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Status Replies posted by DreamySunday

  1. This year kind of rushed by.

  2. when you guys make a post as your character, do you listen to music that you feels best captures how they are? Or am I the only one who does this?

  3. With HeartsWarming all said and done, I can FINALLY get back on track with my upcoming con! Con crunch time is upon me!

  4. In rain or snow, ready to go!

  5. I'm back my friends!

  6. Going to Organize a Canterlot Christmas Thread, all are welcome to attend

  7. Going to Organize a Canterlot Christmas Thread, all are welcome to attend

  8. I wonder... Does anyone here remember who I am?

  9. I wonder... Does anyone here remember who I am?

  10. When your best friend joins Canterlot :)

  11. I REALLY should update my character log... it's so old it still says Presteza is dating merlot.

  12. I REALLY should update my character log... it's so old it still says Presteza is dating merlot.

  13. Leaving tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me

  14. I don't know what to say except you're welcome.

  15. It's been a while since I posted here, but I have to say this: "Well folks, that should do it. That's the last ever episode of My Little Pony that I have watched. It's been a great run with lots of memories and memorable moments (and some that I would rather forget) over five great years, but now it's time for me to pack my bags and move on to bigger and brighter things. This isn't goodbye, but the start of a new chapter. Thank you."

  16. "Who puts bullets in a sword!?"

  17. Happy American Thanksgiving, from the country that did it a month and a half ago.

  18. Taking a break from Canterlot.com for a while. Shouldn't be for too long. Apologies to RPs I'm involved with, feel free to skip over my characters.

  19. Some lucky little girl got the new Equestria Girls DVD for her birthday.

  20. Man on man. Canterlot you loving BlindJester might be coming back!

  21. Well, great. I think I broke my finger...

  22. Good night Everypony!

  23. Ever stumbled upon an amazing present you were getting but you werent supposed to know about it yet? *waves hand*

  24. Graduating college today! Woo!

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