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Posts posted by Dubstep

  1. Popping a couple of the berries into her maw, Lemon smiled as the lite tart flavour spread through her mouth, "Mmm~ These are really good thank you!" she said with a smile as she walked alongside the pink pony who awakened her, "Oh it's alright, it's not all that heavy. Just a few lemons, some clothes, my blanket and a couple other things!" Lemi said as she hefted the bag around, shifting its weight more, she was lying through her teeth it was really heavy to her, but she was so TIRED of somepony waiting on her hoof and haunches day in and day out, she just HAD to prove to herself she can do something.

    "Oh my, that sounds simply delightful, so deliciously tart~ But yes indeed, one must try all kids of delicacies. Mustn't limit your horizons! Lemon said as she smiled at the sound of the cake her new friend has described, it was almost as if she could taste it just by thinking about it, "Oh...Uhm...I don't believe they would mind...No, in fact I'm sure they wouldn't mind and breakfast does sound oh so pleasant about now." there she went again, lying through her teeth, if her parents knew what she was doing they'd both have a conniption!

  2. "Quite, the night is ever so lovely, the sounds of the crickets chirping and the peaceful breeze that floats through the air" Lemon said with a poise befitting of someone of rich upbringing, she'd soon have to work on that, tone it down a bit so nopony would figure her out, "Yes ma'am, I uhm, went for a walk and decided to stop for a break and must have dozed off I imagine hehehe. I am alright though, no cause for alarm, and that would be splendid thank you." she said with a smile as she began folding up her blanket, it was a little damp from the dew, but not enough to do any harm, "Mmm, strawberries sound delightful, I must say, I prefer tart things, my favourite snack is a nice fresh lemon or lime!~ The more sour the better. My name is Lemon Sunrise, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lemi said with a giggle as she placed her blanket into her pack and hefted it onto her back before turning to Strawberry and curtsying politely as she told her name.

  3. As soon as Glitzen had hugged his friend, a new customer came in, obviously embarrassing Honeywing, rather than embarrass him further, GG turned to see who was asking, "Yes darling that's me~ Glitzen Glamour! How may I...OH! Oh my!" he said as he spotted who had came in, the looks, the hair, the EVERYTHING, it was unmistakeable! "You! You're Neon Pop! OH my goodness! It is an honour to have you in my salon dear!" THE Neon Pop was in his store, Glitzen was all a flutter, never had he expected to have someone so famous come into his salon, let alone on the opening day! "What can I do for you today Miss Pop?~ Heheh" he asked giggling a little bit while brushing his mane out of his eyes.

  4. "Oh no! No NO NO! We are NOT doing the place over, it was bad enough you picked black carpet, do you know how expensive that is to clean? But nooooo you just HAD to have black, I still say red would have been just as fine, even cheaper!" Ignus said looking up from his clipboard where he kept various numbers and notes, it's not that he wanted the casino to not succeed, far from it, he was mearly trying to keep his boss from spending all the money they would make, before they even MADE it.

    "Think about this, if you set up all new decorations and a new front and a new sign, we'd probably have to sell alot of the game tables. We're working on a tight budget here, and until we get some cash flow in, I'm not letting you let any cash flow OUT." he said sitting down the clipboard before walking over to a small table where a snack bowl filled with gems is setting. Grabbing a handful he began snacking a little bit, "I hate to ask, but you DID remember to turn the open sign on, right?" Iggy asked with a chuckle as he tossed back a ruby.

  5. Lemon was sleeping peacefully, her dreams were full of new friends and the fun they would have, snacks, games, that sort of thing, it was peaceful and so unlike life back in Canterlot. As she dreamed her little filly dreams, she was soon roused from her slumber by a gentle voice and a slight nudge, "Mmm...just five more minuets Walter... she mumbled as she rolled around a little bit, before remembering she wasn't at home anymore, "Hmmmn....Oh hello there! Yes I'm quite well madam, thank you for asking." Lemon said with a smile as she say up and stretched out the sleepy and rubbed her eyes, "Ahh, the sunrise is so lovely isn't it?" she said as she looked towards the morning sun.

