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Status Replies posted by RarityDash

  1. Looks like Funco is releasing Rarity, Daring Do and Discord next month http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/07/funko-discord-daring-do-and-rarity-hot.html

  2. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Applejack?

  3. My motivation was obliterated tonight. Uggh.

  4. WEEE! Legend of Korra!!!

  5. I just noticed there aren't any Winter Wrap Up 2014 badge thingies. Is that intentional?

  6. WEEE! Legend of Korra!!!

  7. Been away so long it feels like I'm a new member again

  8. Today is my birthday! For some reason it feels like a normal day

  9. Hmm, I may have to do more in CC - I once said I wouldn't, but since when did I ever listen to reason! :P

  10. Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie in CC are open until July 14th! Sweetie Belle WoE until July 12th! Octavia and Lightning Dust, open!

  11. I'm new here & I have no idea what to do. XP

  12. Applejack is best pony again. I mean it this time. No more changing. Apple horse is my one true waifu. That's final.

    1. RarityDash


      Boo. You know deep down you love the fashion horse. You will be back for her.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

  14. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

  15. Once my current portrait thread concludes, I'll be making a new one in CC. Also the portraits be full body images instead of just from the waist up! :D

  16. Coco has 2 stallions interested in her OH HO HO

  17. Since I'm her player in CC, I need to know for sure. Is it spelled "Cadance" or "Cadence"?

  18. So many dating threads, it's awesome XD. I think I might make a Maud Pie one when I'm not so busy.

  19. So many date threads - gotta love it. Me, I don't really need one...I have better ways! :P

  20. So... I've seen at least three dating threads for cast characters in Canterlot Chronicles. Hmm...

  21. I'm serious, Maud is the greatest character ever. I've put my RariTavia fanfic on hold just so I can ship myself with her.

  22. I waaanaaaa Drossel figmaaaa

  23. I waaanaaaa Drossel figmaaaa

  24. I waaanaaaa Drossel figmaaaa

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