good luck! We'll keep things ready for when you get back.

  22. Ok, so if I turn the wifi on my phone off I can access the site through my cell network. Interesting

    1. PyroBlaze


      Huh, interesting indeed.

  23. Out of town for the weekend, replies will wait until Sunday!

  24. Semester is over and I'm back, baby!

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