  6. Life in Canterlot, to most, looks wonderful, it's clean, bright and there's so many things to do, but to Lemon Sunrise it was a prison, "But mother, why can't I go outside? It's a wonderful day out, not a cloud in the sky!" the young filly asked of her mother, Emerald Broach, while brushing her long pink and golden mane

    "Because my dear, only common riffraff frolic, we have more tact and dignity than that" her mother sneered, "and besides all of that, you still have your lessons to do, I'll not have any daughter of mine gallivanting around as though she were some, uggh, Ponyville hick!" the green haired mare shuddered as she began out of her daughter's room, "Now put such silly thoughts out of your mind! We have a big day tomorrow, your father went to a lot of trouble inviting all of the guests to our annual ball, Photo Finish herself is going to be there!"

    "Yes mother..." Lemon sighed sadly, getting up to go to the window, she stared out to all the children having so much fun, when suddenly, a knock and a voice came to her door

    "Milady? It's time for your lessons." an older unicorn stallion walked in, it was Mr. Dornez, her family's butler.

    "Ohh! Oh it's you Walter, you startled me." Lemon squeaked, turning around to her teacher

    "Day dreaming again Lady Sunrise?" Walter chuckled as he walked over to the bookshelf

    "Today we will be studying the basics of poetry and various verse." he smiled, levitating a book down from the top of the shelf

    "Walter....What's it like in Ponyville?" Lemon asked, staring out the window

    "Well" Mr. Dornez said pondering, Lemons father would send Walter into town on occasion to gather some apples and other goods, "It most assuredly is not as nice as here in Canterlot!" he said wavering a bit when Lemon started to frown, "B-but ahh, the ponies there are nice enough, a nice school and lots of foals." Walter said walking over to the young miss, "Now what has your mother told you about asking me such things milady?" he said patting her head

    "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, I don't understand why, we can't be that different than the 'commoners' as mother and father call them!" she said tearing up a little, "For so long now, I've wanted nothing more than to find out...Hmm, well, I guess we should start on the lesson." Lemon said, wiping away the tears from her eyes

    "That would be best Lady Sunrise." Walter said as he began.

    A few hours later.

    "Goodnight princess!" Lemon's father, Golden Crown, said as he gave his daughter a goodnight kiss, "Don't forget dear, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, perhaps Madam Finish will choose you as a new model, since that Fluttershy girl gave up!" the golden pelted stallion said with pride as he turned off the light

    "Goodnight father I" she started to say, but her father had already left, ...Love you. sadly her parents were always so busy, be it with their Bits or their dances.

    Later still.

    "Mother? Father?" the young foal whispered into her parents room, the moon was high in the sky, and it was far far past her bed time, "Good they're asleep, tonight's the night!" Lemon said to her self grabbing her near by pack, gathering up various thing, some food, her favourite dresses and accessories, and a large amount of Bits from the vault, Lemon Sunrise began to sneak out of her house, "Ok...Here we go!" she gulped as she opened the large door to the mansion, the cool night air whisked through the house, it made her shiver, with a small gulp, Lemon took her first unsupervised step out into the world, the streets were bright and bustling, as one would expect of a city such as Canterlot, "Oh dear, I better not take the main streets if I wish to be unnoticed!" she said as she trotted towards the woods on the hill towards Ponyville

    "Oh this is so exciting, I've not even been allowed to read much on Ponyville! I wonder what it's liiiiAAAHHHH! Lemon smiled talking to her self, until she slipped on a loose rock, rolling down the hill a ways, she came to a stop near the bottom

    "Oww, ohh, my hair! My lovely hair!" she said crying, "Hic...Well...I guess since I don't want to be caught" Lemon said, regaining her composure and reaching into her pack, she pulled out some scissors an gazed into a small puddle nearby with tears in her eyes "Hnng, goodbye my dear locks, tis a small price to pay!" she said as she began to snip away the length of her mane, snip by snip tossing pieces of the pink and gold mass into a nearby bush, tears slowly falling into the puddle, causing it to ripple

    "Hmm, oh, it looks as though my tumble took me close to Ponyville!" she smiled, standing up and brushing herself off and wiping the tears from her eyes she galloped on towards her destination stopping only to look at a road sign, "Looks to be only a few more miles....OH! Miles?!" Lemon said with a groan, she knew that it would be quiet a journey, but she didn't expect how big it truly was.

    After a few hours of walking, the sun began to rise over the mountains and Ponyville was in sight, finally arriving to the little town Lemon yawned sleepily, "Ahhhh, finally here, I wonder what the ponies are like here, oh I wonder how many foals around my age are around!" she pondered as she sat to rest under a willow tree near the town, "Mmmmm, I suppose a little nap wouldn't hurt anything" Lemon said as she pulled a lavender and silver blanket out of her pack and placed it under the tree, curling up on it she dozed off with a smile, thinking of her new life in Ponville, away from the constant studying and hate of the common folk that her parents tried to drill into her head.

  7. [ Creature Related Character ]

    Name: Ignus

    Nicknames: Iggy, Slim

    Gender: Male

    Age: 'Teen'

    Species: Dragon

    Eye Color: Lust Red (#E62020)

    Physique & Colors:Slim and tall (a bit shorter than Big Mac) especially for his age, white with an onyx black (#0F0F0F) marking starting at the ridges on his head going down to the top of the snout then splitting going under in a line and around each eye, onyx black (#0F0F0F) ridges, black wings.

    Residence: Canterlot/Solstice Heights

    Occupation: Personal Assistant to Royal Flush

    Likes: Gemstones (Specifically Jets (tastes of bittersweet chocolate) and Onyx (tastes of milk chocolate), Ice Cream, Money, Showing off his fire, sleeping on heated rocks, saunas, techno and pop music

    Dislikes: Frivolous spending, beds that are too soft, cheaters and hustlers, snobs, sheep, cold days, those who can't take a joke, being thought of as greedy.

    Character Summary: Ignus was hatched during an entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, after a few years of putting up with a snooty, stuck up, bossy pony, he decided he had enough and left him. Traveling from job to job in Canterlot, Iggy couldn't find the right one for him, it seemed like he'd always have to get a different job every week, that is until he saw an opening for a job at Royal Flush's casino as a personal assistant. Now working as Royal's 'Personal Assistant', Ignus has the daunting task of not only keeping her budget in line, but also making sure she doesn't run the business into the ground on a spurt of upgrades to it. While he himself is rather laid back too, he can't help but be a bit overwhelmed at Royal's sometimes foal-like nature. The term, 'Personal Assistant' turned out to be rather catchall, not only does Ignus send letters and balance Royal's budget, he also sometimes deals game, acts as a bartender, cook AND bouncer. Despite all the work that's thrown at him, he still loves the job and his boss, despite them butting heads on where to spend money, when and how much quite often. Beneath the surface though, Ignus has a heavy heart, as his longevity has suffered unto him the loss of many friends, and thus he finds it horribly hard to lose those close to him, and thus tries his best to make his friends lives as joy filled as he can while he can.

    Additional Status: Breathes Black Flames that 'burn cold'. Carries a messenger style bag with lots of pockets filled with papers, notes, bits and GEMS, mmm~.

    Reaction To Poison Joke: Becomes a shopaholic.

    Font Colour: #480607


    Art by Buxy


    Royal Flush: "Hey boss, now, you may get on my nerves sometimes, and we may argue, but never doubt that you're one of the best friends I've had. And I mean that."

    Tourmaline: "Sup little guy, it was nice getting to meet you at the Gala, if you're ever around Canterlot again, try to find me, we'll hang out."

    Rose Madder: "Ahh the lovely Rose. It was a shame our meeting at the Gala was cut so short, I'll be sure to see you again sometime though."

  8. "Alright today's the DAY! Groovy, can't be late, can't be late can't be OOF!" Dubstep was saying to himself as he skated around town, crashing into a lamp post, "I'm ok! I'm good..." he said to nopony in particular, he was heading over to 'Puttin' On The Glitz', where he had ordered a custom made one of a kind tuxedo for these kind of things, "Now the shop was...this way? NO! This...uhh....OH! That's right this way!" Dub said as he skated off to the direction of the salon.


    "My my my, this is going to knock their horse shoes off! I bet Dub will just LOVE it!" Glitzen Glamour said as he finished off the LAST piece of DJ Neighsay's Tux, as he said about any piece, it was his finest work yet.

    "Hey GG! Sorry I'm late...I got lost......again" a familiar voice came as Dubstep entered the shop, "Oh woah is that the suit! Dang man, it looks awesome!" he said as he caught a glance at the tux.

    "Heheh, it's about time you showed up darling! No it's alright, I just finished up the last stitch to the chest~" Glitzen said with a smile, handing over the outfit to Dubstep, "It'll look simply SMASHING on you dear."

    "Thanks Glitzy, it's a big help! Now you're sure you can't come? The party's open to anypony and I'm sure there'd be at least a couple bigwigs there eh." Dub said levitating the tuxedo beside him as he trotted over to the dressing room.

    "I'm sure darling, it's been rather busy here all week, so a nice night off will do me a world of good! But thank you though, just be sure to tell anypony who asks where you got the dashing outfit~" GG said with a nod, it's not like he didn't really want to go, it was just as he said, needed to rest and relax, he never expected the shop to be SUCH a success.

    A little bit later Dubstep strutted out of the dressing room, "So? How does it look?" he asked, it was a solid black silken tuxedo with orange lightning bolts going down both sides of the chest and two band around the cuffs of both the arms and legs of the outfit that glowed and pulsed different colours, leaving a light trail as he walked.

    "It looks fabulous darling! Simply fabulous~" Glitzen said, giving Dub a round of applause as he turned around showing off the suit, "Oh my, you might want to hurry dear, there's a difference between fashionably late and just plain late ehhehe he said with a bit of a giggle.

    "Huh? Oh? OH! Oh cripes I'm gonna be late, daggone!" Dubstep exclaimed as he grabbed up his skates and headed for the door, "OH! Right, thanks again GG, have a good nights rest!" he said before slapping on his skates and rolling on down the street towards Neon's place.

    "That boy would lose his head if it wasn't attached..." Glitzen said with a chuckle as he closed up shop and headed upstairs.


    "Ok, the place was this way right? No....maybe...OH! There it is" Dubstep said as he looked around for Neon's house, he had been there a couple times before, but his horrible sense of direction always threw him off, "Oh good, looks like I'm not too late after all!" he said as he slipped off his shuttershades and slid them into an inner pocket of the jacket, reviling his different coloured eyes before he walked on into the party.

  9. Name: Lemon Sunrise


    Nickname: Lemi


    Sex: Female


    Age: Foal


    Species: Earth Pony


    Eye Colour: Lime Green (#81F00B)


    Coat: Lemon Yellow (#FFFC19)


    Mane/Tail: Her mane is short and spiky from having been cut by herself and is Pink (#FA39C6) in colouration. Her tail is long, curly, and mostly the same shade of Pink (#FA39C6) but has streaks of Gold (#EBC44B) near the base.


    Physique: Lithe and dainty, about what one would expect from a formerly pampered foal.


    Residence: Ponyville, after having ran away from Canterlot.


    Occupation: N/A, or Student.


    Cutie Mark: N/A


    Unique Traits: Lemon Sunrise is a growing young filly, with still a lot to learn about the world, and hasn't quite found her place yet. But what she has learned is that sometimes little white lies have to be made to keep her from ending up sent back to Canterlot. Due to this she's rather good at sneaking away when there's a distraction or coming up with a reason why she's out on her own.


    She's also rather good at baking tasty, albeit sour, treats! Something that's she's rather proud of, but doesn't realize is her truest talent.


    History: Born to two wealthy jewelry store owners in Canterlot, Lemon Sunrise never went without. She had a butler to wait on her and maids that cleaned up. She had tutors and teachers and books and all sorts of knowledge at her hooftips. She had beautiful dresses and near any toy a filly could want! But the one thing she wanted most of all, was the one thing her parents never let her have. Freedom.


    Her parents, Golden Crown and Emerald Brooch, were rich and influential individuals among the high class of Canterlot. They gained a reputation as prim, proper, posh, and practically perfect. They attended all the high society gatherings they could, taking their daughter along to dances and fancy dress parties to hobnob with the ritziest of the ritzy. The only thing Lemon remotely cared for about the events was the fact she finally had somewhere to wear her dresses. Rarely did she see another foal there. Most of her parents friends either had no children, or kept them home as they weren't 'proper' enough for such an event. The ones she had met were dreadfully stuck up, and may as well have been clones of their parents, rather than foals in their own right.


    Lemon of course never acted up or tried to get out of going to the events. Not that her parents would have noticed if she tried. More often than not the filly would be left under the watch of one of the helpers at the party, while her parents rubbed elbows with other ponies and did what they could to increase their standing amongst the rich. But still she went along to keep her parents happy, even if it meant being bored to tears.


    On occasions though, across the hall or down the street, other parties would be going on. Parties with lights and sound and upbeat music. Parties that actually felt like a celebration rather than a boring collective of snobs. Time to time Lemon would sneak away from the ones watching her and spend time at the parties, sometimes even ending up going home with records that were being given out by the hosts! She would sneak these albums home and play them in secret when her parents were away, dreaming of a day that she would have the chance to attend a REAL party and make REAL friends!


    Time and time again she tried to convince her parents to let her out to play. Colts and fillies her age always seemed to run through the streets of Canterlot, laughing and enjoying themselves, while Lemon was stuck inside with her tutors and books, staring out the window and missing most of the lesson. Her parents, of course, forbid it. She was too good to be seen with the common rabble, they would say, it was for her own good.


    Every once and a while though her butler, a kindly older hippogriff named Walter, would escort her through Canterlot to ice cream shops or music stores, unbeknownst to her parents. And while it wasn't exactly what she wanted it was still nice to be able to get out and see the world. Even if the only world she knew was Canterlot.


    One night, as the moon sat high in the sky and her parent slumbered, Lemon stared out her window as she often did when melancholy. But tonight though, tonight she had enough. There was a whole world out there, and she wanted to see it! To make the friends her parents never let her have, she would have to. Gathering up a collection of her things in one pack, sneaking into her parents vault for a healthy sum of bits in the other, Lemon carefully made her escape.


    The trip was long, and she didn't even know where she was going, but she was going and that's what mattered. Without taking the time to rest for long, Lemon marched and trekked on through the hills and dales. Her longest pause came when, after slipping upon a loose stone and tumbling down a hill, her long and curly mane had gotten caught in branches and brambles. Sad as she was to have to do it, the filly pulled a pair of scissors from her emergency sewing kit that she had packed to snip off her locks, leaving it a short and spiky. As sad as it made her, it was a small price to pay for freedom.


    After her long trek was through, Lemon finally spotted a town off in the distance, Ponyville! She had remembered reading about the village once before. But before she could really set out to meet new friends...she needed just a little nap! Walking so long makes one tired, and a short nap beneath a bridge never hurt. When she awoke refreshed, then it would be time to make her real debut!...Where she would begin though, she wasn't sure. But she was free now, and that's really what mattered.


    Character Personality/Summary: Lemon Sunrise is a young runaway from Canterlot with a bright and friendly attitude. While she might not always know the best ways to socialize in the "common' circuit, she tries her best to make herself not seem like a posh sort of pony. Which is often hard with the bits and fancy dresses she carries around in her packs. If somepony she's trying to make friends with is in need, she won't hesitate to try to help, even if she doesn't particularly know how which sometimes can lead to being taken advantage of. While not particularly gullible, Lemon is trusting and will likely believe what others tell her as long as it isn't incredibly outlandish. Even then, with less world experience than most, if someone shows her 'proof' she may still believe a lie.


    Text Colour: (#FF4080)


    Poison Joke Reaction: Gains a MAJOR sweet tooth and can't stomach the taste of sour things, much to her disappointment, and thus can't help but to eat any candy she can find.

  10. [ Pony Related Character ]

    Name: Dubstep

    Nicknames: Dub, Dubby, Dubbley, Dubster, Dublicious, Bard, DJ Neighsay

    Gender: Male

    Age: Colt (19, around the mane cast's age-ish)

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Electric Yellow

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Orange and Black Striped Mane in sort of a Mullet, Solid Black Tail

    Eye Color: Brown with a Red Heterochromia in the left eye

    Cutie Mark: Green Equalizer Bars

    Physique: Fit

    Residence: Ponyville

    Occupation: Musician/DJ

    Motivation: To someday play for the Princesses at the Grand Galloping Gala

    Likes: Music, The Moon, Passion Fruit, Parties, Sweets

    Dislikes: Prolonged Silence, Bullies, Broken Guitar Stings, Parasprites

    Character Summary: Dubstep was born in Fillydelphia, where his parents, a musician and a florist, taught him the value of nature and sound, they also tried to teach him how to not get lost everywhere he went, but that didn't work out so well, with a slightly short attention span and a horrible sense of direction Dub often ends up getting lost for hours, but as long as he has his music, it doesn't bother him. After the recent Parasprite invasion, he finally decided to take the steps to making his dreams a reality and started hoofing it to Ponyville. Despite playing in quiet a few clubs in Fillydelphia, Dubstep is kind of oblivious to his growing popularity. Dub releases his albums from his own personal record label 'Panik Attack Records' and hopes one day to open up his own club, 'The Turnstable'.

    Additional Info: Born with Synesthesia (Sees colour when he hears music), skates most places.

    Reaction To Poison Joke: Can't speak over a whisper without his voice cracking

    Mother: Shinedown, Pegasus Pony, Light Yellow Pelt, Light Orange Mane and Tail, Flower Shop Owner/Florist

    Father: Fadeout, Unicorn Pony, Midnight Blue Pelt, Black Mane and Tail, Retired Famous Traveling Musician

    Brother: Nightshade Trance, Pegasus, Midnight Blue Pelt, Meteor Orange Mane and tail, Botanist, age 15, has dreadlocks, one blue eye and one green eye

    Font Colour: #FF8F00


    Knightly: "Bro! Thanks again for showing me around Ponyville when I got to town, that's a really groovy thing to do."

    Nightshade Trance: "Dude! My brother! Love you man, you're gonna go far kid."

    Glitzen Glamour: "GG! Yo, thanks SO much for that suit, it turned out amazing, fit perfect and everything, you've got a real touch you know?"

    Whatnot: "Bit of an odd one ain't ya? But that's alright eh, you're cool in my book and welcome to swing by anytime!"

    Vinyl Scratch: "Man, THE DJ P-0N3. One of my idols! It was such an honour to get to chill with you at the Battle Royale. Hope we can hang again sometime!"

    Clutch Vibrafang: "DJ SOUNDBYT3, eh, you might be a bit cocky at times, but you seem like you could be a chill dude, you're cool by me."

  11. "Thank you Miss Wisp, feel free to stop by again anytime!~" Glitzen said as Willow started out, he was sure that she'd be able to find SOMEWHERE to wear that dress, it would have been such a shame to let it just stay in the store gathering dust, "Honey dear, they look simply smashing on you!" he said clapping for his friend as he stuck a pose, the shoes complemented his colours so well, "That's a wonderful idea darling, and I simply MUST insist you stay here! No need to look for a hotel room or something, plus it'll give us a chance to catch up." GG said pulling Honeywing into a hug, it would be great to have someone to talk to since he didn't know very many ponies in town yet.

  12. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria


    Name: Glitzen Glamour


    Sex: Male


    Age: Stallion


    Species: Pegasus


    Eye Colour: Fuschia (#DA0CA6)


    Coat: Blue (#5050E8)


    Mane/Tail: Long Orange (#FF8000) mane with a slightly windswept look. Curly tail of the same colour.


    Physique: Slender, curvy, and feminine, easily mistaken for a filly.


    Residence: Ponyville.


    Occupation: Stylist and Designer, Mane Stylings, Clothes, Decor, the whole nine yards! Owner of Puttin' On The Glitz in Ponyville.


    Cutie Mark: A hand mirror with a bottle of perfume and a comb reflected in it.


    History: Born in Cloudsdale to Red Robin, a interiour designer, and Yellow Ribbon, a seamstress, Glitzen was raised around beauty from birth. Until he was old enough to enter school, his parents would take turns bring him to work. His father would impart to him knowledge of colour theory and what sort of things would really bring a room together. While his mother would teach him how to sew, something that she felt every pony needed to know, even if it wasn't to make dresses or suits. After all, who knows when a curtain may get a tear in it!

    When Glitzen finally was old enough to start school, the pegasus didn't really quit fit in with other colts his age. They were more interested in rough housing or flying or sports as little colts often did. Rather, Glitzen found himself hanging around fillies, more interested in the clothes that were made for their dolls, or the way their manes were done. Something that his cousins mocked him for quite often. Though as he grew and made friends with the fillies in his school, he began to try his hoof at mane styling. Something that Glitzen soon found he had a knack for.

    One day, a Little Miss Cloudsdale pageant came around, and a close friend of Glitzen's was entered! After a bit of discussion with the staff, Glitzen was allowed to be her personal stylist. It was a good thing that the filly was a later contestant in the show, as Glitzen spent a good deal of time working on her mane and tail to make it 'As beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside' as he put it.

    When it was finally his friend's turn to go up on stage, Glitzen spent the whole time pacing back stage, peeking out of the curtain occasionaly to see how it was going. He was just as nervous as his friend, if not more so! But when the winner was finally announced, his nerves were melted away, replaced with pride and excitement for his friend...Which would then be shadowed by the excitement of the new mark on his previously empty flank! A small hoofmirror with a bottle of perfume and a cute little comb reflected into it.

    After the dual celebrations were over, Glitzen and his parents made their way home. Though not before his father decided to swing by for a present, as congratulations for his son getting his cutie mark. It was a fashion kit, a rather costly one at that, but one that Glitzen cherished and worked hard with every day to perfect his newly realized talent.

    Later on down the road, Glitzen found himself attenting a prestigeous fashion institute. Eventually graduating with honours and a burning passion in his heart. He never forgot just how happy ponies seemed to be when they felt beautiful, how excited his friend was when she won that little pageant. Making others feel good, felt great!

    And so, it was then that he decided to open up his own beauty parlor. Originally he thought to open it up in Cloudsdale, but that left so many ponies on the ground who wouldn't be able to come to his shop. And so, using some money he had saved from helping his mother work or the odd manestyling, Glitzen purchased a building in scenic Ponyville! A lovely little two floor building, the upper of which he converted into a home and studio, and the lower which would become his shop, 'Puttin' on the Glitz'!


    Character Summary: Glitzen is a genuinely kindhearted sort of pony. Friendly, open minded, and reliable. A pegasus with a great love for beauty and making ponies feel good about themselves, GG it quite easy to get along with for most ponies. Though sometimes his flamboyant and seemingly carefree attitude may rub some the wrong way.


    Glitzen's upbeat attitude is nearly impossible to squash, but when he's down, it tends to hit hard. Letting the drama queen in him come out. Where everything feels awful and all he wants to do is curl up in bed and wait for the horrible world to just stop spinning. Thankfully these stints don't seem to last very long.


    Ever since he was a little colt, Glitzen was never a very masculine pony. Still to this day most ponies assume him to be a mare upon first meeting him. Something which he never disputes or confirms. As he does get a bit of a kick out of ponies reactions upon finding out he's really a stallion. It's always funny seeing how red an embarrassed stallion's face can get when finding out that he's a stallion too.


    Poison Joke Reaction: Reflection disappers. A true style emergency!


    Font Colour: (E700AD)

    Willow Wisp: "Willow darling, thanks once more for being my first customer in Ponyville! I hope you find somewhere fabulous to wear that dress."
    Honeywing: "Oh Honeywing dear~ Seeing you again was such a treat after coming here. You've been so wonderful to me! The night at the Gala will be one I'll remember forever and always~"
    Bramble Rose: "Ahh, my wonderful model! Bramble dear, thank you ever so for stepping out of your comfort zone for me, the fliers have made business boom~"
    Neon Pop: "Neon Pop, the Pop Princess! What a treat it was to meet you, I'm elated that you enjoyed your styling, and I do hope you'll come again sometime!"
    Buckwheat: "You adorable little thing you, it was such a pleasure meeting you, I do hope your Mother and Grandmother loved their outfits."
    Dubstep: "Dear, I'm so glad you liked your tux! I hope it was a smash at the party! Stop by again anytime you like."
    ​Maximilian Rockefilly Jr.: "Such a charming businessman. I do hope that you and Silk had a lovely time and I hope that we'll be able to do business again darling!"

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